I would take Barry and Steve Nash any day of the week over Richardson and Crawford even if the Suns have to pay twice as much to get them. I wouldn't touch Crawford with a 10 foot pole unless you can sign him to a decent contract as a backup player. If we are worried about Nash's defense there's no way we should consider Crawford. Crawford makes Steve Nash look like Ron Artest.
I don't mind Richardson, but do you guys remember how frustrated we were with JJ's shooting two years ago and at the beginning of last season? That's what you get from Richardson. One game he might shoot 50% than the next two games he shoots about 15%. He just doesn't really bring anything new to the table.
What makes Brent Barry and Steve Nash appealing is there consistent shooting. They are both good at creating offense for their teammates as well. I'm not saying the Suns should rush out and give big money to either one of them, but I would be much happier with them than with Richardson or Crawford.
Joe Mama
I don't mind Richardson, but do you guys remember how frustrated we were with JJ's shooting two years ago and at the beginning of last season? That's what you get from Richardson. One game he might shoot 50% than the next two games he shoots about 15%. He just doesn't really bring anything new to the table.
What makes Brent Barry and Steve Nash appealing is there consistent shooting. They are both good at creating offense for their teammates as well. I'm not saying the Suns should rush out and give big money to either one of them, but I would be much happier with them than with Richardson or Crawford.
Joe Mama