True, Nash isn't at his MVP caliber form... however, blame needs to fall on Three other individuals.
First: Coach D'Antoni. By half-time, we could all see that Nash couldn't stop a high schooler from scoring. Well, guess what, that is the reason we keep House on the bench - Coach could have decided, "Let's see if Eddie has one of those nights. If he doesn't, at least I can give Nash needed rest going into Game 7". Coach didn't even try this in the late 4th quarter. Shame on him! Nash could have had 3 days rest, PLUS less stress on his legs/back.
Second: Tim Thomas was 1 for 6 with 5 rebounds. That is 3 points and 5 boards. Not the "playoff MVP" as some were willing to crown him a week ago. If you want to find a disappearing act, look for TT.
Third: James Jones has now remembered that he sucks. We needed his "amnesia" another couple of weeks. His 'hustle' that we praised two days ago was missing last night. Yeah, he is tired, but so is everyone else. James Jones needs to give us more than a shot or two and a couple of rebounds. Last night he gave us ZERO points, 2 boards and 2 Turnovers. Of course, he only played 10 min, but turning the ball over twice in 10 minutes will get you pulled if you aren't contributing elsewhere.
Suns can still win on Monday. I still Believe.