Greene moves Quat from slot position WR


Jan 9, 2003
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Scottsdale and one-eleven
Denny knows how to work the media. He has friends that can be utilized, and is using them.

It's all good.

Who knows what he really has planned for the draft?

The timing of this announcement must be taken into consideration. Let's face it, no one has ever cared about stuff like this, with us, until now. It's starting to feel like we have a real NFL franchise here now. This is fun.

It sure seems like Fitzgerald is on top of Denny's list, if he posts poor workout numbers that cause concern for potential teams interested in drafting him, I think our chances of drafting him are even better.

For me, if we can figure out a way to get either Fitzgerald, or Roy Williams, and then get DeAngelo Hall too, I'll be a happy camper.

Northern Card

All Star
Mar 5, 2003
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Ottawa, ON - Canada
For the sake of further discussion, and accepting as a premise that Green believes McCown can do the job:

Let's say - Roth goes first... Fitz second... and with the clock ticking on draft day we are sitting on ELI.

Do we pick him? Do we trade down? With whom? ... and in the event of a trade, for ex. with the Giants - who would be on the board at that point that could be a difference maker on O or D?


Registered User
Jan 6, 2004
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Charlotte NC
Originally posted by Northern Card
For the sake of further discussion, and accepting as a premise that Green believes McCown can do the job:

Let's say - Roth goes first... Fitz second... and with the clock ticking on draft day we are sitting on ELI.

Do we pick him? Do we trade down? With whom? ... and in the event of a trade, for ex. with the Giants - who would be on the board at that point that could be a difference maker on O or D?

This is my point about trading down.....the only teams likely interested in a QB behind us are: Cleveland at #8; Steelers at #11; Bills at #13; Dolphins at #20; and the Packers at #25. Realistically, moving below Miami at #20 would be foolish. And Miami don't have a 2nd round pick this year so they can't offer us a good enough deal. So that leaves Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Buffalo. At #8 I would consider Udeze DE or Roy Williams WR. aT #11 I would consider Vince Wilfork at DT or Reggie Williams at WR. At #13 I would consider DeAngelo Hall at CB.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Originally posted by Mr. Boldin
The end rec is usualy he best rec in most systems.

this is not entirely true. and, if green runs a modified walsh system, it is almost never true. rice was the slot in sf. and the slot position was what made sterling sharpe the choo choo, robert brooks a stud, and then ANTONIO FREEMAN (sorry, got excited, i never remember the dude's name).

but if green sees something that'll help the O, by all means, i'm 100% behind the move!

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Originally posted by spanky1
This is my point about trading down.....the only teams likely interested in a QB behind us are: Cleveland at #8; Steelers at #11; Bills at #13; Dolphins at #20; and the Packers at #25. Realistically, moving below Miami at #20 would be foolish. And Miami don't have a 2nd round pick this year so they can't offer us a good enough deal. So that leaves Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Buffalo. At #8 I would consider Udeze DE or Roy Williams WR. aT #11 I would consider Vince Wilfork at DT or Reggie Williams at WR. At #13 I would consider DeAngelo Hall at CB.

Remember one rumor has the Giants offering Collins and the #4 pick to Oakland for the #2 pick so they could draft Ben. If San Diego took him first, and Oakland took Fitz, we could conceivably force the Giants to swap places with us to get Manning. We wouldn't want Collins (I doubt) so we'd have to get picks from them, to blackmail them into not trading with say Cleveland.

Ironically everything I read says they want Gallery or Taylor, it's only in the Bay area where that Collins rumor is being discussed, where anybody thinks the GIants want to draft a QB.


ASFN Lifer
May 14, 2002
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I'm glad to see a lot of thought provoking comments here.

First of all, I think I would agree with Cubbys comment: "I'll believe it when I see it."

The first thing that strikes me about all of this is that I find it strange that Green would be making such "adament" or "definitive" statements in regard to Quan.

Has he even had a chance to actually observe any of the players "in action" ala practice yet? I'm not aware of it.
Why would he make such a definitive statement when, at best, all he's seen may be some game film.

John Clayton, like so many national "media experts", tends to get a little full of himself at times. I could see Green saying it's a possibility, but to say its going to happen for sure, just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me for other reasons too.

