Glendale emerges as a desert destination


Full Throttle!!
Sep 21, 2002
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Downtown Phoenix
[QUOTE='08 Cubs]First off, I don't want you to think this is just hate-filled post, hatin' on Arizona. It's not. It's actually a post of EXTREME frustration.

My wife and I moved from Chicago to the Valley four years ago, and we've been enjoying the weather ever since. That's the reason we moved, and sadly there's not too many more positives to be found. It's funny, 'cause Arizona seems to be like a stubborn child, determined to make the same dumb mistakes the rest of the country has made in the past, rather than NOT making them and learning from others' mistakes.

One example of this is sports. Often, my wife and I wonder if the Valley really, truly WANTS to be a "major league city" and do what it takes to earn that status. It's getting old listening to people bitch about the price of tickets (which on average are considerably less than that of other cities) or the financing of the new Nest (financed by tourists and usage taxes). Ugh. Anyway, I won't get into that. I want to focus on the location selected for stadia as per the thread.

A little history lesson-- many of the rest of the country's sports teams fled their respective downtown areas in the 1960s for cookie cutter multi-purpose stadia and the "space" of the suburbs. This turned out to be a huge mistake. Nothing could replace being in the center of the city (resturants, clubs, additional entertainment, access, etc.) Well, a generation or two later, the exodus has reversed with nearly all the teams planting roots in the CITY. But not our beloved teams. No, they are out in the middle of nowhere. Yippee! And worse yet, they are on the wrong side of town. Yeah, yeah, I know, the West Side is changing. Sure. Seriously, on average, which side has the disposable income to afford attending multiple contests? The East, clearly. So what does the mayor of Tempe, Scottsdale, the TSA, the Yotes, and Red Birds do? Move as far away from their financial base as possible. Hell, Glendale is a nice 70 minute FLIGHT from the Chandler-Gilbert area, which incidentally, is the fastest growing area in the COUNTRY (and there's money there)! Yep, the West SUBURBS now have pro football, the NHL, the Tostitos Bowl, the bloody SUPER BOWL!, final fours, you name it!!!

It makes absolutely no sense! Then again neither does building ELEVATED highways, tearing down homes in Ahwatukee, kicking out the Donald, or financing a "light rail system" that no one will use and will be lapped by buses, but hey, the weather rocks!

Spring training is just 2 months away!

Happy New Year to all![/QUOTE]

Let me guess. You live in Gilbert?

You're right. Owners do things that will make you scratch your head sometimes.

For example, didn't the McCasky's get the tax payers to pay something like $600MM to renovate Soldier Field? How did that turn out? It looks awful. And that was a renovation, not a new, state-of-the-art stadium.

Didn't Jerry Krause blow up the Bulls after Jordan helped the team win their 6th championship? That was pretty stupid. But Krause wanted to prove to everyone that he was the mastermind behind the dynasty, not Jordan, Jackson, Pippen, et al.

Then there was the Dontrelle Wills trade by the Cubs....

For the record, the Bidwill's BEGGED the tax payers to build a stadium in Mesa, and, when that fell through, ANYWHERE on the east side. Just like when the Coyotes tried to build an arena in Scottsdale, the east siders banded together to keep this from happening. Again, if the Bidwills had a choice, they would have preferred to stay on the east side. If you want to blame someone for the location, blame the voters on the east side that repeatedly chanted NOT IN MY BACK YARD!!

As for disposable income, there is a lot of it in ALL parts of the valley. You would be surprised at how much money there is on the west side. Are there lower income areas, too? Of course! Just like there are on the east side (Guadalupe and parts of Mesa come to mind). If you truly are a fan, then you will drive the 45 minutes on a Sunday to watch the Cardinals play. How long did it take to get to Soldier Field or Wrigly field from your home in the Chicago suburbs?

The only thing that will put butts in seats is winning. Period.


May 15, 2002
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[QUOTE='08 Cubs]First off, I don't want you to think this is just hate-filled post, hatin' on Arizona. [/QUOTE]

First off, I don't want YOU to think this is just hate-filled post, hatin' on people who move to AZ because of the weather and find nothing else to love about my state. It's actually a post of EXTREME frustration.

I am an AZ native as is my mother and grandmother we live in the valley because we love it. I’m sorry you believe it has nothing more to offer than the weather,maybe you would be happier in Chicago, I hear that winter only lasts about 6 months there but is really nice a few days of the year.

The Valley is HUNGRY to be a "major SPORTS city" and seems willing to do what it takes to earn that status, at times it is the teams that are lacking. People I know have never bitched about ticket prices; I will be paying double for my ST in the new building and am quite willing to do so. And I view it as a stroke of GENIUS getting the “tourists” read those who only visit for the weather to freaking pay for it.

A little history lesson—The EAST VALLEY didn’t want it, they didn’t fight for it, Sky Harbor torpedoed it and when a handful of EV residents finished it off they let it go without a wimper, kicking it to the curb. The WEST VALLEY welcomed it, the people at the polls were referring “their stadium” even after being shot down by the selection committee Glendale stepped up, the should be congratulated on their persistence not relegated as backwater. I really would like to hear what the NIMBY’s would have said to building it in Chandler. Well with all that disposable income they have they can afford a 70 minute (though I think it is considerably less, we can make the flight from Glendale to Scottsdale in about 15 but there is all that pesky landing and stuff) flight to the game.

We do agree on the light rail system, stupid idea, financed by Phoenix and TEMPE---but hey they will be tearing up the East Valley for years, I’m hoping they run out of those SALES TAX dollars before they drag the thing west.

Spring training is just 2 months away, but don’t spend any time or money in the Peoria, Surprise or Maryvale baseball facilities cause they built them on “wrong side” of town.

'08 Cubs

Jul 1, 2005
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talk about frustration

the previous two posts did nothing but back up what i was saying.

i wrote that i wonder if this town knows, and is willing to do, what it takes to be bigtime.

the previous posts state the people didn't want this
or the people weren't willing to that


...and to the post regarding where i would be most happy. first off, take a breath. i AM happy here. i'm just frustrated is all. and yeah, the "new" soldier field looks like a spaceship landed on the Roman collesium. awful. i tried to preface my comments by saying i wasn't hating. i just wish that things would have turned out differently... that either the ownership groups or the people of whichever town would have gotten things done. please, don't read anything further into it. i wasn't trying to demean or attack. i was just venting about opportunites lost.

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