Game Analysis and Grades: AZ 34 NO 10

Walter Mitchell

All Star
Jan 23, 2003
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Wrentham, MA
The storylines are plentiful in this gem. Emmitt Smith rushing for over 100 yards, tying Walter Payton for career 100 yard games...and becoming the second player over 35 to rush for over 100 yards. The eventful debut of the new and much improved right side of the offensive line with Jeremy Bridges at RG and L.J. Shelton at RT. Josh McCown bouncing back nicely from last week's benching. The suddenly formidible Cardinal defense, once again forcing two huge rushing TDs for the 4th game in a row...and no TDs period, the last two games. The much improved play of the front seven...which included Russell Davis' best performance of his career, and another great sack and forced fumble by Calvin Pace. Adrian Wilson, the highlight film waiting to happen...that is now playing on TV screen all over the USA...his fumble recovery TD will be on every highlight reel and his monster 3rd down hit on Dante Stallworth should be a shoe-in for ESPN's "He got Jacked Up" weekly segment with Tom Jackson and Michael Irvin. And let's not forget about the stellar play by the Cardinal corners, David Macklin and Duane Starks and the continued placekicking excellent provided by Neil Rackers. And...of course...last but not least...Dennis Green's first win at Cardinal head coach...and a resounding win at that.


QB: McCown has lost the foggy glare and traded it in for a calm and self-assured countenance. He remains extremely accurate with his evidenced by the outstanding 3rd down conversion he threw to Nate Poole on a crossing route past the left hash...and the three strikes he threw to Larry Fitzgerald. McCown hung in the pocket better...and made better decisions on the perimeter after he got dragged down for a 12 yard loss by Charles Grant, who was sitting on the bootleg all game. Grade: B+

RB: Emmitt hit some of the holes faster than he has this year...the last of which resulted in a stunning 29 yard TD scamper. The red zone fumble was uncharacteristic...about as much as him throwing the football! Troy Hambrick looks faster than his chunky size would indicate. He looks like a real keeper. Obafemi Ayanbadejo played hard and tough and made a nice TD catch on Emmitt's well placed duck. The only downer was Josh Scobey's knee injury. Grade: A-

OL: One has to wonder why it took over three games to try some different players on the right side of the line. Bridges and Shelton were just what the offense needed...and, in reality, had as much to do with this win as any two players. The left side of the line in Davis and Wells and the fast improving center, Stepanovich were solid once again. Grade: B+.

WR/TE: Fitzgerald's three catches were the highlight in a game plan that focused on running the ball. Nate Poole should find himself on the field more and more in the next few weeks. Bryant Johnson needs a breakout game and needs to play with more suddenness. Freddie Jones made a great catch up the seam...finally the Cardinals send Jones up the seam, hurray! Jones is still struggling with his blocking assignments. Grade: C.

DL: Berry was very active and got consistent pressure on Brooks. Pace is stepping up so well he's practically getting held on every rush. Dockett is a load with wheels and is really exerting himself. Yet, Russell Davis was the huge surprise today...both in the running and passing games. Not only are they as a unit generating greater pressure, they are defending the run much better. Grade: B+.

LB: James Darling is playing his tail off. The stick he put on Brooks on the one yard line saved the TD. And this guy is covering up the seams very well...he's very active. Thompson was quick to the ball in his first action of the year. Ron McKinnon was solid. Karlos Dansby may well be the best all around athlete on the defense and is playing with real moxie, especially for a rookie.
Grade: B+

DB: Wilson is a star in Pendergast's defense. Get him signed to a new deal, asap. Macklin and Starks have been outstanding...Renaldo Hill was very active, as usual. As a unit these guys are flying to the ball in run defense and in coverage as well as any Cardinal secondary since the days of Larry Wilson and Roger Wehrli. Grade: A.

ST: The punt protection was an issue that Green will fix this week. Karl Williams looks real tentative, most likely because he is playing hurt. The coverage teams remain outstanding...nice tackle by Michael Stone included. Now that Scobey is hurt, look for Green to active Larry Croom next week. Croom could be a natural returning kickoffs. Neil Rackers is clearly playing at the top of his game. Grade: B.

