Game 11 Impressions: 49ers 27 Cardinals 6


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
Last week I drew the analogy that the Cardinals were rolling over like a bunch of possums trapped in a coyote den. Last night was much more of the same only it was showcased for all of America to see.

The Cardinals are back to being the laughing stock of the NFL.

Funny and fitting that Derek Anderson's and Deuce Lutui's laughs on the sideline captured while the team was down 18 points is garnering all the media attention.

The way they and the team played...was...a joke.

Might as well lol.

Funny too that the very first play on offense was a joke of a call to begin with. What a way for an offense to come out and send a message to the 49er defense...that...instead of lining up in an I formation and running Beanie Wells like a battering ram over right tackle...Ken Whisenhunt opts instead to hand the ball to Wells sideways out of a shotgun formation on a misdirection play. The play itself had no chance to begin with. It was a joke call.

Then Jaws said it best..."you learn how to hand the ball off in the 4th grade." Clearly Wells never got his elbow up, as he was looking instead for which 49er DL was going to clean his clock.

Funny that on the next play the entire Cardinal defensive line got wiped out of the middle like wet snow tossed aside by a windshield wiper...which gave Troy Smith a passing lane that was the size of a two lane highway...literally.

Funny that there again was DRC getting outrun by a slower player.

Even more funny that no coach on the Cardinals on the field or in the coaches' box was paying attention to the fact that Michael Crabtree did not appear to have a firm hold of the ball as it hit the turf.

Funny that same as last week when faced with a chance to show trust in his offense and a desire to keep the ball in the hands of the offense, Ken Whisenhunt opts to punt on a 4th and 6 inches...mind you that punting the ball back to the 49ers meant putting more trust in a defense that even with 3 nose tackles playing in the middle could not and would not even put up a fight to stop the 49ers' running game...which HAD to be the number one key to this game.

The funny-ness all really started after that punt...because at that point the game was over. The game was no contest after that.

Minutes later, NT Bryan Robinson, playing LDE, was taken on a Nantucket sleighride by rookie RT Anthony Davis which opened a 20 foot hole in the left side of the Cardinals' defense for Brian Westbrook to scamper through..while the second level of the Cardinal defense showed no interest in tackling.

Back to the 4th grade. DTs are taught to at the very least "crumble" on a downblock or double team so as to leave a pile that the RB would have to sidestep to get around, thus giving the LBers extra time to make the tackle.

That's all I am going to say about this game...we've got to start talking about what needs to be done from here on, because it has been clear for the last 6 weeks that the Cardinal players have little interest and determination for being at least competitive. Something is seriously wrong and this is no laughing matter.

Following the only two games in the last 6 weeks where the Cardinals actually were in the game in the 4th quarter (losses to Tampa Bay and Minnesota), Whizenhunt made the egregious statement that the close losses are "harder to take." That it was much easier to get over lopsided poundings because all you have to do "is get mad" and quickly "move on."

The message this sent to the team was that it's better no to care...not to dwell on close losses when the alternative is to get mad and move on.

Derek Anderson got mad after the game.

Why didn't he get mad during the game?

These Cardinals don't get mad during games any more...if they ever did. For two and a half years they reaped the benefit of having a superb QB outscore most of the opponents...they could even give up 45 points...and still win.

But the last time the Cardinals were thoroughly embarrassed on national TV was the last game that superb QB will ever play...he had run out of gas trying to compensate for an unwilling, dormant and poorly coached the point where "the game is no longer fun anymore."

From the moment we heard Warner was retiring and that the game was "no longer fun anymore"...the funny-ness really began...

Funny that a team one year removed from the Super Bowl was no longer attractive to its own star players as their exodus from the organization was about as swift as a jailbreak.

Supposedly, it was Ken Whisenhunt who changed the culture in Arizona?

Yet, funny that Whisenhunt, despite the team's sudden rise in popularity, could not attract any high profile free agents, save a cadre of ex-Steelers on the downsides of their careers---who came to Arizona knowing they would be over compensated and would not have to endure tough training camps...or a highly demanding coaching staff...or even a highly scrutinizing media.

