Insider 12/15/2005 Chat with Chad Ford


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Chat with Chad Ford

Welcome to The Show! On Thursday, ESPN NBA Insider Chad Ford will drop by to take your questions on the season.

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:03 PM ET ) Hey everyone. Thanks for coming. Lots to talk about today. Where's Ron going? What's going on in Miami? Who else is on the block? The hot seat? Let's roll.

Donnie, Indiana: Should the Pacers trade Artest? Everyone assumes that they should, but I think they should hold on unless the get an All-Star

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:09 PM ET ) I don't think they're getting an All-Star. They love Ronnie, but there comes a point when enough is enough. Chemistry, as rookie Sarunas Jasikevicius pointed out yesterday, can sometimes mean more than talent. In this particular case, I think he's right. I think Indiana knows that they won't be an elite contender without Artest this year. The plan should be to get a few assets that put you in an elite position in the next two years. My guess is that they go for young players or high draft picks who could develop into a second star.

Vinnie Buttafuko, Jersey: I heard Artest and Croshere are going to LA for Odom and Kwame Brown. Any truth to that?

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:10 PM ET ) It doesn't work under the cap and while that might be a great deal for Indiana, I think the salaries they'd have to swallow would be an issue. Also, what would LA do for rebounding?

Brian (Lawrence, KS): Does anyone trsut Artest? He ruined a title contending year last year, ruined Reggie Miller's last year, and now he wants to leave a team that A) has an allstar big man, B) has a great coach, and C) is a title contender. What teams would want this joker?

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:11 PM ET ) About 20 from the sounds of things. You've got to love the NBA. Everyone's head says this guy is trouble. Everyone's ego says that they have the coach, system or front office, where Ronnie will shine. We'll see. The thing is, Ronnie's a Top 15 talent in the league. People are willing to take those risks for that type of talent. ... Most people that is. I don't think you'll see Utah or Detroit making an offer.

Mark, Dallas: Why aren't the Mavs making a run at Artest? I don't understand it.

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:17 PM ET ) I don't either. I'm not sure there's a team in the league who has more motivation and the talent to get a deal done. A combo of Nowitzki and Artest would make the Mavs legit contenders against the Spurs. And what would it cost them? Probably an expiring contract (ie. Keith Van Horn) and one of their young players -- either Devin Harris, Josh Howard or Marquis Daniels. They'd have to take back the contracts of Austin Croshere and Anthony Johnson to make a deal like that work ... but it's not a bad deal for Dallas. As much potential as each of Dallas' young guys has, none of them touch the talent of Artest. Cuban has been a big risk taker in the past ... I can't believe he's passing on this. I think if there's a system out there that Artest might be comfortable in, it's Dallas. They coddle their players and Ronnie needs coddling. Lots of it.

Rob, Toronto: I heard that Artest may be heading to Toronto for Mo Peterson.

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:19 PM ET ) Uhhh... I seriously doubt it. I think the Pacers want more and can get more than that.

Matthew (NYC): If you had to guess today where Artest is going, where would it be? (Please say NY.)

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:22 PM ET ) I don't think the Knicks have the goods to trade for Artest (unless the agree to throw in Channing Frye). Plus, I think they prefer to send him West. My top 5 are Denver, Memphis, Seattle, New Orleans and Sacramento. I still believe that the Artest for Stojakovic deal probably makes the most sense for both teams ... especially if the Pacers could figure out a way to re-sign him. The Clippers are another darkhorse if they're willing to give up Corey Maggette.

Luke, Baghdad: Artest to Denver? What will denver do? I think they are on the cusp of contention,they just need one more thing to put them over the top, will they make a move? Shout out to all at home in Aurora, Colorado, miss you guys, be back soon!

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:25 PM ET ) Baghdad posters go to the top of the list. I think Kiki would love to get his hands on Artest. The problem is that the Nuggets are limited in what they can offer. They could try to package Andre Miller and Nene, but I'm not sure Houston is interested. Artest would be a great fit, talent wise, in Denver. But I wonder how he and George Karl would get along. I don't think it would be pretty.

Jermaine, Richmond, VA: Doesn't Golden State stand as one of the teams that's on the outside looking in, and is one big move away from seriously competing? What's stopping Dunleavy and a rookie contract like Diogu from coming back east? Wouldn't that make sense for both teams?

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:29 PM ET ) Golden State would be in a GREAT position to get Artest had they not extended Dunleavy this fall. Now his contract is almost impossible to trade. Artest would be a great fit in Golden State as well ... and the Warriors have the young talent to give back in return. This is TOTAL speculation, but Mickael Pietrus, Ike Diogu and Calbert Cheaney's expiring contract would probably be interesting to Indiana ... Artest would give them the defensive toughness they're looking for at the three and Dunleavy could come off the bench.

