If you want to know why draft picks are not signing read this


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Mar 28, 2003
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Marko Cavka the Jets 6th round pick is my brother in laws brother and I found out that he got his first offer yesterday. I was told that there have been talks over that last few weeks, but no offer until yesterday and they are still 2 years apart on the deal, he wants a 3 year deal and they want a 5 year deal. Could it be that offers are taking so long so the players will get scared and sign anything that comes there way, at least that is what teams are hoping. It is just crazy that it has taken until a week before training camp to offer a 6th rounder a contract, something that should have and in years past would have been a done deal weeks ago. I think most teams, Cards included, are taking a chance and waiting until that last minute to get things done.


Dec 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ
One of the things that has happened over the past few years is that late round picks and their agents now want 3 year deals and the teams want 5 year deals. In the past, the teams gave three year deals and had no problem with it. After Daniel Snyder started signing a bunch of restricted free agents, teams realized that the compensation for losing a young player wasn't equal to the value of the player. Now teams want to hold on to their late round picks a little longer for their value, but the agents want them to be able to get free agency earlier. It changed things a lot last year and I imagine it will even more this year.

In the past, agents just wanted to get the deal done for late round picks, knowing that the money doesn't change all that much. But now that the teams want to make the contracts five years, players and agents are balking, making it more difficult to sign late rounders. I imagine this is going on with every team, since they are all basically dealing with the same bunch of agents. By the time camp rolls around for each team, there shouldn't be many late round holdouts. The are the ones that need to prove their value to the team and make the cut, not like 1st rounders who know that their job is there when they show up.

Contrary to popular opinion, it is not time to panick yet. If no one is signed by Thursday, then you can panick. Remember, the Cardinals have changed just about everything that has to do with how they run their organization in the last eight months, why should we expect anything different with the announcement of signings? Give them until Thursday.

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