I thought Randy Moss mooning the crowd was funny!

Scott MS

Mar 8, 2004
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I think I am more bothered by the afro. How can you live your life with hair like that?

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A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Renz said:
To everyone who thought it was "funny" and "okay" what Moss did, let me ask you this. Would you want your son pantomiming mooning the crowd after he scored a Pop Warner touchdown?

I don't have a son, I have two daughters, but if my son did that I would kick his ass! IMO it was classless and disrespectful to the fans, his teammates, his opponents, and most importantly, to himself.


No, I don't want my kids doing that. But that's the way I raise my kids. I also explain to them that some people like to be showy, and that's ok too. Stressing differences and then pushing the child to be one way, and understand what is appropriate in a situation is the job of a parent...not the job of Randy Moss.

I also would not bring my children into the endzone seating. We can be vile, evil, disgusting and classless people during games. We are incredibly rude. My kids don't need to be in that environment. What's worse, Randy faux-mooning the crowd, or the crowd raining obscenities on him, throwing the finger and being drunken belligerent fools?

Much ado about nothing. As fans we can dish it out, and take it. I would have been delighted to know that as a fan, I could get under a guy's skin SO much that he felt he had to show me up too. When "Shockey Sucks" chants were pounding down from the SEZ this season, the VERY best part was looking at Shockey, and seeing him nodding his head in beat to the chant, and waving his hands at himself to say "keep it coming, give me more." That was awesome...you KNOW he's hearing you. Those fans KNOW Moss heard them. He got the better of them on that one, but I guaran-damn-tee you that the ish said in the stands was a billion times worse than what Randy did.

danny l

Jul 24, 2003
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missouri bootheel
All I know is that if I were a Packer player from now on and forever I would take every opportunity to cheap shot that MF! Moss can't make plays without knees or a head. :shrug:


Thank You Paul!
Jul 20, 2003
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I wasn't offended by what he did

definitely classless and unnecessary

however, I think joe buck and many others are over-reacting because it wasa randy moss in lambeau

i really don't like to see that stuff and personally found this effort to be weak

it just wasn't funny, very staged and he blew off his teamates

TO does the same stuff ... the guys try to celebrate with him in the endzone and he blows them off to do his dance

Jersey Girl

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Sep 17, 2002
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MigratingOsprey said:
I wasn't offended by what he did

definitely classless and unnecessary

however, I think joe buck and many others are over-reacting because it wasa randy moss in lambeau

i really don't like to see that stuff and personally found this effort to be weak

it just wasn't funny, very staged and he blew off his teamates

TO does the same stuff ... the guys try to celebrate with him in the endzone and he blows them off to do his dance

I totally agree. I wasn't offended, but thought it was classless (kinda like TO in the Dallas star, but that was actually funny cause it was Dallas, lol). I didn't think Moss's stunt was funny, just dumb. You'd think he could come up with something better than that, but I guess he can't.

Also thought Buck overreacted. My sis thought the same thing. C'mon already.

Moss is a scumbag, I think. Walking off the field last week. Didn't seem like he had too many good things to say about his coach. (If you don't have anything nice to say ...) And now this lame celebration. I was surprised not to see a flag thrown though.

Perhaps he pulled all this since the Cards knocked the Vikes outta the playoffs last year and then Green Bay got in. Maybe he felt like he had to show them up or something.

All of this doesn't matter anyway. Moss will not be celebrating much at the Linc next weekend. The Eagles will own the Vikes.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2004
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I will add that although there's no love lost between the Vikings and Packers, and though the Packers revel in their titles vs. the Vikings failures, mooning the eternally loyal fans at Lambeau is pretty lame.


Hall of Famer
Sep 18, 2002
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Margaritaville,north of Tucson
Tony Dungy says that the Packer Fans wait in the parking lot and moon the buses as they leave,so seeing it 7 times(Dungy) he can see the reason for Moss doing it :biglaugh: Also the No Fullmoon League is looking to fine Moss.

Jersey Girl

Stand down
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Sep 17, 2002
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Super Scottsdale
CatBoxBackFan said:
Tony Dungy says that the Packer Fans wait in the parking lot and moon the buses as they leave,so seeing it 7 times(Dungy) he can see the reason for Moss doing it :biglaugh: Also the No Fullmoon League is looking to fine Moss.

If that's the case, then I can find a little humor in that!

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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Scott MS said:
I think I am more bothered by the afro. How can you live your life with hair like that?

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I like the sideshow bob hair.


