Make it or Break it time for Josh.


R U gonna B My Girl
Oct 21, 2002
Reaction score
Chandler AZ.

I'll go with on the reading D's. He's got good velocity, pre-C he was hitiing some in stride, and last agme is no indication of his accuracy.
I'm worried myself, but there's something about him that makes me think it's just one click away from being a good QB. We'll see man. Anyway you look at it, like him or not, you gotta hope your wrong this week and puul for him to "get it".


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
jstadvl said:
Anyway you look at it, like him or not, you gotta hope your wrong this week and puul for him to "get it".

You damn right....I don't want to be 0-4, but I'm pretty much resigned to it. I hope there is some fire in this team, especially on D. My worst nightmare in the offseason was Warner going down this that worst nightmare, the D was STILL strong and tough and amazing. They have been anything but that so far. My worst nightmare is now a reality, and worse than I ever feared.

I feel the pull of the darkside, very strongly. If Josh can be a tenth of the guy the Josh Jockers think he can be, now is the time. Let's see if he can do it. If he can be a GOOD QB in a win this weekend, and do it a couple more times, win or not, I'll eat a ton of crow. And I'll love eating it ("I will eat the cat poo!!"). I'm not asking a lot. Warner-like performance with the added bonus of putting it in the endzone when we get near it and I'll be ecstatic.

Seriously, for all the hate I heap upon Josh (even though I think he is a good guy and deserves success), I've got a batch of Joshua Christ Superstar Kool-Aid all brewed up for Sunday night. Anything else, and I wouldn't be a Cardinal fan. We love to set ourselves up for dissapointment. :D


We do this together
Jan 21, 2004
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I'm going to have to disagree with some who believe Josh will be out of football by the end of this year. In my view, there are going to be teams who are going to be intreasted enough with his speed, size, athletism etc to sign him. Josh may just be a back up for the rest of career. But after watching Anthony Wright bumble his way through a game for the Ravens, I believe that Josh won't have much trouble finding a gig for some team.

As to this weekend, if Josh completes 60% of his passes for 200 yds and a postive or nuetral TD/INT ratio I will be a happy man.


A Whole New World
Supporting Member
Sep 10, 2003
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In The End Zone
Redsz said:
As to this weekend, if Josh completes 60% of his passes for 200 yds and a postive or nuetral TD/INT ratio I will be a happy man.

This is my issue. If JM hits on 60% of his passes, he won't get those type of yards...and that is the major diss I have on him. He is the king of the 4 yard pass. He might hit 70% of them and not get 200 yards. He seems to look at the open field, check down ONCE, but not to the other WR or even TE (unless they are doing a five and out) and hit a RB, FB or short TE route for a tiny gain. This is maddening. I'd rather he used his one skill that is far beyond his others...his running. I don't care one bit if our QB runs for 90 yards if we move those chains and get scores. A couple of 15 yard passes per game will not cut it. We need some 7 yarders, some 13 yarders and a handfull of 20 plus ones, and a couple that go for scores.

Josh CAN do it...he has the ability...that I won't deny. He CAN do it...but WILL he?? He hasn't shown me yet that he can...especially on drives that really matter, ie. when we need to control the clock with a lead.

He is at his best when playing from maybe we will be okay this Sunday night, because I think we will be behind.

And watchout for Frank Gore this weekend...this might be when Barlow starts looking at other teams for his next season's paycheck. JMHO.


May 5, 2003
Reaction score
Skkorpion said:
Time and performance will tell.
So rip me, mouth your sarcastic platitudes and delude yourselves. I don't think Warner will ever regain starting status here.

Not trying to be "sarcastic" as you always say I am. But how much time does he get now?

And on Warner. Not only will he start again they will rush him back from injury in desperation causing him to get hurt worse.

And by the way Rats even if warner is out for the season i still dont think McCown gets you your 8 starts to win a jersey from me. :p DAVEY!
Last edited:


Registered User
Jan 6, 2004
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Charlotte NC
Skkorpion said:
In the last three years of Cards football, McCown has outperformed every other pretender in wins vs losses when allowed to start.

I'm not saying he's the future. Time and performance will tell. But it is my opinion that he wouldn't be 0-7 in TDS in our last 7 penetrations in the red zone. And we wouldn't be 0-3 if he had started since day 1.

