Talking about getting rid of Marion is just unbelievable!!!!!!
Those of you that are saying that must not have watched much NBA basketball!!
This guy is one of the best players in the NBA!
For some reason people always think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence...........some of you will probably not know what I mean by that.............(you 15 year olds!)
Marion is going to get even better....
Joe Johnson is going to be a very good player,,,,,,,,he is only a 2nd year guy give him another couple years.
With Marion, JJ, Amare, Marbury, big Jake, little Jake, the suns have a lot to look forward to.
They have to get a center who can give them a presence in the middle. I thought big Jake would do that. FJ did not play him against the spurs and I think that was a big mistake. He blocks the middle and when Rose was making all those plays in the middle I guarantee you that big Jake would not have let him do that. Big Jake also takes the pressure off the others because someone has to guard him and put a body on him all the time when he gets close to the basket, and that frees up Amare, Marion and the others.
I hope the only reason he did not play is because of his back operation?
Do not forget that this is a young team,
Amare rookie 20 years old,
JJ 2 years 20 years old,
Marion 4 years 24 years old,
Big Jake 3 years 23 years old,
((when they drafted big Jake I knew it would take 4 years for him to produce as a starting center should)) big guys just take longer.
Little Jake 3 years 25 years old,
CJ rookie 22 years old,
Marbury 26 years old.
They will get a decent player this year in the draft, and will be able to sign a free agent in another year after Googs contract is up. (probably mid level)
I really believe that in two years this team will have the talent and experience to go all the way!!
Last night proved that you need a back up point guard in case your starter gets hurt. In the playoffs you just can not have anybody but a point guard bringing the ball up.
However, with another year of experience JJ may be able to do that.
The comment by Chaplin about this team being fun to watch is certainly true! The last years have not been fun at all.