Supporting Member
Jul 16, 2004
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D-Dogg said:
No, I don't want my kids doing that. But that's the way I raise my kids. I also explain to them that some people like to be showy, and that's ok too. Stressing differences and then pushing the child to be one way, and understand what is appropriate in a situation is the job of a parent...not the job of Randy Moss.

I also would not bring my children into the endzone seating. We can be vile, evil, disgusting and classless people during games. We are incredibly rude. My kids don't need to be in that environment. What's worse, Randy faux-mooning the crowd, or the crowd raining obscenities on him, throwing the finger and being drunken belligerent fools?

Much ado about nothing. As fans we can dish it out, and take it. I would have been delighted to know that as a fan, I could get under a guy's skin SO much that he felt he had to show me up too. When "Shockey Sucks" chants were pounding down from the SEZ this season, the VERY best part was looking at Shockey, and seeing him nodding his head in beat to the chant, and waving his hands at himself to say "keep it coming, give me more." That was awesome...you KNOW he's hearing you. Those fans KNOW Moss heard them. He got the better of them on that one, but I guaran-damn-tee you that the ish said in the stands was a billion times worse than what Randy did.

Great post. I agree.

Billy Flynt

Pirate, 300 yrs too late
Sep 10, 2002
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port royal, jamaica
funny: mildly.
classless: completely.
something I would have expected out of my 14 year old son: yes.

I can see how some people feel that FOX, et al, over-reacted to it. Spur of the moment, I would probably have said the same things. I think Moss's walk off the field last week was worse. Moss "plays when he wants to" and that's why I wouldn't trade Michael Stone for him. It's the same reason I don't like Dieon Sanders or Terrell Owens. You play a team game, act like you are a member of a team.

I know it's campy, but Uncle Ben in Spiderman said it best: "With great power comes great responsibility."


Jan 10, 2005
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I think anyone over the age of 35 didn't like it and reacted like an old person.

Anyone under the age of 35 doesn't take things so serious and loved it. This sport is entertainment and celebrations are the best part.

I thought it was hilarious.


Big Man Himself
Jul 11, 2002
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Fresno, CA
Renz said:
To everyone who thought it was "funny" and "okay" what Moss did, let me ask you this. Would you want your son pantomiming mooning the crowd after he scored a Pop Warner touchdown?

I don't have a son, I have two daughters, but if my son did that I would kick his ass! IMO it was classless and disrespectful to the fans, his teammates, his opponents, and most importantly, to himself.


Anybody listen to dan Patrick today? Dungy came on and said it was hysterical..... Patrick, who was admonishing Moss for the act seemed shocked.

Read Catboxfan's post....... I think it is funny given the fact that 50 packer fans moon you as you leave green bay after a loss....... Would I want my kids doing it? No, but it is funny!!!


Provocateur aka Wallyburger
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Nov 17, 2003
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The urban swamp
In the locker room afterward, a Journal Sentinel reporter tried to ask Randy Moss about the incident. Moss does not talk to reporters from the Twin Cities but occasionally will talk to out-of-town writers. Moss, wearing a torn black T-shirt with the Superman insignia underneath his shoulder pads, was asked whether he would take a question from the Journal Sentinel. “Everybody but Green Bay, homey,” Moss said. “If you’re from Green Bay, the hell with you.” When the reporter said he was from Milwaukee and asked for comment, Moss walked away and yelled, “Nope, you’re part of Wisconsin, homey.”


Registered User
Oct 3, 2002
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This pretending to moon the fans was probably fun to most of the fans in Green Bay. They moon (real moon not pretend to) the Vikings bus every time they are there, and do many obnoxious things to the players including using some words that we can not type here.

Randy Moss does things that people do not like to see him do, but this was not one of those things, this was having fun with the fans.

The guys on the post game show really p.....ed me off, you would have thought Moss just committed a terrible crime!!! These guys need to get a life and quit being so critical!
Randy Moss has gotten into the heads of many NFL players and that is the way he plays ball.

He is a great talent and many players get P.......ed because he is so good and they can not stop him, especially on big plays. I would like someone to ask NFL players if this offended them, they would probably all laugh and just say the scripted thing like Randy is being Randy. Deep down they all would say trade him to my team.................! Pro football is an extremely rough game to play and it is not for whimps...........!

When he says he plays when he wants to, he is just being honest.
Many great!! players have played the same way, they just do not say it, Moss does!