Whatever credibility Whisenhunt had following the New Orleans emabarrassment last year...and it still should have been plenty...was significantly diminished by his own ensuing words and actions:

1. Proclaiming to the national media and the team that Matt Leinart---the backup to Warner who struggled mightily in relief roles---was the rightful heir to the starting QB position. This confounded the players---because the players were privvy to Leinart's flaws---and they wanted better and much more encouraging news about Warner's replacement.

2. Signing the Anti-Warner in Derek Anderson to be the backup and challenger at QB. No player in the organization could have looked at this move as smart. No one. Not even Deuce Lutui, DA's new best friend.

3. Proclaiming to the media that the team was going to do all it could to keep Karlos Dansby and Antrel Rolle...and then releasing Rolle and not offering either Dansby or Rolle contract figures that could make them want to stay until it was far too late...similar to what they did the previous year with Kurt Warner, only Warner did not want to move his family, so the deal essentially fell into the Cardinals' lap....which it seems has to happen around here for any deal to get done.

4. Waiting until the 5th round to draft a QB.

5. Showing continued faith and trust in a defensive coordinator who clearly was way over his head for the job...a coach who should have never been promoted in the first place.

6. Offering the "we were banged up" excuses for the defense last year...well, the defense has been basically healthy this year and is still giving up close to 30 points a game.

7. Taking no personal or professional blame for the team's downfall and shortcomings.

The list goes on and on...

The point of right now...has very little if any credibility.

The players are ruling the roost...they would rather quit in games and laugh it off on the sidelines...that much is obvious and has been since the bye week.

The only game the team played hard and physical for all 60 minutes...was the New Orleans game...which was prompted by the HC's bye week incentive.

That's really the only influence Whiz has had on this team all year long.
hat could he bribe the team with after that? Beat SF and there will be no OTA's next year!?

The players know---nothing really happens---he just gets mad and moves on.

But now it's moving on to what?

More snaps for a QB who doesn't even belong on the team? For a NT who wouldn't start for a UFL team? For a MLB who clearly has lost the desire to play? For an All-World talent at CB who only runs his 4.3 speed when he wants to run a way from contact? For a once All-Pro SS who no longer can play the position? For a once all-Pro DE whom the coaches use as much in pass coverage as on rushing the edge---where he has been good for what, one QB pressure a game?

The young talent is there on this roster...but what good is talent if it is being wasted? Like with Daryl with Dan with John Skelton (was there a reason why this kid was drafted?).

The one rookie they are sticking with and playing, WR Andre Roberts, is one of the few bright spots. In fact, he was wide open all night in the middle of the field, only DA was locked in on Fitz and Doucet---even Breaston was almost completely ignored.

I said it a long time ago this season and I stand by it even moreso now...the players have very little to no respect for these coaches, starting with Whiz.

And everyone knows that Whiz can't change his spots. He's not going to turn into a training camp tyrant. The best he could do is try to convince the team that Marc Bulger is the bandaid...and anyone who watched Bulger play the last few years knows he won't stand a chance behind the current o-line that has regressed so badly under Russ Grimm that last night they could only muster 13 yards of rushing...the worst total since 1953?

The reality is that under Whisenhunt the defense has always been poor. Time management has been awful. Personnel decisions have been highly questionable. And as for the offense, it's more clear than ever it wasn't Whiz's was Kurt Warner's leadership and input that made the difference. Look at the numbers:

Warner's record: 28-17

Without Warner: 6-14

The haunting thought is...what would have happened following the Super Bowl if Michael Bidwill had called Kurt Warner into his office and asked him "what do we need to do in order to win the Super Bowl?"

One might imagine that Warner would have said the following:

1. Do not let Todd Haley leave even if it means promoting him to head coach.

2. Sign me to a new 3-4 year contract.

3. Re-sign Anquan Boldin (with Whiz out of the way, that would have been more likely---forget that Q and Haley had that yelling match on the sidelines---heck, it was Haley yelling at Warner that, IMO, was the turning point---what we have learned is that Fitz, Breaston and all loved being challenged and loved taking their games to the next level).

