So I'm going to sound like a curmudgeon here:
There is no such thing as luck.
McD was using a flawed process. He kept betting on kids with high potential who had no go to skill on a basketball court.
I wanted Jayson Tatum. I remember quite a few people on this board lauding Jackson and bashing Tatum. Tatum supposedly had little upside, while Jackson was going to be the best player in that draft.
Obviously Danny Ainge was smart enough to know its crazy to bet on guys like Jackson and you take the guy with an NBA skill over guys who are just athletes. The Suns had no shot at Tatum, but they could've taken Fox.
Oh 100% luck is involved. We’ve seen even the most blue chip prospects fail over and over. It’s true in both
McDonough also hit big on a raw Devin Booker who was a bench player at Kentucky.
Danny Ainge wasn’t some super smart draft guru his draft history is pretty bad. He took plenty of raw guys that didn’t pan out