I know this board is a bit different than your average fan site, and you seem relatively new, so let me just say this:
We know, man. Most (probably 90%) of us here have been around for a long time, and we have all been wrong dozens of time. We have said we've been wrong dozens of time. Hell, I've been around so long that I wanted the Suns to draft Nikoloz Tskitishvilli over Amare Stoudemire. Telling me I was wrong about Frank being the problem instead of the players isn't telling me anything new or anything I haven't said already. I am betting that 90% of the board relates and can say something similar.
Congrats on being right!
I understand that attitude. But there are some on this board (not you) who repeatedly insist that they are right, up until the moment when it becomes obvious that they aren't. They might say "I was wrong last time," but never follow it up with "So I will be less abrasive and dismissive next time."
I would love it if I ever saw someone post, "Over the years, I've come to recognize that I'm not always as smart as I think I am, so I will become less hostile in shouting down alternate viewpoints, because I've learned that I might later be proven wrong." But that never happens.
Everything bad has stemmed from the Durant trade, and yet there is still a contingent on this board who keeps saying that it's not as bad as it looks, because "Ishbia will spend enough to stay competitive" or some other rationalization. Guess what: The Suns are about to give up their first lottery pick, years earlier than anyone foresaw, and the bill for the Durant trade is only just starting to come due.
So I say, gloat all you want. The only silver lining to any of this is that some of us saw it coming.