It's on!


ASFN Addict
Sep 12, 2002
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Phoenix, AZ
boisesuns said:
I'd take Walton over Burke or Skita. He's big, can rebound better than either of those guys, hustles & can pass pretty well. He also has a decent outside shot.


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Nov 2, 2005
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Gilbert, AZ
reader said:
Everyone keeps talking about Jackson's game plan, what about D'Antoni's?

Am I the only one who thought the Suns went to the basket more than they normally do, thus creatng fouls, thus shooting foul shots.

If that was indeed the plan, it worked fairly well, as in a win and foul shots.

The suns were forced to drive more by the laker defense, which was tight(exception being TT who was rarely guarded at the 3 line). The large number of foul shots appeared to be by design, not many points in the paint, just alot of foul shots.

The absence or Brian Grant(food poisoning) made Marion play 46 mins, and Diaw 41 mins. These guys were obviously tired by the end of the game after battling bigger opponents. Nash, Barbosa, and obviously, TT played well, while Bell, Marion, and Diaw had some struggles. The lakers D worked hard to take away Bells jumper and Marions alley oops, while forcing Diaw into poor shot selection. Some adjustments must be made there. Uncharacteristically, Diaw took a team high 16 shots, and many were not good looks. Surely this was part of the laker game plan. The way the lakers defense Diaw could be key in this series.

Lakers: Odom had a real good game, and was a handful on the glass, though I thought that Kobe did not get enough touches during the first three quarters to be productive at the end of the game. The suns defense was focussed on Kobe and this led to alot of open shots for others. All indications are that will change next game. Luke Walton was the suprise, played a great all around game, and the suns will definitely need to pay more attention to him next game. Kwame played well, but part of this I suspect was due to additional depth problems at the 4,5 with Grant out. The lakers help defense plan was a good one, though adjustments by the suns are expected for game 2. Tim Thomas will be more of a focus of the laker defense in game 2, though I dont think that any of the laker bigs can guard him up close on the perimeter. Kwame was probably told by Phil not to go out on TT, a calculated gamble that did not work out. Performance of the laker bench was not good, as expected.

Laker keys to win: Keep Diaw out of the lane, and the suns offense. Hit O boards hard, shift more O to Kobe, while keeping others involved.

Suns keys: Must involve Diaw more in passing game, and limit his outside shots as the clock winds down. As laker D shifts to TT, Marion will be open more, lane will be more open for Diaw to penetrate, pass or shoot close in shots. Get grant back to reestablish the substitution pattens, improve defensive rebounding. If Kobe starts out on fire, suns should work to limit supporting cast of walton, parker, Odom. If Kobe is hot, the game better not be close at the end(no brainer).

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
I would not be so anxious to stop Boris from taking that mid range shot. His season shooting overage of 52.6% included quite a few mid range jumpers. If he hits a few, he could cause the Lakers some major problems since they cannot realistically stretch their defense to go out on him. Once they come out, he can drive and kick.


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Nov 2, 2005
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Gilbert, AZ
George O'Brien said:
I would not be so anxious to stop Boris from taking that mid range shot. His season shooting overage of 52.6% included quite a few mid range jumpers. If he hits a few, he could cause the Lakers some major problems since they cannot realistically stretch their defense to go out on him. Once they come out, he can drive and kick.

Several times, Boris didnt look like he was planning to shoot until the last few seconds when his passing options were shut off. Maybe this is just 1st playoff game jitters. I agree that his shot selection is generally very good. But mostly, his mid-range jumper during the season was undefended. In this game, my impression was that he was shooting over defenders more than usual as the clock wound down. I dont recall Boris shooting from the outside much during the season with a hand in his face. This was probably the laker plan, and adjustments will need to be made. Somehow the lakers were defending him while clogging the lane to limit his penetration moves. Maybe thats why Kwami was nowhere to be found when TT was a smoking 5/6 from the 3pt line.


Sep 26, 2004
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nowagimp said:
The suns were forced to drive more by the laker defense, which was tight(exception being TT who was rarely guarded at the 3 line). The large number of foul shots appeared to be by design, not many points in the paint, just alot of foul shots.
Shows you what I know. I thought driving to the hoop was part of the Suns scathingly brilliant game plan, a change of pace.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
reader said:
Shows you what I know. I thought driving to the hoop was part of the Suns scathingly brilliant game plan, a change of pace.

Actually it was, sort of... :confused:

Generally the Suns rely on spacing to get guys open. When opponents come out and press their shooters, it becomes ncessary to take advantage of the Suns speed advantage to get to the basket. If they don't, the Suns players end up taking too many contested jumpers.

The problem is that the Suns players are not really geared to attacking the basket to force the opponent to back off. They want to shoot three pointers and often seem reluctant to stay with the "attack the basket mode" long enough to force the other team to defend the paint. This was not a problem when Amare was healthy.

