Interesting tidbits about Ainge


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Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Here are some tings from a peter may article I found kind of humorous:

"He wants to make sure that if there is an untapped talent on the team, it's not overlooked. He even cited ex-Celtics like Joe Johnson and Chauncey Billups as players who have gone elsewhere and prospered."

"Ainge also took a roundabout shot at O'Brien regarding Johnson, the team's No. 1 pick (10th overall) in 2001 who lasted half a season before being traded to the Suns. "If we're drafting Joe Johnson and we don't like to play him in Boston, but he explodes in Phoenix, we have to evaluate what we're doing," he told the Boston Globe. "It doesn't do me any good to go draft a player, if the coach isn't going to put him on the court and give him a chance to develop. If we're drafting players that aren't being developed or maybe we're drafting the wrong players, or maybe we're drafting the right players that aren't being developed properly ... either way it's bad.""

"He's always been honest, sometimes to a fault, and he generally -- but not always (Luc Longley, for instance) -- has sound ideas about the game and the people who play it."

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
Joe Johnson exploded? I must have missed that. I mean he has had a few big games, but he averaged something like 38% from the field during the regular season and even less in the playoffs. As far as I can tell everything the Boston coaches and management said that came after the trade was correct. I still think it was a good trade for Phoenix, but it wasn't that lopsided.

Joe Mama


Nov 4, 2002
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I'm one person who might actually think that that particular trade was lopsided - in favor of the Boston Celtics. Realize that we traded Rodney Rogers and Tony Delk for Joe Johnson. While Rodney might've been a free-agent at the end of the season, trading him lost any hopes of re-signing him, and he could've been a valuable piece to this year's Suns team. Especially now that we have a formidable power forward in the starting lineup, bringing Rodney off the bench to play what seems to be his normal role as a 6th man would've been perfect. That way, we'd have Rodney coming off the bench instead of some other guard in the mid 6 feet range. Rogers may only be 6'8, but he has a big body and has no problem banging downlow.

Even if Rodney signed else-where in the offseason, we would've been left with 4.5 million extra dollars to sign somebody else. It also would've left us with Tony Delk, who although erratic at times, is a pretty decent player. He gives us just about everything Casey Jacobsen doesn't. He may not be a true point guard on the offensive end, but he can play full-court man to man defense and never seems to get tired in that regard. He hit a lot of big shots against the Nets in their last series as well.

What has Joe Johnson really given us? He has his days where he shoots well as he camps behind the 3 pt line, but for every good shooting game, he has about 3 where he can't throw the ball in the ocean. Most of the time, all he really does is take Stephon, Penny, or Shawn out of the game. Of course all of them need rest, but the fact that Johnson needs time to keep his confidence anywhere out of the basement gives those 3 players more rest then they really need. JJ hasn't been a bust at all, but he hasn't really helped us more than Rogers and Delk could have.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX

JJ hasn't been a bust at all, but he hasn't really helped us more than Rogers and Delk could have.

Help us do what? With Rogers and Delk, we wouldn't have gotten out of the first round either, so I'm wondering just what you think they could have helped us do.

Rod would have been gone, that's a foregone conclusion--he'd probably go to a team that doesn't complain so much about his weight (like NJ obviously--the guy is the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man over there).

As for Delk, he's had some good games for the Celtics, as their starting point guard, a position he never would have had on the Suns.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
While Rodney might've been a free-agent at the end of the season, trading him lost any hopes of re-signing him

Rogers was gone. It was clear the Suns weren't going to resign him. They didn't want to resign him, because his worth ethic is terrible and he goes through long funks of not producing.

Rogers may only be 6'8, but he has a big body and has no problem banging downlow.

He is 6' 7", and he has plenty of problems staying in shape enough to bang anywhere. Have you noticed how little the Nets are using him in this playoff run? If he's so valuable, how come he isn't an important part of their team?

Even if Rodney signed else-where in the offseason, we would've been left with 4.5 million extra dollars to sign somebody else.

Which the Suns have anyway, now that Brown's contract is cleared out. Johnson makes less than Delk.

The Suns can sign someone to the mid-level exception whenever they want, but they aren't, because of the luxury tax.

He has his days where he shoots well as he camps behind the 3 pt line, but for every good shooting game, he has about 3 where he can't throw the ball in the ocean.

Your memory of Delk is awfully rose-colored: exactly the same can be said about him. Johnson is very erratic, but no more so than Delk. And at least Johnson can pass the ball once in a while.

And finally, if Johnson never improves, the Suns can cut him loose after either this coming season or the one after that. Delk is signed through 2006.

You can argue that the trade was good for the Celtics, because Rogers did give them a boost in his two months with the team. But there's no way to argue that it was a bad trade for the Suns.


ASFN Lifer
Sep 22, 2002
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Originally posted by elindholm
While Rodney might've been a free-agent at the end of the season, trading him lost any hopes of re-signing him

Rogers was gone. It was clear the Suns weren't going to resign him. They didn't want to resign him, because his worth ethic is terrible and he goes through long funks of not producing.

