Devil's Advocate for me. I walked out of that movie feeling dirty, looked over at my buddy and said, "Lets go find a church."
Agree. I consider it Keanu's worst movie. *shudder*
Devil's Advocate for me. I walked out of that movie feeling dirty, looked over at my buddy and said, "Lets go find a church."
1) The Thin Red Line (I know, I know...this movie was AMAZING...blah. :roll: )
2) North
3) James & The Giant Peach (loved the book...was SO looking forward to the movie--major disappointment)
4) Fifth Element (again, I know...great movie...I hated it)
Can't remember any others...don't get to the movies very often anymore.
Remake. I wasn't alive for the originalThe Thin Red Line original, with Keir Dullea, or the remake? Original was awesome.
O Brother, Where Art Thou was a fantastic movie (imo). Absolutely love it. Also love The Big Chill.
However, I completely agree about 3 & 4 on your list, Wally. Bleh.
I've never seen Scarface.
Yeah, I saw you mention Fandango. I'll try to pick that up sometime. I do like Kevin Costner, so I'm sure I'll like it.Watch Fandango, I will be surprised if you don't like it better than The Big Chill.
I really like the Coen Brothers.
Big Lebowski and Fargo are 2 of my all time favorite movies, but O brother was so Un Coen .