ASFN Lifer
I love the swagger of this defense. It is hard to believe that he has done complete transplant in less than two years. Rolle is exactly what this emerging D needs right now. These guys are so young, nasty and confident. Now people will start to understand DG's need to clean house to change the attitude. As a unit these guys now have no residual ill connection to the old mindset Cards. It will be interesting to see if DG thinks he can salvage Wendell Bryant or if he is gone. He is really the last question mark on D when it come to the old regime.
It will also be interesting to see how/if LD evolves into more of a leader with the onslaught of this attitude now surrounding him.
As for LJ, is there a player trade that could bring us a TE?
It will also be interesting to see how/if LD evolves into more of a leader with the onslaught of this attitude now surrounding him.
As for LJ, is there a player trade that could bring us a TE?