So rip me, mouth your sarcastic platitudes and delude yourselves. I don't think Warner will ever regain starting status here.

Do I think Warner ever regains starting status in AZ.......I'm with you skkorp, NO I DO NOT.

Firstly, if he is indeed out for a month or longer and McCown somehow runs the table, we stick with him.......secondly, if McCown ends up playing like a jerk, Davey starts as soon as he has a grasp of the playbook. Green will go with Davey for as long as it takes to find out what he can or can't do. I for one think Davey has a real chance to make it. By the time this all plays out, Warner will be an afterthought and given that he's somewhat brittle he won't be resigned.

Someway or another, this is the year that AZ makes a FA or draft move to settle this QB mess......and Warner is the odd and even man out.


Jun 10, 2002
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Sometimes I think there should be a sign at the training facility on Warner Road that reads, “Welcome to the elephant graveyard. The place NFL careers go to die.”

I think the sign should say:

"Welcome to the home of the Arizona Cardinals. The NFL's AAA farm team."

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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AzCards21 said:
The more you post the more I think you're a total ******. Geezus H krist, McCown drafted by Tobin!?

How much more time do we give a goof like you?

...before you do what exactly.............?

This was an oversight on my part.....I for some reason had Josh McCown and Chris Griesen (sam houston state and sw missouri state sounding alike being the biggest reason for my error. They also look kinda similar) confused....I guess the Tobin era was i lot longer ago than i thought..

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Saying that, i made an error, and who exactly are you that you can call me out like that? I think if you go back through all the rest of my posts they are quite factual esp. since i dont cross reference everything with google and go off the top of my head. I'm not going to worry about the opinion of someone who i dont even know, but at the same time if im going to get chastised for popping off, you should take a look in the mirror. i will go toe to toe with you about knowledge of this team over the last ten years inspite of my obvious misstep noted above. Back off.


Registered User
Banned from P+R
Jul 24, 2002
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Arizona's Finest said:
...before you do what exactly.............?

This was an oversight on my part.....I for some reason had Josh McCown and Chris Griesen (sam houston state and sw missouri state sounding alike being the biggest reason for my error. They also look kinda similar) confused....I guess the Tobin era was i lot longer ago than i thought..

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You must be registered for see images

You must be registered for see images

Saying that, i made an error, and who exactly are you that you can call me out like that? I think if you go back through all the rest of my posts they are quite factual esp. since i dont cross reference everything with google and go off the top of my head. I'm not going to worry about the opinion of someone who i dont even know, but at the same time if im going to get chastised for popping off, you should take a look in the mirror. i will go toe to toe with you about knowledge of this team over the last ten years inspite of my obvious misstep noted above. Back off.

I was just bustin your balls for the mistake mostly. No big deal there but.... The thing that does piss me off is people calling into question Josh's intelligence or lack there of. I've met him twice now and he does not come off as the stammering idiot some like to portray him to be.

You wrote a thread calling him out as a goof and then totally screwed up your own facts. Deal with it.


R U gonna B My Girl
Oct 21, 2002
Reaction score
Chandler AZ.

I would say a few things that you've said are completely JYO. Some of them, towards McCown, are actually insulting. Was it you who said he couldn't finish a sentence? (I've had him at least two functions and his motivational speaking was impeccable! Was it you who challenged his football knowledge?
I think it was. If i'm wrong, then I apologize. If i'm right, I'll bet 100 bucks Josh blows you out of the water as far as being able to dissect any position, any team, any game.
McCown is no country bumpkin. He's a good kid that needs to get angry when he plays.
As for you worrying about what other people think or where they come off saying anything remotely denegrating to you, YOU should look in the mirror.
BTW, 21 know his stuff, and is probably one of the most civil posters on these forums. Be careful what you wish for.

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
AzCards21 said:
I was just bustin your balls for the mistake mostly. No big deal there but.... The thing that does piss me off is people calling into question Josh's intelligence or lack there of. I've met him twice now and he does not come off as the stammering idiot some like to portray him to be.

You wrote a thread calling him out as a goof and then totally screwed up your own facts. Deal with it.