Coaching: The defensive coaching, led by Clancy Pendergast has been first-rate. These guys are playing loose and fast and hungry. A real joy to watch. And, wow, it's actually a nice reprieve to actually look forward to watching the Cardinal defense take the field. It's been a while! Despite a very flat start in play calling...with the subbing of Bridges and Shelton and a little nice imagination (Smith's halfback pass)...Alex Wood called a good game. Loved the addition of the quick slant dive to Smith and Hambrick with zone blocking schemes, especially in short yardage situations. Wood needs to get the passing game going this week...and needs to employ the shotgun more often...and less bootlegs, now that teams are prepared for them. Dennis Green has his team where he wants them right now...they are focussed and hungry and growing confident...there's no question this guy gets his teams ready to play...he's 4 for 4 in that stat...and deserves a great deal of credit. He was also much more animated during the game today...looks like he's starting to bond with the players...which is what he needed to do more than anything else. Grade: A.


ASFN Lifer
May 13, 2002
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Nice to have you back onboard Walter. :thumbup: Great write up and grades also.

I'm a little worried about the truth returning punts he does not appear to be giving much effort.
Its also nice having the oline results with the changes made today. AC will make a nice backup and Spikes should be hitting the wires soon.


Things have changed.
May 14, 2002
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Nice post..mostly agree.

McCown was very very timid for most of the game and looked like a guy who was absolutely not going to turn the ball over and at some points...let go of the ball at all. His scrambles looked very tentative and he had happy feet but you have to credit his accuracy this year and if/when he can "get it", he could be really good. He made a few excellent throws today and hopefully, built some confidence. To be expected with a young QB.

I don't think Dansby should be on ST's...

I thought Rackers was definitely going to miss the field goal to put us up by 10...he is amazing.

I can't remember enjoying the defense play in years...since Buddy Ball.


I see you.
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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brandon said:
I didn't watch the game iI listened to it--what color were the uni's today- all white or what?

The usual white with red pants.


Tryin' to get my lap back
Dec 6, 2003
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A cul-de-sac
Nice post, Walter. I agree with all of it except...

McCown. He still seems to get rattled and jittery if the primary receiver isn't open. Regardless, I'm willing to give him time.

Overall great post and thanks for the insight.

Bring on the Niners.

Walter Mitchell

All Star
Jan 23, 2003
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
Thanks NM Card. Brevity: I may have been a tad generous with Josh...but, he didn't turn the ball over and after the first quarter and the line change, the whole offense gelled...which I think Josh deserves some credit for. His throws may have been late at times, but they were right on the hands each time.


ASFN Lifer
May 19, 2003
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Norh Little Rock, Arkansas
Good post Walter, interesting read. I also liked the playcalling today also. It seemed to be a good mix of both run and pass. Good imagination too especially on Emmit's TD pass. I wonder if we are gonna use the flea-flicker anymore before the season is over?


I see you.
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Like I said on another thread, the best thing about the D today was we barely blitzed. When you can play seven in the box, stop the run, and pressure the passer, you've got it going on as a defense.


Jul 21, 2002
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Great post Walter. I've never seen you so optimistic in regards to the Cards. That's not a slight since you always seem to be right. I do think Josh is improving but still a work in progress. The good news is that if the Cards can continue to generate a good running game then Josh should start improving at an even quicker pace.

So how many players and at what positions do the Cards need to upgrade to become a legit playoff team?

Walter Mitchell

All Star
Jan 23, 2003
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
Good question, Cardiac. The weakest positions going into today's game: RG, RT, anchor DT, FS. If Bridges, Shelton and Russell Davis continue to play the way they did today, that would be a huge step toward a winning season.

Ifeanyi Ohalete has been a step or two slow in the Cover 2...not a classic centerfielder. However, he's been battling back from injuries and may begin to improve. He's a pretty good hitter. Boy, haven't they all been this year?

The TE play has been lacking in the run game and in protection. That's still a concern.

And at WR there is an influx of youth, but not much experience. Nate Poole brings some flair. Fitzy had a nice game today. BJ needs to bring more energy.

And MLB is a bit of a question mark. McKinnon brings great attitude and veteran leadership, but he's really not the plugger they need out there. He's too tentative at times and gets blocked too easily at others. Good chaser, but at MLB, chasing the ball should be downhill, not lateral. Gerald Hayes has greater potential at this point.


Jul 21, 2002
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Thanks Walter.

The Secondary has been playing so well that I kinda forgot about our FS weakness.