Donnie , New Jersey: I do not feel the Knicks will get Ron, but who do you think will be traded from the Knicks Roster and who will they bring in?

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:32 PM ET ) The trading season does officially get underway today and you're right ... there are more assets out there than Ron Artest. The Knicks need a point guard and a small forward. Quetin Richardson, Jamal Crawford and the expiring contract of Penny Hardaway are the bait. I could see them making a run at Earl Watson or Andre Miller using Richardson or Crawford as bait. The Nuggets need a two guard who can shoot it and have a glut of point guards.

John, Chicago, IL: ENOUGH ABOUT ARTEST!! Do you think my Bulls will get Peja anytime soon? And at what cost?

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:35 PM ET ) They would like to have Peja ... but the cost would be high. Luol Deng at a minimum. The problem with the Bulls aquiring him is that they'll have to give him big dollars next summer to keep him. They'll have the money under the cap, but is Peja worth the cash. His prime may be behind him.

Scott, Chicago: What is Portland going to do with their JailBlazzers ei (Patterson & Randolph)?

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:39 PM ET ) Zach Randolph is a base year player which makes him very difficult to move. It means that the Blazers can only take back half of what Randolph makes ($10.6 million this year) in a trade. The only way to really do that is to create a huge trade or to trade him to a team with cap room. If Atlanta was interested, they could probably work out a deal. If something doesn't happen soon, I think you'll see Travis Outlaw on the block. He's frustrated with his role and is pushing for a trade if Nate McMillan can't find more playing time for him.

Kevin O, Utah: Speaking of Utah... Does Boozer hold any value around the league? Have you heard any rumors concerning the Jazz?

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:44 PM ET ) Boozer does have value ... probably more on other teams that he does in Utah. The fans haven't really got on the Boozer band wagon and his injuries (they're spoiled in Utah with Karl Malone and John Stockton rarely injured) haven't helped that. With Mehmet Okur looking very solid at the four, this may be their chance to swap Boozer for an athletic two guard who can shoot. The Nets might be a possibility.

Jordan, TX: What happened to Daniel Gibson of Texas. Everyone talked him up as a top five prospect in the draft. I think he's horrible.

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:48 PM ET ) I think "horrible" is awfully strong. Offensively he's actually been pretty good. He's very athletic and has a sweet shooting stroke. The problem is that he's looked incapable, at times, of running the team as a point guard. Given his size, that makes his transition to the pros a much bigger question mark. Little two like Ben Gordon have done it before, but even Gordon has run into his fair share of problems at the position.

Jeff, Durham, NC: JJ Redick is the best player in the draft.

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:50 PM ET ) He may be the best college player in the country (though I personally like Adam Morrison better) ... but he's no where near the top pro prospect. He's undersized for his position, isn't a great athlete and will likely be a little one dimensional in the pros. Someone will likely take him in the first round ... but he's a real reach even at the end of the lottery.

Jay (Burke, VA): It's Morrison

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:53 PM ET ) Morrison has some similar issues when you translate his game to the pros. He has great size for his position, but he's going to be a defensive liability and I think he'll struggle to get his own shot. He has to work his butt off at the college level to get it ... that's only going to get harder at the next level. Still, I think Morrison is a much better prospect than Redick. Some team will fall in love with him in the Top 5, but he's probably closer to a 8 to 13 pick based on pro potential.

Brad (Memphis): What about Ronnie Brewer? How has his stock been going of late?

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:53 PM ET ) Great. His shot is ugly ... but it goes in. That's the only real knock. He has everything else, great size, athleticism, versatility and defense. I think he's a Top 7 selection ... maybe Top 5.

Al, Vancouver: Is Rudy Gay's stock dropping?

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:55 PM ET ) Not too much. He came in, in the pre-season, as the top prospect so scouts are expecting a lot. He's disappointed a little, but he's got GREAT potential. I'm just not sure he knows it yet. If he will start taking over games on a consistent basis again, he'll get more buzz as the No. 1 pick. Right now, however, Texas' LaMarcus Aldridge seems to be the consensus No. 1.

SportsNation Chad Ford: (12:57 PM ET ) I've got to run everyone. Fun chat. I could've answered another 20 Artest questions. For a guy that everyone hates, a lot of you would sure like to have him on your team. I think many GMs feel the same way. We'll talk again next week. Make sure to check out my latest draft blog and the new top 100.

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