In any case, pressing outside shooters seems to throw off their rhythm, so that even when open their shots don't fall as often. The solution is more ball movement rather than rushed shots.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
We'll see if the Lakers keep the same strategy. I liked the two man game with Kobe and Lamar. I'd also like to see Kobe assert a bit more in the 2nd and 3rd quarters and keep his shot ready for the 4th quarter.

They came out exactly like I thought they would...attacking the post. Kobe needs to take about 5-6 shots a quarter, not so few in the first and go in the's tough to turn it on. That was their plan, once the defense was tired to attack with him. He just couldn't hit good shots.

Wednesday should be fun too. I enjoyed that game, even though my team lost. Hoping for the split...


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
And jeez but everyone not named Kobe can't make an entry pass to the post to save their life...or in that game it seemed so.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
myrondizzo said:
i thought all he needed was to hit one jumper and he was hot?

He didn't hit one. :) Not one that mattered anyway...but I get your smack on his comment. He said it with a big laugh, btw.

He started warming in the 4th a bit by driving. I'd rather see him drive all the time against you guys though...get some foul calls.

He was too passive..his challenge is to now be more aggressive without being too aggressive. I'm sure he's up to it.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
D-Dogg said:
He didn't hit one. :) Not one that mattered anyway...but I get your smack on his comment. He said it with a big laugh, btw.

He started warming in the 4th a bit by driving. I'd rather see him drive all the time against you guys though...get some foul calls.

He was too passive..his challenge is to now be more aggressive without being too aggressive. I'm sure he's up to it.

What makes you think so? He's never found the happy medium in 9 seasons, what makes you think he will finally find it on Wed? :rolleyes:


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
He wasn't too far off on Monday. We're talking a little hop of a change, not a leap.


The Cardinal Smiles
Dec 6, 2002
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jbeecham said:
I'd take Walton over Burke or Skita. He's big, can rebound better than either of those guys, hustles & can pass pretty well. He also has a decent outside shot.


I remember watching walton in teh playoffs a couple years back (the year they lost to the pistons), and still remember that nice alley opp he threw to shaq. I think he's gonna be pretty good.


Jan 19, 2006
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D-Dogg when are you gonna call it a series? After the Suns smoke them wed. night would that convince you? The way I see it alot of your laker guys had career games and the suns played like crap for half the game and you still lost? I just don't see how you think the lakers will play that good of a game again that was it that was your shot to steal a game. Now the Suns are gonna come out firing and probally blow you out how do you see the lakers recovering from that? Do you honestly beleive that the lakers have a chance? You think Walton, Smush, shoot even Kwame gonna have that good of a game again? You say you watch alot of Laker games tell me that was the not a huge surprise for those guys to play that well. Of course it was that was the game to steal Suns played badly and your team played almost as well as it can and still lost, I think that says it all.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Luke was a suprise to play that well. Kwame was not (if you've seen my posts, I've mentioned Kwame as a key of this team). Actually, Kwame didn't play as well as he could have, and neither did Kobe by far. Cook was off. Smush started hot then went cold as ice. This is the way Odom has been playing most games since the All Star break.

This wasn't the best the Lakers can play offensively. They were right at their average FG% and 12% below their average 3PFG %. They can play a bit better defense. And don't think the Suns just "played bad." They were forced out of their rythm and into another tempo, changing their results.

Yeah, this is totally a series still. I'm pretty confident we get the split.

I heard a long time ago that a series never actually starts until someone wins on the other team's home floor. Right now the Suns just held serve in game one, by a tight margin.

When are you going to stop thinking that the Suns are going to smoke the Lakers? Just like I said going in, this is going to be a tough, hard fought series. I said early on the Suns would probably win in 6, but the Lakers had a decent shot at winning it. They still have that shot, especially if they play the same strategy and loosen Kobe a bit more.

I'll call it a series when the Suns win 4 games.
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Registered User
Nov 2, 2005
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Gilbert, AZ
D-Dogg said:
Luke was a suprise to play that well. Kwame was not (if you've seen my posts, I've mentioned Kwame as a key of this team). Actually, Kwame didn't play as well as he could have, and neither did Kobe by far. Cook was off. Smush started hot then went cold as ice. This is the way Odom has been playing most games since the All Star break.

This wasn't the best the Lakers can play offensively. They were right at their average FG% and 12% below their average 3PFG %. They can play a bit better defense. And don't think the Suns just "played bad." They were forced out of their rythm and into another tempo, changing their results.

Yeah, this is totally a series still. I'm pretty confident we get the split.

I heard a long time ago that a series never actually starts until someone wins on the other team's home floor. Right now the Suns just held serve in game one, by a tight margin.

When are you going to stop thinking that the Suns are going to smoke the Lakers? Just like I said going in, this is going to be a tough, hard fought series. I said early on the Suns would probably win in 6, but the Lakers had a decent shot at winning it. They still have that shot, especially if they play the same strategy and loosen Kobe a bit more.

I'll call it a series when the Suns win 4 games.