It's also a little ironic that we have two 1st rd picks and a 2nd rd pick invested in WR's and that position is still a little shakey. When Boldin gets back things should improve enough this year, then look out in 2005.

I hope you're right about Hayes because we have a lot of picks tied up in our LB's and I'd hate to see us invest a high draft pick to shore up the MLB position.

I also agree about the TE issue. I think that DG's offense needs a playmaker at this position for it to run on all cylinders. At least a TE who can throw a block once in awhile would be a big help.

With the improvement we have seen with several players this year do you hold out any hope that Wendal Bryant will become a true 1st rd talent at DT?


All Star
Feb 21, 2003
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The Old Pueblo
CardinalChris said:
I think Walter's last paragraph is the most important thing about this team this year.
Agreed For the first few games Coach Green stood mostly alone on the sideline surrounded by a 5 yard invisible wall. By the middle of the 3rd quarter today the other coaches and players closed ranks around him which is great to see. There is a bumpy road ahead starting next week as we cant overlook anyone but today I BELIEVE that the corner has been turned !!

Hasta La Vista




Yogi n da Bear
Mar 20, 2004
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The Sonoran Jungle - West
Walter Mitchell said:
Good question, Cardiac. The weakest positions going into today's game: RG, RT, anchor DT, FS. If Bridges, Shelton and Russell Davis continue to play the way they did today, that would be a huge step toward a winning season.

Ifeanyi Ohalete has been a step or two slow in the Cover 2...not a classic centerfielder. However, he's been battling back from injuries and may begin to improve. He's a pretty good hitter. Boy, haven't they all been this year?

The TE play has been lacking in the run game and in protection. That's still a concern.

And at WR there is an influx of youth, but not much experience. Nate Poole brings some flair. Fitzy had a nice game today. BJ needs to bring more energy.

And MLB is a bit of a question mark. McKinnon brings great attitude and veteran leadership, but he's really not the plugger they need out there. He's too tentative at times and gets blocked too easily at others. Good chaser, but at MLB, chasing the ball should be downhill, not lateral. Gerald Hayes has greater potential at this point.

How'd you think Darling did. He played mostly MLB today. I thought he was really good. They really did alot of subbing today at LB - I saw Darling, Dansby, Thompson & Woods regularly, along with Mckinnon and Hayes some.


The Cardinal Smiles
Dec 6, 2002
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Walter Mitchell said:
Dennis Green has his team where he wants them right now...they are focussed and hungry and growing confident...there's no question this guy gets his teams ready to play...he's 4 for 4 in that stat...and deserves a great deal of credit. He was also much more animated during the game today...looks like he's starting to bond with the players...which is what he needed to do more than anything else. Grade: A.


Hearing this comming from you means this team has turned the corner!


Cards Fan Since 1971
Jun 19, 2004
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I didn't think you were going to post again until Green was gone. I do like reading your articles, but you have to admit Green is the man!!

Go Cards!!:confused: :cards:


ASFN Addict
Aug 11, 2002
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Scarsdale, NY

Walter, great read, as usual (should be on the front page). As you noted Grant was playing the bootleg all day. I kept expecting Josh to roll the other way, as Jake Plummer does on many plays. Granted it's tougher to throw, running to your left, but if Jake can then I'm sure Josh can. And I believe there will be a lot of running room, also.


May 14, 2002
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Holmdel, NJ
A few additional observations to add to Walter's excellent observations:

- The Darling TD-saving lick at the on-foot line also made the highlight reels and set the tone for the remaining 58 minutes or so of the game.

- Shelton and Bridges did more than just open holes for Emmitt. They "added cork" to the O-Line. No longer did it look like a zoo back there both on pass protection or running plays. A major reason why the deer disappeared from McCown's headlights was because he no longer had to wonder who was about to break past protection to anhilate him.

- Dockett racked up zero tackles and zero assists. Yet he was a genuine force throughout the game - proof positive that stats suck.

- I particularly enjoyed "Russell Davis in Coverage" - he ran down Stecker (I think) on a halfback crossing pattern and ate him up from behind.

- Another little-noticed incident that I will never forget. Some NO dude had just returned a punt and was trotting off the field with the ball past Scott Player. Player instinctively took a swipe at the ball with his paw. (Now THAT's what I'm talkin' about! I have no doubt that even Omo has been conditioned to go after the ball early and often no matter where).

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