Lockout in lame man's terms
So a couple or so years ago Owner #1 walks up to some of the other Owners and tells them about this "brilliant" plan. He says they get the majority of the pie back ($), add more pie (18 games), and bank on the TV money as some leverage. "Good plan" the other Owners snorted back, what can you do about that damn guaranteed rookie money?
So the time comes and they go into "negotiations" with the "Union" (only a Union when it benefits them) and they tell the Players "We aint making no money, we are going to shut it down, you darn Players ripped us off in the last CBA, we got teams that are about to fold."
"Don't shut in down, lets talk about this." the players squirmed. (Smith, the courtroom ringer started in and doing his thing) Everything goes public, with both sides willing to deal only when they have lost the leverage.
Players start to smell a rat, and now they want to see the books. TV money...hold that check. Smith brings out his plan..."What Union, we gonna sue you!"
Owners lose their leverage and suddenly they are the one's who want to talk about the deal the Players offered at the beginning of all this doodoo. Players say no way, grab your ankles.
Judge says Players are right, Owner's plan went to crap. Players will probably only budge on the rookie contracts (if they even do that). They have all the support from the court (right now that is) and swear the fans are behind them too, well I aint behind either right now. I'm chillin with the Coaches, rookies, and fanbase like everyone else watching this BS.