Game of Thrones (HBO)


Open the Roof!
Jan 23, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
I thought she said it in the throne room just to Jon

Rewatched. She says it in her speech, telling them they will liberate the world “from Winterfell to Dorne...” in Dothraki. Yes, the names of the places sound the same in Dothraki, but no other context was offered. She could have just been naming places she now ruled.

And the camera cuts to Jon as if he understood her entire meaning.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Rewatched. She says it in her speech, telling them they will liberate the world “from Winterfell to Dorne...” in Dothraki. Yes, the names of the places sound the same in Dothraki, but no other context was offered. She could have just been naming places she now ruled.

And the camera cuts to Jon as if he understood her entire meaning.
How hard was it to understand what kind of speech it was? It was a warmongering speech, and Jon knew it, regardless what language it was in.


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
still lame and was another example this season of story moving character as opposed to character moving story. Jon's got a good enough heart to know what she did was beyond the pale. That's been his whole cross to bear the entire series... that he does what's right instead of what's smart. The idea that Winterfell needed to be mentioned to be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back just seemed stupid.

I guess if I bought into their love story... at all... then I could see him being blinded by that and really struggling with what to do next and they TRIED to go that route with the lines about duty killing love/love killing duty... but I thought their romance and especially chemistry didn't deliver enough on screen for me to buy that either.

Yep. They did that whole damn "I have to convince you" scene with Tyrion--boring AF, by the way, because WHY DOES HE NEED CONVINCING??? Jon just watched his "queen" brutally murder an entire city, man, woman, and child. He's no longer Jon Snow if he doesn't consider the line irrevocably crossed at that point.


Open the Roof!
Jan 23, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ
How hard was it to understand what kind of speech it was? It was a warmongering speech, and Jon knew it, regardless what language it was in.

I figured she could have been saying, "Thank you for making me Queen. People from Winterfell to Dorne (etc., etc.)...are free because of you!" Kind of a victory speech. But if all you can understand from her is the names of places, how do you know if she is taking a victory lap or naming her next targets? Jon seemed to immediately know, but it doesn't appear to inform his later conversation with Tyrion in the slightest.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Round Rock, TX
I figured she could have been saying, "Thank you for making me Queen. People from Winterfell to Dorne (etc., etc.)...are free because of you!" Kind of a victory speech. But if all you can understand from her is the names of places, how do you know if she is taking a victory lap or naming her next targets? Jon seemed to immediately know, but it doesn't appear to inform his later conversation with Tyrion in the slightest.
Pretty sure because she went all insane and incinerated women and children without remorse. There was no way that speech was anything but warmongering.

Jon already knew the danger, even before Tyrion pushed him over the edge and gave him his resolve.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Yep. They did that whole damn "I have to convince you" scene with Tyrion--boring AF, by the way, because WHY DOES HE NEED CONVINCING??? Jon just watched his "queen" brutally murder an entire city, man, woman, and child. He's no longer Jon Snow if he doesn't consider the line irrevocably crossed at that point.
They live in a different time and place than do we. Lots of killing is the norm. And he’s seen lots of it. Maybe he’s just numb to it?

I keed, I keed. Dany must have some strong game in the sack.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Round Rock, TX
They live in a different time and place than do we. Lots of killing is the norm. And he’s seen lots of it. Maybe he’s just numb to it?

I keed, I keed. Dany must have some strong game in the sack.
Look, we all know Jon has a very strong sense of loyalty. He showed it to the Night's Watch, and he showed it to Ned Stark (and the Stark family). He was fiercely loyal to Dany, even without the romantic entanglements. For the past 2 seasons, he was convinced at her good intentions, absolutely convinced. Even after he found out who he was. I venture to say he was in absolute shock in episode 5 that she would do this. Remember, Jon doesn't have the 7 other seasons of knowledge about her that we do. Varys did, which makes some sense that he was so ready to betray her.

My speculation is that he WANTED Tyrion to convince him because he was so conflicted before he went into Tyrion's cell. He needed the push, and he KNEW he needed the push.


Open the Roof!
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Look, we all know Jon has a very strong sense of loyalty. He showed it to the Night's Watch, and he showed it to Ned Stark (and the Stark family). He was fiercely loyal to Dany, even without the romantic entanglements. For the past 2 seasons, he was convinced at her good intentions, absolutely convinced. Even after he found out who he was. I venture to say he was in absolute shock in episode 5 that she would do this. Remember, Jon doesn't have the 7 other seasons of knowledge about her that we do. Varys did, which makes some sense that he was so ready to betray her.

My speculation is that he WANTED Tyrion to convince him because he was so conflicted before he went into Tyrion's cell. He needed the push, and he KNEW he needed the push.
Kind of like my wife picking a restaurant. She knows where she wants to eat but wants me to suggest it first!


