You can alter your guys in the roster before you start your franchise.
Blake is 7 feet 415 lbs and runs faster than vick and deion in his prime.
All my guys are over 300 or so pounds all at 99. I love crushing blows and running people over. But nothing beats Madden64 on this note. If you built your guys this big, and put him at fb, do the fb dive, and just about every run you were injuring 1 or 2 was classic...I wish they would do that again, or at least give you that option.
I was going to say the same thing floridacard about sullivan they have him at 53 for wr...I was like what? All our coaches suck a__ in our game so I fired 'em. I now have trestman as hc, some old guy who had good off. rating for my oc, bellichick as my dc, and another good coach for special teams.
For whatever reason my madden is locking up or crashing. When it crashes, it gives me a sidewinder error (the microsoft game pad..older 1999 non usb style)...anyways the funny thing is I took it off my startup programs thingy, used "stop it" to see what my computer was running, and it wasn't...yet when I play the game it'll crash and give me that error....then I reload madden...and it gives me another microsoft gamepad error, but one from a controller I don't have, didn't load, but was bundled in somehow with it.
I'm wondering if anyone else is getting this error. Or how to stop madden from looking for it. At least you can save at any time, so I can still play it, just kind of a hassle...but I'll take this over no madden.