So you would have been ok with me being arrested. Nice.
I didn't ask about your driving record - have YOU EVER gone over the speed limit (broken the law)?
I have exceeded the speed limit.
Exceeding the speed limit is only a traffic infraction which can result in a ticket and a fine and is not a criminal offense (not like a drug possession charge which started this thread).
There is such a thing as criminal speeding where you exceed the speed limit by more than a certain amount - like 20+ miles per hour on a highway or even less in a neighborhood, business area, or a school zone, obviously.
Having many friends and family who are police officers, they have always said that officers give drivers a buffer and usually won't ticket them unless they are going a certain amount over the limit - usually 8-10 miles over. Generally, if you are driving with the flow of traffic and not impeding others you are okay. Always drive safely based on the situation.
You can be ticketed for speeding by driving
under the posted limit depending on several conditions - weather, the road, flow of traffic, etc. My mom got a warning on the Mogollon Rim for driving too slowly (hauling a trailer for the first time and just being overly cautious on a very windy day).
Truthfully, everyone speeds at some point. No different than when you commit an actual crime - if you get caught you must face the consequences. For a traffic violation you can either pay a fine, get points on your driving record, or take a class to keep it off your record.