cheese, what I'm repeating is not putting words in your mouth or creating a straw man. It's what I'm hearing from you. If you mean something different, let me know.
What I'm hearing is that you hope that we'll be able to find someone better than Levi Brown over the next two years. So do I. But HOPE isn't a plan. I asked you what your plan would be, and it's apparently drafting a left tackle not in round one but somewhere between rounds two and seven at some point over the next two seasons, or perhaps courting some unnamed free agent who is obviously better than Levi Brown but their team is happy to let walk away.
Your "plan" and mine aren't in any way mutually exclusive, but I can't debate with shadows and smoke. If you want to put together a concrete alternate plan, I'd love to hear it. If I believed that Donald Penn or Justin Blalock were really going to become available, or that this team wasn't going to start Levi Brown at LT next year regardless, then I'd have a different plan.