At least he's honest. It's pretty rare for someone to confess a prejudice without trying to hide behind pseudo-justifying language.
I believe that was John Amaechi's response to Hardaways comments as well.
At least he's honest. It's pretty rare for someone to confess a prejudice without trying to hide behind pseudo-justifying language.
Tim Hardaway's public statement should not come as a surprise to anyone who has been in his audience more than 5 minutes. He is the epitome of the ignorant stupid jock. The world is better off knowing what is going on Tim's head, rather than having to guess. I am just amazed at the arrogance of male homophobes who think another man might lust after them. Tim should be flattered anyone would have an interest in him. I couldn't care less what anyone does in their sexual life. Hetero or homo. Too bad the Tim Hardaway types can't get past their phobias. I am guessing that John Amaechi's head is in better shape than Tim's.
Tim Hardaway has now proclaimed that he is sorry for his proclamations. I doubt that his mind has changed, just his regrets that he is the new John Rocker and everyone knows it. David Stern and the NBA marketing group just cut off his paycheck. I would bet that has much to do with his feeble attempt at a retraction. Tim Hardaway needs a time machine.
Edited because I have fat typing fingers this morning and can't find the right keys.
I didn't have a problem with Hardaway's statement, until he tried to backtrack on it. If you feel strongly about something, let it be known.
I might not agree with Hardaway on this issue, but I lost more respect from him for backtracking on what he said, not the actual words that he said. (if that makes any sense)
Hardaway has endorsements?Well - now I know NEVER ever to support anything that homophobic bigot a-hole Hardaway endorses.
Scum like him are why we have so many problems in this world.
Listening to Hardaway, I wonder if he can spell homophobic.
2/5[Tim] H-O-M-O, something
There is no difference between what John Rocker said and what Hardaway said. In fact, Hardaway's comments might be more incendiary.
"It's the most hectic, nerve-racking city. Imagine having to take the 7 Train to the ballpark, looking like you're riding through Beirut next to some kid with purple hair, next to some queer with AIDS, right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time, right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids. It's depressing." (Rocker's feud with New York City began in earnest during the 1999 National League Championship Series against the New York Mets, during which Mets fans allegedly threw batteries at him.) Also during the interview (conducted while driving to a speaking engagement in Atlanta), he spat on a Georgia 400 toll machine and mocked Asian women. Additionally, he referred to then-teammate Randall Simon as being a "fat monkey." Rocker commented about writer Jeff Pearlman by saying: "Jeff Pearlman is who he is: A liberal Jew from New York. He's one of their own, who spent a couple of hours with me, pulled things out of context, and you're trying to create a persona of an individual when you don't know them."