4. Sign a good defensive coordinator and good pass rushers...dedicate most of the drafts to defense.

5. Get me two good offensive tackles.

I thoroughly believe that with Haley still in town Warner would still be playing...and he would still be loving the game.

The players who have been left behind? They can't even seem to play for the love of the game, despite the poor coaching.

This has to change...and it has to change quickly.

Another mass exodus looms (Fitz, Breaston, Lutui, Branch, Watson, Levi Brown---will any of them be on the roster in two years?...let alone next year?).

Meanwhile, the other NFC West teams are better coached and are adding deeper talent (that's profitting and gettting developed quicker and faster from better coaching).

The 49ers...that team has talent...and next year will be coached by Gruden or Harbaugh. Look out.

The Rams now have the best QB in the division and are the best coached. They come to play every week. Put Breaston on their team and what does that do for their chances?

The Seahawks are not standing pat...their GM is a mover and a shaker.

Last night...when down 21-6 Darnell Dockett was waving for the fans to whoop it up and pump up the volume. There was no response.

The fans can no longer cheer for this team.

And Whiz, who voiced disingenuous concern about the fans last week, rubbed it in all of our faces last night when he kept trotting Derek Anderson out there...the message was loud and fans are stuck with this kind of football...too bad.

Fans will no longer sell out the U of P...just as MNF will have no interest in coming there or tabbing the Cardinals again for a while. Steve Young said it best, "that team had no interest in playing." A much as I can't stand Young---he was right. Only we've been seeing this for the whole season.

No one can laugh that reality off.
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Apr 30, 2003
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Mitch gets my full respect today for writing up something on that "game".

Good effort for a tough subject. He could have gotten away with, "They suck".

At this point how can anyone go against most if no all those reasons for the Cardinals demise.

The situation is what it is.


Hoist the Lombardi Trophy
Nov 11, 2002
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Dallas, TX
It will get worse...I'm afraid, yet we still won't be bad enough to land Andrew Luck because that's the Cardinal way. How cleaning must start the day the players empty the training facility starting with Bill Davis.

I'm all in for trading for Kevin Kolb!!!

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Yep the not going on 4th and inches about did it for me too last night. If you have any faith at all in your team you run a QB sneak there. To punt there as bad as the offense had been, as bad as the defense had been, you're just giving up if you punt.

Absolutely furious about last night. I've seen a lot of bad football in my lifetime as a Cards fan but this team actually has talent and to play that poorly and with that little effort is unacceptable top to bottom.

That said, ESPN said the Cards got only 1 replay with the worst angle on the Crabtree TD and that's why they didn't challenge. That was the worst done MNF telecast I've ever seen, large stretches of dead air, or them talking about anything but the game. I realize the game sucked but come on did we really need to see Gruden playing to the cameras and talking about changing the playoff rules etc? And the lack of replays was terrible, the Crabtree Td, the hold on D Washington on the KO return, we never saw either. Hell they said Rashad Johnson was Washington.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2004
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Using Warner as a rhetorical device to criticize Whiz and the organization is going too far, in my opinion. While simultaneously describing the debacle we were witnessing, even Gruden called Whiz a good coach and was confident he'd figure things out. Whiz has a lot to answer for, but I'm getting a little tired of Saint Warner, Saint Boldin, Saint Haley, and demon Whiz. How THIS offseason is addressed will be much more telling than how last offseason was.

Also, I'm glad Skelton didn't go in. What good could possibly have come from throwing a rookie QB who allegedly needs more time to learn the offense and learn to read an NFL defense straight into the jaws of a team that's been smelling blood for three quarters already?


Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2002
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Plainfield, Il.
Excellent post as always.

The only thing I disagree about is running hiz out of town a year or two ago for Haley. The fans would have burned the stadium down.

The biggest problem I have is I thought Whiz always put player's in a position to succed. Well, I guess I was wrong because he has failed miserably.

The day Warner left, the whole offensive philosophy should have changed, I actually was afraid we were going to go TOO conservative. But had we shown other teams we were going to be a tough, run down your throat and smack you in the face football team, a lot of the pressure would have been taken off the QB position. Hell, Whiz didn't change a thing even when he inserted MAx Hall into the line up. He basically fed him to the wolves asking him to do the things expected of Kurt Warner.