I'm gonna agree to most of it. Certainly Kobe can play a better game. Phil Jackson has the lakers playing well, and his strategy is clever and thoughtful, so far. The next few games will be part chess game between Jackson and D'Antoni, and part player learning curve with all the execution of the adjustments. It could be the best series of the first round.


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Oct 3, 2003
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nowagimp said:
The next few games will be part chess game between Jackson and D'Antoni, and part player learning curve with all the execution of the adjustments. It could be the best series of the first round.




I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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nowagimp said:
I'm gonna agree to most of it. Certainly Kobe can play a better game. Phil Jackson has the lakers playing well, and his strategy is clever and thoughtful, so far. The next few games will be part chess game between Jackson and D'Antoni, and part player learning curve with all the execution of the adjustments. It could be the best series of the first round.

i think everyone expected it to be the best series. but everyone was expecting the frenetic suns pace and kobe dropping 40+ in every game. neither really happened. so despite the fact that the game was close it wasn't nearly as entertaining as everyone expected. and the rest of the playoffs so far . . . ugh. ugly.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
I expect the pace to increase, although it's hard if the Lakers keep stopping play by fouling all the time. :p

One problem with the D'Antoni system is that it is not really geared to making adjustments on the fly. However, Mike does a good job of between games.

My guess is that the Suns will be geared to attacking the basket even more than last game. They have a huge speed advantage against the Laker front line. At the same time, I think the Suns may focus on getting TT the ball since K Brown can't guard him, so he is going to be open on every half court set.

K Brown is going to be key for the Lakers. He's their main shot blocker, but is also supposed to guard TT. Clearing out for TT for shoot or drive options could get Brown into foul trouble and force the Lakers to give help. If Brown gets into foul trouble, the Lakers whole defense will fall apart.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
This wasn't the best the Lakers can play offensively. They were right at their average FG% and 12% below their average 3PFG %. They can play a bit better defense. And don't think the Suns just "played bad." They were forced out of their rythm and into another tempo, changing their results.

So let me get this straight. The Lakers played less well than they could have because, um, well some random reason -- but the Suns played less well than they could have because the Lakers took them out of their game. Do I have that right?


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
All this stat-mongering is pointless. We're up one game to none, and ESPN, even the one guy who picked us almost universally, is now saying the Lakers will win. So what's the point in looking at stats, when that game 1, in my opinion, was an anomaly?

Does anyone actually think Kobe will have another game like Game 1? The prognosticators all are saying that the Lakers will be the EXACT same team, except Kobe will go for 50. How is that even possible? And added to that, that the Suns will play exactly as they did. Media bias is the worst thing in the sports world, and it's running rampant. We may be saying this will be the best series, but the rest of the world doesn't feel that way. They've already pegged the Lakers vs. Clippers in the 2nd round.

Look, I'm as glad as the next guy to be an underdog, but this is ridiculous.


A Whole New World
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Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
elindholm said:
So let me get this straight. The Lakers played less well than they could have because, um, well some random reason -- but the Suns played less well than they could have because the Lakers took them out of their game. Do I have that right?

No, actually by taking themselves out of their normal game in order to take the Suns out of theirs, the Lakers were affected as well. But this wasn't "the best the Lakers could play" nor was it for the Suns. It was a good game for both though...the Suns adjusted well to the Laker gameplan, IMO. The Suns really didn't dictate flow or tempo in this game, either on offense or defense, so I can't hang any offensive mistakes on the Suns D. However, the Lakers came out totally different, put fouls on the Suns and forced them to play a game they didn't want. I think that had a lot to do with the Suns good but not outstanding performance.

The game went down pretty much as I expected, other than TT going nuts. I was hoping we'd steal game one, and we damn near did.

TT is going to be interesting in this series...can he keep up the shooting? I can't see the Lakers changing their plan to cover him. I'd rather have Kwame in the paint to stop Nash penetration (which he did a few times) then streaking out to cover the three point line. TT can't light it up like that again...can he?
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A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
The media is stupid. I find it frustrating that I can get much more objective and interesting opinions from fans of each team than I can from the all-knowing media.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
After one game, D'Antoni has a good idea as to how the Lakers will try to defense the Suns. I think Suns are more likely to make adjustments than the Lakers because they have more options.

On defense, the Suns will know the Lakers are going to try to get the ball inside. Everyone makes a point about how inside guys score high percentages against the Suns defenders. What they don't mention is how many turnovers get generated in the process. For example, throwing the ball over Marion without throwing it out of bounds is a real art.

If I was to make a prediction, I'd say that Kobe will shoot better and Walton will shoot worse. I'd also expect that if K Brown gets the ball in the post as much, he will be doubled into turnovers a lot.

On offense, I'd expect the Suns be looking for TT every time down the court even to the point of running clearout plays for him. He will be completely wide open until he draws K Brown out, which will open up the lane for Nash.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
As much as everyone thinks Grant is useless, if he's feeling better, then he will have at least an intermediate effect in this series.