I wonder if Steve started high and ended low when it came to minutes played as he became older and the season progressed.
Averages over a game or season are only the numerical point in the middle which, quite often, actually never occur. For example, if you have 100 people aged 25 and 100 people aged 75 in your market area, and you gear your advertising to the average of 50 years old, not one of your targeted consumers will identify. But the average age is still 50.
Nash's averages for minutes played and stamina rating (if there could be such a thing) are not indicative of his performance and health at the end of a season vs. that at the beginning. Sure, that applies to all ballplayers to some degree, but when you are two months away from 39, it takes a higher toll.
So now, with the Lakers, Steve will put D'Antoni's offensive philosophy into even more of a conundrum than it did in Phoenix. When Steve is refreshed, he'll put on a hell of a show. As he wears down, it will cause the same confusion among the rest of the team.