Bill Davis needs to be relieved of his duty. An interim coach needs to be named if for no other reason to send a message that failure will not be accepted. Accountability will not be top priority, If nothing else at least the opposing teams will have to plan for SOMETHING different.

Also, the youngsters are starting as of next week. I can handle watching rookies lose 27-6 while they are learning. If that "hurts" the veterans feelings, too bad. They obviously weren't getting the job done.

We have become the worst team in football. Attitude needs to change TODAY! Don't wait until nest year. It it all starts with Whiz.
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Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
It's clear now that the team let the wrong defensive captain leave in free agency. This team has 0 NFL-caliber linebackers. Paris Lenon was barely acceptable playing SILB in place of Gerald Hayes, but playing WILB Paris Lenon is a non-factor. He's almost worse than having nothing out there.

Gerald Hayes is no longer a football player.

Joey Porter gets PWN3D by backup LTs and gets nothing in the pass rush unless the secondary manages to hold coverage for four seconds. He's not even making moves on opposing offensive linemen.

Clark Haggans is average in run support, but everyone is running right at Porter and Lenon right now and no one is stopping them.

There is a real problem with talent evaluation with this team. It's hard to believe that Cody Brown could/would be playing worse than Haggans or Porter at this point, but instead of being 32 years old, he's 23.

What a disaster.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
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Yep the not going on 4th and inches about did it for me too last night. If you have any faith at all in your team you run a QB sneak there. To punt there as bad as the offense had been, as bad as the defense had been, you're just giving up if you punt.

Absolutely furious about last night. I've seen a lot of bad football in my lifetime as a Cards fan but this team actually has talent and to play that poorly and with that little effort is unacceptable top to bottom.

That said, ESPN said the Cards got only 1 replay with the worst angle on the Crabtree TD and that's why they didn't challenge. That was the worst done MNF telecast I've ever seen, large stretches of dead air, or them talking about anything but the game. I realize the game sucked but come on did we really need to see Gruden playing to the cameras and talking about changing the playoff rules etc? And the lack of replays was terrible, the Crabtree Td, the hold on D Washington on the KO return, we never saw either. Hell they said Rashad Johnson was Washington.

Yeah it was terrible, they seem to bring the worst out in an announcing crew.


Hall of Famer
Oct 18, 2006
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Well put Mitch. The play of the defense last night was heartless. I watched a high school team over the weekend play with far more heart than the Cardinals did. Last night was just plain pathetic.

What really concerns me is the extensions we signed last year are going to come back and take a real big bite out of us. The extensions to Wilson and Whizenhunt will be nightmares. That is especially true of Whizenhunt.


Frank Kaminsky is my Hero.
Apr 2, 2005
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South Bay
Using Warner as a rhetorical device to criticize Whiz and the organization is going too far, in my opinion. While simultaneously describing the debacle we were witnessing, even Gruden called Whiz a good coach and was confident he'd figure things out. Whiz has a lot to answer for, but I'm getting a little tired of Saint Warner, Saint Boldin, Saint Haley, and demon Whiz. How THIS offseason is addressed will be much more telling than how last offseason was.

Also, I'm glad Skelton didn't go in. What good could possibly have come from throwing a rookie QB who allegedly needs more time to learn the offense and learn to read an NFL defense straight into the jaws of a team that's been smelling blood for three quarters already?

I agree 100%.

As angry as I am with everyone affiliated with the team today from the Bidwills to Whis to the concession crew, I can see the forest through the trees. While Whisenhunt is to blame for a good portion of this mess, the commentary here has gotten out of hand to the point where objectivity has become non existent. If you were to play connect the dots to try and figure out how Warner revived his career and Haley became a great OC and eventually a HC, you could not do so without starting with Whisenhunt. Even Tirico and Gruden made light of the fact that Whis is a good coach and the mere mention of his termination is beyond premature.

Like you said. This upcoming offseason is going to tell us a lot about Whis' ability to deal with the adversity. The offseason should yield a high draft pick, new coordinators and a real opportunity to start from scratch.
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Supporting Member
Jul 16, 2004
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I agree 100%.