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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man... you can make the argument that the biggest monster of everyone on the show was freaking Bran and thus, in a world that was filled with the most wretched of people, he was the MOST fitting person to sit on the highest throne.

Think about it... he let Hodor die to protect him... he let the majority of the Dothraki and Unsullied armies die against the Night King, he probably only told Theo he was a good man so he would try and attack the Night King, giving Bran the extra few precious seconds needed for Arya to kill the Night King and then he KNEW that a Dani was going to unleash a freaking holocaust of biblical proportions over an entire city and said NOTHING just so that he could be King. And he did all of that with the most smug look of all time on his face the entire time.

That dude is a straight up piece of human and raven garbage.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Round Rock, TX
man... you can make the argument that the biggest monster of everyone on the show was freaking Bran and thus, in a world that was filled with the most wretched of people, he was the MOST fitting person to sit on the highest throne.

Think about it... he let Hodor die to protect him... he let the majority of the Dothraki and Unsullied armies die against the Night King, he probably only told Theo he was a good man so he would try and attack the Night King, giving Bran the extra few precious seconds needed for Arya to kill the Night King and then he KNEW that a Dani was going to unleash a freaking holocaust of biblical proportions over an entire city and said NOTHING just so that he could be King. And he did all of that with the most smug look of all time on his face the entire time.

That dude is a straight up piece of human and raven garbage.
Well. That's one way to look at it. :D

Town Drunk

Longest serving ASFN lurker
Aug 30, 2003
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man... you can make the argument that the biggest monster of everyone on the show was freaking Bran and thus, in a world that was filled with the most wretched of people, he was the MOST fitting person to sit on the highest throne.

Think about it... he let Hodor die to protect him... he let the majority of the Dothraki and Unsullied armies die against the Night King, he probably only told Theo he was a good man so he would try and attack the Night King, giving Bran the extra few precious seconds needed for Arya to kill the Night King and then he KNEW that a Dani was going to unleash a freaking holocaust of biblical proportions over an entire city and said NOTHING just so that he could be King. And he did all of that with the most smug look of all time on his face the entire time.

That dude is a straight up piece of human and raven garbage.

Well....damn. Can’t argue with any of that.

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Well. That's one way to look at it. :D

Yep. LOL. I am sure though Bran didn’t reason the same way you or I do though. To Bran everything that has happened or will happened he sees at once. To him everything is a living history. So I don’t think regular morals apply.

Having said that is he going to stare his subjects to death!?


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Yep. LOL. I am sure though Bran didn’t reason the same way you or I do though. To Bran everything that has happened or will happened he sees at once. To him everything is a living history. So I don’t think regular morals apply.

Having said that is he going to stare his subjects to death!?

or maybe Bran's just full of crap about being able to change the future, saw the one with his on the throne and said screw y'all!

I mean, it's not like he never lied before, right? Earlier in the season he said he didn't want anything... and wasn't even freaking Bran. Now he is?

And can anyone explain to me why Bran needs a Master of Whisperers... if he knows everything?!

Man... Season 8 was just a steaming pile of horse-manure.

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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or maybe Bran's just full of crap about being able to change the future, saw the one with his on the throne and said screw y'all!

I mean, it's not like he never lied before, right? Earlier in the season he said he didn't want anything... and wasn't even freaking Bran. Now he is?

And can anyone explain to me why Bran needs a Master of Whisperers... if he knows everything?!

Man... Season 8 was just a steaming pile of horse-manure.

That would have been a fun twist but it is consistent with what the original three eyed raven was.

Could you imagine had that been the story and they revealed Bran was evil and manipulating everyone from day one?

I still enjoyed the last season but it was rushed and unnecessarily IMO.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Round Rock, TX
I never liked Bran as the raven anyway. I think it’s a convenient way to get yourself out of a writing jam to have a character like that. Supposedly all-knowing but never really taking full advantage of it. Add to that the total bore they made him and it was easily the most boring and confusing part of the whole story.

If they wanted to have more magic, they should have just expanded Melisandre. At least we got to see her naked. :)


May 15, 2002
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Annapolis, MD
I thought he could only go back, not forward. Can you all confirm he knew what would happen?


Massive Member
Jun 15, 2005
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Moment, AZ
I thought he could only go back, not forward. Can you all confirm he knew what would happen?

Two things come to mind that may imply he can see the future:

1. "I'm waiting for an old friend." He knew Jaime was on his way to Winterfell.

2. He gave Arya the Valyrian Steel dagger that she used to defeat the Night King.

Number one could just be he was watching where Jaime was in the present and happened to notice him on the road leading to Winterfell.

Number two could be random luck. Not really definitive either way.