Anyone who follows the NFL should not be offended by what he did, if he had really mooned the fans that would have been a whole lot different, but he did not. If you really were offended, it is time for you to quit watching pro football and get a real life. If those of you that say it is terrible because there were children watching the game and at the game, do you let your kids watch tv...........? If you do they see much much worse things on tv then what Moss did in this game.

By the way, the afro hair was done by 4 Viking players for this special game that was going to get them into the playoffs if they won.

P.S. those of you who were offended by Randy Moss doing this, are you offended by players taking steroids and other drugs in the NFL, MLB, NBA, and olympic sports???, and setting records and getting millions upon millions for cheating in those sports.............? Do you think they should be fined or suspended or??? Do you think that may be worse than what Moss did?
And, just because they are perfect acting gentlemen or perfect acting ladies, that they can do this and it is not a problem as bad as what Moss did?
Do you think that your children are going to be affected more in the long run by watching Moss do a pretend mooning, or by knowing that someone can get away with taking drugs and getting paid millions for doing so.

GET REAL FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!

"Whew" I will now get down off my soap box!!!


Registered User
Jul 7, 2004
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To clarify, I thought it was lame, but I was not offended by it in the least.


& amp; quot ;Car d s Crazy
May 13, 2002
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I saw the Dungy interview also--

Tony Dungy said on the games they have played in Lambeau there is a certain number of fans who wait near the bus and when they pull away from the field all line up and moon the team and that was the motivation for Randy's moondance! He thought it was funny and so do I. I love to see the celebrations in the endzones, why not have some humor with football? We all take life so seriously and there are enough very serious things to worry about than players having some crazy fun. I think our new Suns owner is hilarious with his upbeat personality. I for one think it's refreshing to watch the energy. Sarver is a breath of fresh air after years of watching owners sit like mummy's scowling. :D


Hall of Famer
Sep 18, 2002
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Margaritaville,north of Tucson
bigredjane said:
Tony Dungy said on the games they have played in Lambeau there is a certain number of fans who wait near the bus and when they pull away from the field all line up and moon the team and that was the motivation for Randy's moon dance! He thought it was funny and so do I. I love to see the celebrations in the end zones, why not have some humor with football? We all take life so seriously and there are enough very serious things to worry about than players having some crazy fun. I think our new Suns owner is hilarious with his upbeat personality. I for one think it's refreshing to watch the energy. Sarver is a breath of fresh air after years of watching owners sit like mummy's scowling. :D

It was no big deal until the "Talking Heads" made a big deal about it.And for Sarver,I do like the energy he brings as long as it does not take away from what is happening on the court,which it is not. If you are referring to "Mummys scowling" as Jerry Colangelo well if it wasn't for The "Scowling Mummy" there wouldn't be a Suns team for Sarver to cheer for and own. Old School vs New School thats all


& amp; quot ;Car d s Crazy
May 13, 2002
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I did not refer to Jerry as the mummy-

I happen to have the utmost respect for Jerry and what he has done for Phoenix and sports! He is not the only owner we watch with all of the broadcasts, sorry if you thought I meant Jerry. :)

Kel Varnsen

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Jun 28, 2003
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CatBoxBackFan said:
Tony Dungy says that the Packer Fans wait in the parking lot and moon the buses as they leave,so seeing it 7 times(Dungy) he can see the reason for Moss doing it :biglaugh: Also the No Fullmoon League is looking to fine Moss.

I heard this today, too. That just makes what Moss did even funnier. :D


Dec 21, 2004
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No, I don't want my kids doing that. But that's the way I raise my kids. I also explain to them that some people like to be showy, and that's ok too. Stressing differences and then pushing the child to be one way, and understand what is appropriate in a situation is the job of a parent...not the job of Randy Moss.

I also would not bring my children into the endzone seating. We can be vile, evil, disgusting and classless people during games. We are incredibly rude. My kids don't need to be in that environment. What's worse, Randy faux-mooning the crowd, or the crowd raining obscenities on him, throwing the finger and being drunken belligerent fools?

Much ado about nothing. As fans we can dish it out, and take it. I would have been delighted to know that as a fan, I could get under a guy's skin SO much that he felt he had to show me up too. When "Shockey Sucks" chants were pounding down from the SEZ this season, the VERY best part was looking at Shockey, and seeing him nodding his head in beat to the chant, and waving his hands at himself to say "keep it coming, give me more." That was awesome...you KNOW he's hearing you. Those fans KNOW Moss heard them. He got the better of them on that one, but I guaran-damn-tee you that the ish said in the stands was a billion times worse than what Randy did.

Very well said! I thought it was funny! All sports need these sort of ppl IMO