Point taken....But i will say this as well. I live in Miami but i moved from Ahwatukee where i worked at Jillys (home of the Big Red Rage show) and many many Cardinals employees and players are patrons. I have met Josh and talked with him a few times and that is actually where i came up with him being not smart enough to deal with NFL defenses. Well that and me watching him not look off certain reciever and making throws into double coverages (although he doesn't get intercepted as much as you would think)

Granted i talked to him like 5 minutes each time so its hard to accuratly gauge anyones mental level in 15 minutes but lets just say i felt the same way about him that i did after i met Jake, which was severly dissapointed.

I have to say this for Josh though....His believers are damn loyal......Between here and the team message board this guy is either paying people off or has a huge extended family.....

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
jstadvl said:
I would say a few things that you've said are completely JYO. Some of them, towards McCown, are actually insulting. Was it you who said he couldn't finish a sentence? (I've had him at least two functions and his motivational speaking was impeccable! Was it you who challenged his football knowledge?
I think it was. If i'm wrong, then I apologize. If i'm right, I'll bet 100 bucks Josh blows you out of the water as far as being able to dissect any position, any team, any game.
McCown is no country bumpkin. He's a good kid that needs to get angry when he plays.
As for you worrying about what other people think or where they come off saying anything remotely denegrating to you, YOU should look in the mirror.
BTW, 21 know his stuff, and is probably one of the most civil posters on these forums. Be careful what you wish for.

Its possible i was too hard on the guy in my initial post but I am so tired of this team not investing in our future when it seems like Josh has shown nothing so far to merit all these chances.....

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
Was it you who said he couldn't finish a sentence?

and no that wasn't me.............


R U gonna B My Girl
Oct 21, 2002
Reaction score
Chandler AZ.
Look man

we're all testy right now. Let's get behind the team and pull for whoever is starting and hope we get a win. Who gives a rats ass(sorry rats) what player excells and what player doesn't? I just want a win this week!
C'mon, let's knock off the ******** and get behind this TEAM!


ASFN Addict
Aug 17, 2004
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Phoenix, az
jstadvl said:
we're all testy right now. Let's get behind the team and pull for whoever is starting and hope we get a win. Who gives a rats ass(sorry rats) what player excells and what player doesn't? I just want a win this week!
C'mon, let's knock off the ******** and get behind this TEAM!


Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
jstadvl said:
we're all testy right now. Let's get behind the team and pull for whoever is starting and hope we get a win. Who gives a rats ass(sorry rats) what player excells and what player doesn't? I just want a win this week!
C'mon, let's knock off the ******** and get behind this TEAM!


Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Arizona's Finest said:
...before you do what exactly.............?

This was an oversight on my part.....I for some reason had Josh McCown and Chris Griesen (sam houston state and sw missouri state sounding alike being the biggest reason for my error. They also look kinda similar) confused....I guess the Tobin era was i lot longer ago than i thought..

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You must be registered for see images

You must be registered for see images

They look nothing alike, for one thing Josh doesn't have CNNSI tattooed on his neck! What is that some sort of street gang.


That Rapscallion!!
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Russ Smith said:
They look nothing alike, for one thing Josh doesn't have CNNSI tattooed on his neck! What is that some sort of street gang.
I'm no Josh jocker but at this point his playing might work out for us. He's mobile, so while the OLine is gelling (or curdling) we don't have a QB getting slaughtered.


Sep 28, 2002
Reaction score
jstadvl said:
we're all testy right now. Let's get behind the team and pull for whoever is starting and hope we get a win. Who gives a rats ass(sorry rats) what player excells and what player doesn't? I just want a win this week!
C'mon, let's knock off the ******** and get behind this TEAM!
Thats ok I get that alot :D But I agree, lets get behind this team and get this D to playin like they did last year. Lets see if Josh can Qb a win for us this week. Go Cards!!! Viva la MEXICO!!!!


Sep 28, 2002
Reaction score
Russ Smith said:
They look nothing alike, for one thing Josh doesn't have CNNSI tattooed on his neck! What is that some sort of street gang.
Yeah Russ, I think he picked that up in New Orleans. :)


Sep 23, 2002
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
McCowns future in AZ is already "Break It" but I think he is playing for added longevity in the league at this point. I for one, have always had high hopes for the guy and I hope he uses this chance, possibly his last, to really improve his play.

I don't get the Rohan love...I mean he was cut by the Pats and nobody did much to chase after him for a month...and now he is to be the savior of the Cards? I dunno. He is ok but I am not sure all the excitement for the guy.