Rogers may only be 6'8, but he has a big body and has no problem banging downlow.

He is 6' 7", and he has plenty of problems staying in shape enough to bang anywhere. Have you noticed how little the Nets are using him in this playoff run? If he's so valuable, how come he isn't an important part of their team?

Even if Rodney signed else-where in the offseason, we would've been left with 4.5 million extra dollars to sign somebody else.

Which the Suns have anyway, now that Brown's contract is cleared out. Johnson makes less than Delk.

The Suns can sign someone to the mid-level exception whenever they want, but they aren't, because of the luxury tax.

He has his days where he shoots well as he camps behind the 3 pt line, but for every good shooting game, he has about 3 where he can't throw the ball in the ocean.

Your memory of Delk is awfully rose-colored: exactly the same can be said about him. Johnson is very erratic, but no more so than Delk. And at least Johnson can pass the ball once in a while.

And finally, if Johnson never improves, the Suns can cut him loose after either this coming season or the one after that. Delk is signed through 2006.

You can argue that the trade was good for the Celtics, because Rogers did give them a boost in his two months with the team. But there's no way to argue that it was a bad trade for the Suns.
I agree with everything what you have write except one thing.

It's pretty difficult to argue that the trade was good for the Celts.
If they knew that they won't re-sign Rogers then they gave their #10 free because Delk isn't worth more than #22.
IMO, it was a terrible trade for BOS.

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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May 13, 2002
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Killjoy Central
Anyone else find it ironic that ever since he left coaching the Suns to "be closer to his family, especially his kids," Ainge has worked away from AZ quite a bit with TNT broadcasting and all...

Now he takes the reins in Boston...

I wonder if he'll be uprooting his wife and kids from their home in Gilbert and moving the entire family to Boston now?


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Originally posted by Brian in Mesa
Anyone else find it ironic that ever since he left coaching the Suns to "be closer to his family, especially his kids," Ainge has worked away from AZ quite a bit with TNT broadcasting and all...

Now he takes the reins in Boston...

I wonder if he'll be uprooting his wife and kids from their home in Gilbert and moving the entire family to Boston now?

Yeah, I've wondered about that ever since he left.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
It's pretty difficult to argue that the trade was good for the Celts.

Language issue: I said "you can argue" it, which means that "you" (in this case notakiddfan1) are able to argue it, not that it is an argument that would be easy to win.

I also think it was a bad trade for the Celtics.

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
I think Ainge is going to commute for a while. I can't remember where I heard that, but I know I did.

It should also be noted that Joe Johnson is twice the defender Tony Delk is. He can also play three positions where Tony Delk had trouble defending anyone other than a point guard.

It definitely was not a good trade for Boston or a bad one for Phoenix. But there's no way it was better for Boston.

Joe Mama

Charles V

Jun 13, 2002
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Anyone else find it ironic that ever since he left coaching the Suns to "be closer to his family, especially his kids," Ainge has worked away from AZ quite a bit with TNT broadcasting and all...

Now he takes the reins in Boston....

Nope. Not at all. There is nothing to that. Nothing. Nothing at all. I never thought about it once. :rolleyes:

OK, maybe once.

I dont get it either. I'd like to hear his side of the story, to be perfectly honest.
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Sep 16, 2002
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City of Angels
You guys don't really believe that Ainge quit for his kids do you? He was forced out because he sucked as coach. But because he's been around the organisation for so long and is so well liked they gave him an opportunity to save face by quiting. But lets get serious here. The bottom line is that the guy didn't quit. he was fired because he was a lousy small ball coach who didn't help the Dice matters much by not playing him.


May 22, 2002
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Now let me get this straight.....Ainge doesn't play Dice as much as Dice would have liked to play, and as you say he gets canned, but saves face and quits. Now then if that is logical .....then Johnson should actually get fired and not be allowed to save face as he never plays Big Jake AT ALL except against Shaq.


Jun 28, 2002
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Originally posted by se7en
You guys don't really believe that Ainge quit for his kids do you? He was forced out because he sucked as coach. But because he's been around the organisation for so long and is so well liked they gave him an opportunity to save face by quiting. But lets get serious here. The bottom line is that the guy didn't quit. he was fired because he was a lousy small ball coach who didn't help the Dice matters much by not playing him.

This is exactly what I thought. He left with a record of 13-7 to start the season. Maybe JC didn't fire him, but his reason to resign was laughable. Ainge couldn't lead the team out of first round and McDyess's defect had alot to do with him quitting. His situation was similar to Van Gundy in NY who was under alot of pressure and knew he couldn't turn it around with the team he had.


An Army of One
May 10, 2003
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Originally posted by se7en
You guys don't really believe that Ainge quit for his kids do you? He was forced out because he sucked as coach. But because he's been around the organisation for so long and is so well liked they gave him an opportunity to save face by quiting. But lets get serious here. The bottom line is that the guy didn't quit. he was fired because he was a lousy small ball coach who didn't help the Dice matters much by not playing him.

