Pawnee, Skidi Clan
Just called him KONG.
He's a legend, without a doubt.
Nicknames are stupid... I'm quite sure Larry is just fine with being called Larry
Who needs no dumb nickname even though you'de per your pant with joy if he had one
Just called him KONG.
Just called him KONG.
L-A-R-R-Y! L-A-R-R-Y! L-A-R-R-Y!
What more needs to be said!
L-A-R-R-Y! L-A-R-R-Y! L-A-R-R-Y!
What more needs to be said!
Yeah black men love being called stuff like Kong or Horse. It's so flattering and uplifting.
I wonder about the diversity on this board sometimes not to say it was ment to be offensive because I know it wasn't it was ment as a compliment but.
Key and Peele did a funny skit on sports commentators for last years super bowl and these kind of nicknames and descriptions of black and white players.
In the Spanish broadcast that is unique and awesome!