As angry as I am with everyone affiliated with the team today from the Bidwills to Whis to the concession crew, I can see the forest through the trees. While Whisenhunt is to blame for a good portion of this mess, it has gotten out of hand to the point where objectivity has become non existent. If you were to play connect the dots to try and figure out how Warner revived his career and Haley became a great OC and eventually a HC, you could not do so without starting with Whisenhunt.

Like you said. This upcoming offseason is going to tell us a lot about Whis' ability to deal with the adversity. The offseason should yield a high draft pick, new coordinators and a real opportunity to start from scratch.
TJ, objectively speaking, are there any areas of the team that are better now than they were when Whiz was hired? I don't think so. That troubles me.


Frank Kaminsky is my Hero.
Apr 2, 2005
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South Bay
TJ, objectively speaking, are there any areas of the team that are better now than they were when Whiz was hired? I don't think so. That troubles me.

Im not apologizing for Whis for what has happened this as like Ive said he brought a lot of this on himself. The problem I have is with people who constantly mitigate his past accomplishments. While I understand this is a "what have you done for me lately" situation, but let's not lose perspective.


Sep 1, 2010
Reaction score
Nice post Mitch.
We couldn't do one thing right last night.
We have the worst QBs in the league. (by far)
We are the worst or close to it in every category.
We can't block for run or pass plays.
We run the same game plan every week, defining insanity...weekly.
We have no direction at this point, no hope.
We are back to being the worst team in the league.
We have believed in these coaches too long, the players quit believing already.

Receivers are all we got and we can't get them the ball.

Our defensive players are either old and ready to pasture, or so flashy and twitterfully dumb, they don't have a clue. Davis needs to get the boot today. DA can catch a ride with him, I hope he goes today as well.


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Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2002
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Plainfield, Il.
Using Warner as a rhetorical device to criticize Whiz and the organization is going too far, in my opinion. While simultaneously describing the debacle we were witnessing, even Gruden called Whiz a good coach and was confident he'd figure things out. Whiz has a lot to answer for, but I'm getting a little tired of Saint Warner, Saint Boldin, Saint Haley, and demon Whiz. How THIS offseason is addressed will be much more telling than how last offseason was.

Also, I'm glad Skelton didn't go in. What good could possibly have come from throwing a rookie QB who allegedly needs more time to learn the offense and learn to read an NFL defense straight into the jaws of a team that's been smelling blood for three quarters already?

I did not want to see another QB last night. I wanted DA to finish the mess he was part off.
However much you (or I ) like Whiz, he needs to be held accountable.

Why did he never consider replacing Haley? Because he likes calling plays? That's not a good enough answer.
He had Leinart for 3 years and waited until August AFTER annointing him the starting qb to eventually release him?
Is Whiz not smart enough to see after a spring and summer of OTA's and a training camp that we were not capable of running the offense we were so use to with the people we now had in place?

It seems to me Whiz has a bunch of square pegs he is deternined to fit into round holes. It ain't going to work and I am highly disappointed in his philosophy.

If you are going to give Whiz credit for the good things that have gone on here then you have to place blame at his feet for this year. I don't think we would be half as agree if we were playing like the Buffalo Bills. They have lost 3 games in OT. That is called being competitive.
We have rolled over and died.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Im not apologizing for Whis for what has happened this as like Ive said he brought a lot of this on himself. The problem I have is with people who constantly mitigate his past accomplishments. While I understand this is a "what have you done for me lately" situation, but let's not lose perspective.

I don't blame Whiz as much as some do or think he's gone completely stupid.

When you really look at this team as a whole, I think the FO is a giant handicap that has contributed to Whiz doing some of his dumb things.

If your FO puts you in a smaller box as to what is possible than other coaches have to deal with, over time I think this builds up and changes someone.

Plus a good FO can be there to save yourself from doing something stupid, for what you might think are good reasons.

If you lose the FO, if it is so worthless as to be almost always wrong about players, that's like a disease that's fatal, and it won't show signs right away but eat away at things over time until you see it all finally fall apart.

