Jetstream Green
Kool Aid with a touch of vodka
OK, which one of you guys have returned them the trophy or does the Nat Poole Vikings have a bigger curse... look, this never happens for the Cards
Too soon????Can we give their kicker the key to the city, like Green Bay did for Nate Poole?
Curses don't work that way, it is irrelevant if you talk about it or not... you are cursed or you are not, a curse is not a jinx lolWell, not anymore. You woke the sleeping dog.
Jinxed, cursed, whatever…we can’t afford any of this stuff! LolCurses don't work that way, it is irrelevant if you talk about it or not... you are cursed or you are not, a curse is not a jinx lol
The son and I got the mom and John with us, so we should be good..Don’t worry we have the @WisconsinCard curse coming next week. We literally have no shot at winning.