I can buy that he quit for his family. The hours spent preparing and the stress of coaching is far greater than broadcasting. Maybe he got back into the business side of the NBA because his kids are older. Are they close to graduating high school? Just my thoughts.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Originally posted by se7en
You guys don't really believe that Ainge quit for his kids do you? He was forced out because he sucked as coach. But because he's been around the organisation for so long and is so well liked they gave him an opportunity to save face by quiting. But lets get serious here. The bottom line is that the guy didn't quit. he was fired because he was a lousy small ball coach who didn't help the Dice matters much by not playing him.

You don't believe that, do you? Look who he was replaced with, for gawd sakes! He was forced out because of small ball?? Come on.

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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Originally posted by Renz
I can buy that he quit for his family. The hours spent preparing and the stress of coaching is far greater than broadcasting. Maybe he got back into the business side of the NBA because his kids are older. Are they close to graduating high school? Just my thoughts.

Ainge has like 6 or 7 kids.

Some are older, but he still has a couple, at least, that are pre high school age.


Oct 24, 2002
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It really doesn't make sense to speculate about why Ainge quit.

He said it was for his kids, and you might as well believe him. Danny Ainge has never been one to beat around the bush much. He's been very blunt about teams and players every time I've heard him interviewed.

There is no way broadcasting would keep him away from home as much as coaching. How many games was he working a year with TNT? Plus practices, scouting, etc.

Conspiracy theories are fun, though.


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Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
When ainge quit it was a "shock" to the C's. I remember reading about how no one saw it coming. When a coach gets forced out, like how Skiles did, it is very very obvious. When Ainge was with TNT he did spend a lot of time at home though. My roommate used to work at a QT on greenfield, and he said he saw Ainge in there all the time.

IMO being a head coach would take a lot more time away from family then being an analyst. He doesnt have practice all week, he doesnt need to scout other teams, all he does if work for 5 hours a day, maybe once or twice a week.

With the new Celt gig he has, I couldnt really tell you. It is possible that alot of his kids grew up to the point where he doesnt feel the need to be home all the time. I know by the time I was 16 I was at home pretty much just to sleep.

Just my 2 cents


ASFN Addict
Oct 15, 2002
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Charleston, SC
Originally posted by minercon
Now let me get this straight.....Ainge doesn't play Dice as much as Dice would have liked to play, and as you say he gets canned, but saves face and quits. Now then if that is logical .....then Johnson should actually get fired and not be allowed to save face as he never plays Big Jake AT ALL except against Shaq.

Youre not actually comparing the significance of not giving minutes to Antonio McDyess with not giving them to Tsakilidis are you???


Long time Phoenician!
Sep 16, 2002
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NE Phoenix
Originally posted by se7en
You guys don't really believe that Ainge quit for his kids do you? He was forced out because he sucked as coach. But because he's been around the organization for so long and is so well liked they gave him an opportunity to save face by quiting.
It's possible that Danny wasn't comfortable with the constant hand-holding a Head Coach has to do with the variety of personalities on the team.

Broadcasting is a piece of cake by comparison. And an executive position takes him farther away from the headaches of 1st-line supervision.

The bottom line is that the guy didn't quit. he was fired because he was a lousy small ball coach who didn't help the Dice matters much by not playing him.
Fired because he was a small ball coach?!? On the Suns, it's a prerequisite!

Guards move to Forward. Small Forwards move to Power Forward. And the only way a Power Forward can stay in the game is if he won't embarass the team too much covering Center.

It didn't start with Danny Ainge . . . and it didn't end with him!


Krycek, Alex Krycek
Oct 15, 2002
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Harrisburg, PA
Originally posted by BC867
Fired because he was a small ball coach?!? On the Suns, it's a prerequisite!

Guards move to Forward. Small Forwards move to Power Forward. And the only way a Power Forward can stay in the game is if he won't embarass the team too much covering Center.

It didn't start with Danny Ainge . . . and it didn't end with him!

Lol, anybody remembers Kidd/ Johnson/ Nash playing 1, 2 and 3 at the same time? That's what I call small ball.


Sep 16, 2002
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City of Angels
Minercon says,

"Now let me get this straight.....Ainge doesn't play Dice as much as Dice would have liked to play, and as you say he gets canned, but saves face and quits. Now then if that is logical .....then Johnson should actually get fired and not be allowed to save face as he never plays Big Jake AT ALL except against Shaq."

Don't be so naive. You don't really believe that FJ will be the coach when this team is ready to contend do you? FJ is just keeping the seat warm until the team is ready to go to the next level. You watch, in a year or 2 he'll be taking a front office position while a more experienced coach comes in.

As for comparing the impact of Jake on a game to Dice, give it a break. And if Jake gets pissed off and walks after next season do you think this team will be wrecked for years to come? I don't think so.

Also what you don't understand about the Ainge situation is that he was close to the organization. Colangelo didn't want to embarass Ainge by canning him.

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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May 13, 2002
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From what I remember (articles, tv interviews, etc) Dice wasn't upset because he wasn't getting was over how he was being used when in the games. In Denver he had been used more as a low-post player. He was upset that he couldn't do the same here.