Its kind of ironic really


Apr 30, 2003
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Re: Re: Re: Its kind of ironic really

Originally posted by Shane H
I know many have since eaten there words. Thats the irony in the whole thing. How quickly things can change!

You would think by how people were bad mouthing these picks post draft that they would be like who cares if these guys are in on time they are going to suck anyways.

But now everyone likes them and hopes they are here contributing at the earliest possible time!

And that is a good thing! You don't want a bunch of stubborn @sses on this board proclaiming their word as law! I voice my opinions on this board. I don't really give my posts that much thought.
This isn't a contest for the Pulitzer Price! I don't expect to defend every word I typed in here 4 months ago. The whole reason I post is to tell my fellow fan-mates what is on my mind. Hopefully I get a response or too that will either reinforce my point, give me another side of the story, or tell me my thoughts are lunacy. Either way it is all good.
Plus most of us are football charged males:thumbup:. For some reason we have he need to jump up and down and scream about things we think are wrong. It is in our blood.

But once again it is all good. I never see anyone holding old posts over each others heads. This board Rocks!


Apr 30, 2003
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Originally posted by AZCB34
Sorry Shane...Bidwill is with an I :D

Bidwill would probably have a blood vessel burst in his head over approving that bonus.

You know, I wonder if this is some sort of plan by Jones to actually force teams into nasty holdouts? Sorry conspiracy theory is in my migraine couded head :thumbup:

Maybe Jones really wants Newman on his team, and did whatever it takes to sign him. No caring what the media and other organizations are doing.

Think about it. They got 1/2 of there secondary SOLID for a long long long time. Roy Williams, and Newman should be able to take away 1/2 of the field!


Sep 23, 2002
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Mesa, AZ
Originally posted by RugbyMuffin
Maybe Jones really wants Newman on his team, and did whatever it takes to sign him. No caring what the media and other organizations are doing.

Think about it. They got 1/2 of there secondary SOLID for a long long long time. Roy Williams, and Newman should be able to take away 1/2 of the field!

I have no doubt you are right. I was merely gforwarding the idea of a conspiracy that Jones was trying to handcuff the picks around him. Just having some fun.

Rugby, why the hostilities? You are usually so light-hearted? :thumbup:


Have a Nice Day!
Mar 14, 2003
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Monroe NC
I was never a big fan of drafting Suggs and now it may appear that the front office did the right thing after all. I was always high on Johnson and really didn't know much about Pace. After learning more about Pace I think he will have a better first year than Suggs. Johnson could very well become the go to WR on critical downs. He was exactly that at PSU.


Supporting Member
Feb 3, 2003
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The Aventine
I don't think critizing the draft or draft picks and wanting them signed on time are incongruous.

I didn't care for the moves or the players we drafted, but now that we have them I'll support them and, yes, I want to see them in camp on time. I also think they'll be important cogs in the machine we call the Cardinals.

Would I have done things differently in the draft? Yes.

Do I think our draft picks are bums? No, they're first round draft choices.

Do I want them in camp on time so they can contribute to the betterment of the team and play to the best of their ability? Yes.

Do any of these things sound ironic or contradictory? No.


Apr 30, 2003
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Originally posted by AZCB34
I have no doubt you are right. I was merely gforwarding the idea of a conspiracy that Jones was trying to handcuff the picks around him. Just having some fun.

Rugby, why the hostilities? You are usually so light-hearted? :thumbup:

Here? Hostile? I am not trying to be. Yesterday I WAS trying to get a mutany going. I try to, as Stone Cold Steve Austin says, to maintain my composure.

I just don't like when public relations say one thing and do another. I honestly didn't think we were going to sign anything this week. I was wrong, and have been chewing on my sneakers since last night.

But as for this thread if my posts seem hostile then I apologize. My "typing tone" must have been misread <---hehe! But all is good I am very happy with team news as of late, and am enjoying the banter between me, and the rest of my Cardinal buddies on the board!

Go Cards!


I'm a uncle's monkey??
Sep 15, 2002
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Justin, TX
I was one of those screaming loudly when we made the trade.

I was then screaming even louder when Johnson & Pace were picked.

I am still totally dissapointed by the trade as I have stated in a different thread, because either A-we gave up too much to make this trade, or B-we didnt get the guy we really wanted and thought would be available at where we traded. Either scenario means we made a bad trade on face value.

However as to the picks themselves. I still feel we reached for Pace, and I do hope that I end up slapping and kicking myself multiple times for that belief and that Pace ends up being our Michael Strahan.

At this point tho, wether or not I think Pace was worth the pick, I still feel they have to be signed sooner rather then later. Missing any training camp, much less extended training camp is detrimental to his ability to be a good pick at 17, or even a reach at 17.