Did anyone mention that Josh is 7-9 as a starter in this thread?


Sep 28, 2002
Reaction score
swd1974 said:
Not trying to be "sarcastic" as you always say I am. But how much time does he get now?

And on Warner. Not only will he start again they will rush him back from injury in desperation causing him to get hurt worse.

And by the way Rats even if warner is out for the season i still dont think McCown gets you your 8 starts to win a jersey from me. :p DAVEY!
All I ask is they make you sweat a little :D And win some games. If the light goes on and Josh steps up....more the better....I will be collecting a jersey in Dec. Davey???? 4 teams passed on the guy and no one wanted to trade for does that equal him being ready to start on this team? I wouldn't mind it 3 games from now if he was installed for the rest of the season and we see what he has...only if we lose the next three. Which we better not.

Wild Card

Surfin' Bird
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Glendale, AZ
AZCB34 said:
Did anyone mention that Josh is 7-9 as a starter in this thread?


Someone almost always does. And the standard response should be that wins and losses are a team statistic in football, not an individual one. It's overly simplistic to evaluate any single player in terms of his team's wins and losses. And it can be misleading if that player's individual stats demonstrate that his team probably won despite his performance, not because of it.

For reference, here's the four-year career line on Josh McCown: 350-624-3,744, 56.1 pct, 6.0 ypa, 16 TDs, 20 INTs, 68.9 QB rating. These are not the results you would expect to see from a quarterback who was the primary reason for his team winning games.

So let McCown start on Sunday. He's the best option the Cardinals have right now. But if they want to become a truly good team, they need a better one.



Sep 23, 2002
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
Wild Card said:

Someone almost always does. And the standard response should be that wins and losses are a team statistic in football, not an individual one. It's overly simplistic to evaluate any single player in terms of his team's wins and losses. And it can be misleading if that player's individual stats demonstrate that his team probably won despite his performance, not because of it.

For reference, here's the four-year career line on Josh McCown: 350-624-3,744, 56.1 pct, 6.0 ypa, 16 TDs, 20 INTs, 68.9 QB rating. These are not the results you would expect to see from a quarterback who was the primary reason for his team winning games.

So let McCown start on Sunday. He's the best option the Cardinals have right now. But if they want to become a truly good team, they need a better one.


Oh, I agree. But clearly something happens that the team does something to win games when Josh just happens to be QBing. Is it coincidence or is it a trend where the team somehow "rallies" (using the term loosely) when he is at QB to the point they win?

I just find it strange that all these "better" QBs than McCown have started for the Cards and yet McCown has a better winning percentage than alot of them.

My expectations are low for sure but if the team starts winning "in spite of" McCown...well that is better than losing. Just like I was disgusted with all the griping about Josh beating MIN that year...I mean to me it is unfathomable that someone would ever WANT their team to lose...ever.

Just like the Leinhart crowd around here now. They want Leinhart so badly that they would rather lose every game than win any for fear they would lose out on Leinhart...who is an unproven NFL quality QB. I want to win games and the rest will take care of itself.


Grey haired old Bird
Supporting Member
May 9, 2002
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Sun City, AZ
AZCB34 said:
Oh, I agree. But clearly something happens that the team does something to win games when Josh just happens to be QBing. Is it coincidence or is it a trend where the team somehow "rallies" (using the term loosely) when he is at QB to the point they win?

I just find it strange that all these "better" QBs than McCown have started for the Cards and yet McCown has a better winning percentage than alot of them.

My expectations are low for sure but if the team starts winning "in spite of" McCown...well that is better than losing. Just like I was disgusted with all the griping about Josh beating MIN that year...I mean to me it is unfathomable that someone would ever WANT their team to lose...ever.

Just like the Leinhart crowd around here now. They want Leinhart so badly that they would rather lose every game than win any for fear they would lose out on Leinhart...who is an unproven NFL quality QB. I want to win games and the rest will take care of itself.

Well said. Still, this is McCown's last real chance with this team. If he plays badly, or even just okay, and we lose, he'll be gone within two weeks if Rohan Davey shows anything in practice.

My opinion is he'll play well. But if he doesn't, well I'll regret the failure but begin pulling for Rohan Davey.