I think that's what the scenario is, and unfortuneately at this point I think it's drug Whiz all the way down with it, JMO.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2004
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I did not want to see another QB last night. I wanted DA to finish the mess he was part off.
However much you (or I ) like Whiz, he needs to be held accountable.

Why did he never consider replacing Haley? Because he likes calling plays? That's not a good enough answer.
He had Leinart for 3 years and waited until August AFTER annointing him the starting qb to eventually release him?
Is Whiz not smart enough to see after a spring and summer of OTA's and a training camp that we were not capable of running the offense we were so use to with the people we now had in place?

It seems to me Whiz has a bunch of square pegs he is deternined to fit into round holes. It ain't going to work and I am highly disappointed in his philosophy.

If you are going to give Whiz credit for the good things that have gone on here then you have to place blame at his feet for this year. I don't think we would be half as agree if we were playing like the Buffalo Bills. They have lost 3 games in OT. That is called being competitive.
We have rolled over and died.

All good points. Again, in no way am I giving him a pass, and I think Whiz has a lot to answer for. I do agree with conraddobler that the FO is a handcuff as well: in that sense perhaps Whiz was overconfident that he could continue to have success despite it, and bought too much into his own system. I don't call that massive ego, I call it a missed evaluation. This season should bring a re-evaluation. If it doesn't, and we see most of the same mistakes next year, I will start to fall more in line with the critics.

Fitz Rulz

Jul 20, 2009
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Adam Schefter

According to ESPN Stats and Information, this weekend Cardinals and Colts became first teams this season not to gain a rushing first down.


Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2008
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Everyone's to blame. From the president to the punter!


Aug 14, 2006
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Mitch my friend-----I can't imagine how painful it must have been for you to write those words. You have my complete respect for the manner in which you have been willing to post the sad truth to the demise of our beloved team. I have always respected your writings here on this board, but never more than here and now. I have not nearly the heart, or the gut, to put my feelings out there like you have so wonderfully done. You are not only my friend, but my new hero. Stay well my friend.


Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2002
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Agreed. It has to be tough to come back week after week and analyze then write about our teams demise. Kudos for doing that and giving us some sort of catharsis with your insights.


Sep 6, 2002
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Middletown, NJ
Funny that same as last week when faced with a chance to show trust in his offense and a desire to keep the ball in the hands of the offense, Ken Whisenhunt opts to punt on a 4th and 6 inches...mind you that punting the ball back to the 49ers meant putting more trust in a defense that even with 3 nose tackles playing in the middle could not and would not even put up a fight to stop the 49ers' running game...which HAD to be the number one key to this game.

The funny-ness all really started after that punt...because at that point the game was over. The game was no contest after that.

Punting on 4th and 6 inches was simply quitting on the game and the season. Some sh^t got thrown and broken in my house after that decision. Camera cuts to Fitz shaking his head in disgust walking off the field. Just what every Cards fan needed to see, our star player looking as if he was wondering how the F he got to this point in his career.

Stephens-Howling is a joy to watch play the game every time he steps on the field, D. Washington looks like a real player, Andre Roberts is rapidly improving, and Michael Adams made a nice play on that pick. Otherwise, what an ugly team "effort".


Chopped Liver Moderator
Super Moderator
Supporting Member
Aug 19, 2005
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Punting on 4th and 6 inches was simply quitting on the game and the season. Some sh^t got thrown and broken in my house after that decision. Camera cuts to Fitz shaking his head in disgust walking off the field. Just what every Cards fan needed to see, our star player looking as if he was wondering how the F he got to this point in his career.

Stephens-Howling is a joy to watch play the game every time he steps on the field, D. Washington looks like a real player, Andre Roberts is rapidly improving, and Michael Adams made a nice play on that pick. Otherwise, what an ugly team "effort".

I don't see anything from Roberts in the punt return game. NOTHING. When he contributes in his major role, I can't say he is rapidly improving. Not even improving. He appears to move well in open space though. That's about all I can say about him right now.

Great point about Fitz.


Nov 18, 2008
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Cave Creek
Yes. Thanks, Mitch. You know I always appreciate that you do this.

My wish for you is that we have one GOOD game for you to write about using your considerable talents.