So where would all of that put Bryant Johnson? Is he suddenly now supposed to become a slot receiver, or bumped down the rotation and used less as a secondary wide receiver? Who WOULD be filling the slot role that Quan did so well?
It just doesn't all add up.
If they take Fitz...would they try to make HIM the slot man?
Are they going to run 3 receiver sets a lot? If not, does that mean sitting Johnson or Fitz more? If that's the case, again, it just doesn't seem to really add up to me.

I have to think this is more "draft poker". With the Cards sitting at their #3 spot they are the ones that really would appear to have the most influence on the rest of the top picks, regardless of what San Diego or Oakland does. It behooves them to keep the whole situation as murky as possible and as many options open and available as possible.

I would also tend to pretty much agree with Spanky's take on the QB situation.(although I don't necessarily buy into the Taylor not worth a #3 pick part though), Pittsburgh being the only ones that might be seriously interested in trading up, but like he said, if they can land Henson, then that eliminates that possibility too.
Here I would tend to think Russ might have the most likely scenario...that being the Giants. What spot do they occupy now?

I also agree that trading down "a little" might be very workable and desireable, but only " a little". A drop to 20 or below would be too much , again has already been pointed out.

I also personally think that all this hype of Ben R. OVER Manning is also in the "pre-draft smoke" catagory. My guess, at the moment anyway, is that Green will most likely go with McCown/Blake.

But like Lex said, let the smoke roll right now, that can only benefit the Cards as draft day approaches.


ASFN Lifer
Jan 18, 2004
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DG does not run a West Coast Offense. He does like 3 WR sets.

Somebody is going to have to give up something pretty significant if they want to take Eli or Ben with the Cards #3 pick.

Northern Card

All Star
Mar 5, 2003
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Ottawa, ON - Canada
Originally posted by vikesfan
DG does not run a West Coast Offense. He does like 3 WR sets.

Somebody is going to have to give up something pretty significant if they want to take Eli or Ben with the Cards #3 pick.

I seem to recall he also ran alot of 2 TE sets....

And if so, I could imagine a flip with the Giants and picks, allowing the Cards to say, select Winslow. The one guy in the top of the draft who personally improves both our running and passing game.


ASFN Lifer
May 14, 2002
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I would agree with you Northern, that Green did seem to utilize his TE's a lot.

I refer back to the statement Brian Billick once made:
"Dennis wanted me to help instill an offense that was a combination of Bill Walsh's passing game and Joe Gibb's power running attack."

I would expect to see a lot of 2 TE sets. But I would disagree in the need to bring in another TE, like Winslow.

I think Steve Bush is a great backup to Freddy, and is an ideal fit for that system. You can move him around from either TE to FB while still on the field.

TE is one of the last areas of need that I see on this team.

Northern Card

All Star
Mar 5, 2003
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Ottawa, ON - Canada
Originally posted by Tangodnzr
I would agree with you Northern, that Green did seem to utilize his TE's a lot.

I refer back to the statement Brian Billick once made:
"Dennis wanted me to help instill an offense that was a combination of Bill Walsh's passing game and Joe Gibb's power running attack."

I would expect to see a lot of 2 TE sets. But I would disagree in the need to bring in another TE, like Winslow.

I think Steve Bush is a great backup to Freddy, and is an ideal fit for that system. You can move him around from either TE to FB while still on the field.

TE is one of the last areas of need that I see on this team.

I like Bush too. But, Winslow can move from TE to WO and IMO that trumps Bush's ability to block out of the backfield.

If some people on this board can actually suggest selecting a Safety at 3... can't see any problem with suggesting an almost equally talented Off. player... who, I repeat, offers a two-in-one feature to the game by improving both our passing and running game.

Loyal Card 17

Dec 19, 2003
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people can keep winslow. i'm not impress with him. alot of quality te in this draft. so winslow would be a waste of a #3 pick. let put a dash in winslow name. WIN-SLOW. that's better. phillip rivers out of north carolina or roy williams out of texas will be the best avaible player at the #3 pick. before we get to far on the draft subject, let wait and see who the cardinals get in free agentcy. remeber what every coach and gm says there is not much that seperates players physically. it more in the mental department.
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ASFN Lifer
Jan 18, 2004
Reaction score
The way DG ran a 2 TE system was he had a TE playing Full Back/H-BACK
in Kleinsasser.
Occassionally he would switch to a traditional 2 TE system but he was not huge into that so much cause he had a TE playing FB anyway. The key to his offense was using passing to set up running.