Matrix Reloaded (SPOILERS possible)


Official ASFN Lurker
Oct 2, 2002
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
Originally posted by Chandler Mike

Like I said though, it's like watching a 5 hour movie, and pausing it after 2.5 hours...of course nothing is going to be revealed yet, there is 2.5 hours to go!


I don't think that's a fair excuse. It can be argued that the entire trilogy is one 8 or 9 hour movie but has breaks in it, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have proper development in each seperate installment. That's why the original Star Wars trilogy was so good. Each individual movie was done very well in terms of story, with the second by far the best (imho anyhow), but then you take it as a whole and it becomes so much more because it flowed into each other so seamlessly.

I think the main reason that I didn't enjoy Reloaded as much as the first one was because the climax wasn't as clear cut. The first one the primary conflict was Neo vs himself and his struggle to find out if he was 'The One' and it was quite evident that he was.

I can't figure out this one. There's 3 possible climaxes, Neo saving Trinity, His confrontation with the Architect and finding out he wasn't the first 'One', and him finding out that he can stop the machines in 'Real Life'.

This is hurting my brain, i need to take a step back and collect my thoughts...


ASFN Addict
Sep 15, 2002
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Originally posted by Suns_fan69
This is hurting my brain, i need to take a step back and collect my thoughts...

I think that's why a lot of people didn't like this movie... it was over their heads. Lots of long words, lots of quick, fast paced heavy dialogue and several climactic points can make it confusing. I just saw it for the first time last night, and I was blown away. I honestly didn't find it too hard to follow. It seemed obvious Agent Smith is a virus now, and I can't wait for the showdown with Neo/Smith in the rain in Revolutions, that looks totally badassed too.

I liked the Matrix, but Reloaded is unphucking- believeable. Being a computer geek, a philosophy buff and a former martial arts student, I took to this moving much more than the first.

Mind you, I liked Phantom Menace, and I thought A.I. was cool too. I try to have a wide appreciation for movies and try to get what the director/storyteller is trying to say. I think too many people go into the theater with a chip on their shoulder saying "okay, blow me away" and then they nit pick a movie to death until it's not even enjoyable for them. Relax, sit back, open your mind and let it take you for a ride, you'll have a lot more fun :)


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
I look at it this way...

Yes, there was a LOT of exposition and narrative, but unfortunately, there was little plot in relation to that narrative. Nothing really happened except we found out that Agent Smith is a virus now and that everything is the Matrix. It totally invalidates the first movie--and since the consensus is that the first movie is better, it's kind of a hard pill to swallow.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Originally posted by vince56
????? Back that up. How does it invalidate the first movie?

Have you read the earlier parts of this thread? The predominant theory is that Zion is ALSO part of the Matrix. If that's the case, everything that Morpheus tried to explain in the first film is a fantasy.


ASFN Addict
Sep 15, 2002
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It didn't "invalidate" it, it simply twisted and deepened the story. Now we know the matrix may be several layers. What Morpheus said about the matrix is true, but he didn't know how deep the rabbit's hole really goes.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Originally posted by vince56
It didn't "invalidate" it, it simply twisted and deepened the story. Now we know the matrix may be several layers. What Morpheus said about the matrix is true, but he didn't know how deep the rabbit's hole really goes.

He said that Zion was reality and The Matrix not. Well, if Zion is part of the Matrix, logic itself dictates that Zion is not, thus invalidating Morpheus' entire explanation.


An Army of One
May 10, 2003
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lat: 35.231 lon: -111.550
Originally posted by Chaplin
He said that Zion was reality and The Matrix not. Well, if Zion is part of the Matrix, logic itself dictates that Zion is not, thus invalidating Morpheus' entire explanation.

I sincerely hope that you are wrong and that there is some sort of "reality" in the world that is inhabited by "real" people. You guys have obviously spent a lot more time thinking about this (maybe too much time :) ), but if there is no distinction between The Matrix and the physical world then that kind of wrecks it for me.

Thought the movie started too slow.

I liked The Merovingian (sp?). He was interesting and I liked his malevolence.

I agree with almost everyone that the rave scene was boring and too long. I also thought Morpheus's speech was bland and not not very inspiring.

And maybe it is just me (I did get my degree in the Humanities after all), but I didn't understand a freakin' thing that the Architect was talking about.

Over all I liked it though and would recommend it. Needed more plot, but I will reserve judgment until after Revolutions.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Originally posted by Renz
I sincerely hope that you are wrong and that there is some sort of "reality" in the world that is inhabited by "real" people. You guys have obviously spent a lot more time thinking about this (maybe too much time :) ), but if there is no distinction between The Matrix and the physical world then that kind of wrecks it for me.

That definitely seems to be the consensus around here... :D


Go Cardinals! Yay!!!
May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ. / Burbank CA.
Okay, finally got to go see this.

I didn't like the first film as much as everybody else. I thought the story was decent but I hate Keanu's acting (ever since his dance sequence in "The Watcher" I've had trouble sleeping) and I got very bored with the slo-mo in the action sequences (although the sequences as a whole I found good).

I liked the second one quite a bit more than the first. It left quite a bit to be thought over, discussed, and debated (as is very evident in this thread). The chemistry between Trinity and Neo was excellent. Morpheus is still Morpheus, and despite his presence the movie never let that annoying kid in Zion become Neo's hopalong boy wonder.

I still have a huge problem with the use of slo-mo in the action sequences, though. To me, there were only a few parts (most notably in the stairwell fight) where this helped the story, but more often I found myself distracted by it. The fight with 100 Agent Smiths was mindblowing, but I couldn't help but wonder how much better it would have been at full speed.

Also, as much as I love Monica Belluci (she makes Brotherhood of the Wolf almost watchable) she was almost useless in this movie except as eye candy. When her character asked to kiss Neo, I had to ask "why?" except for the funny reaction from Trinity.

Loved the twins, though. Any villain with a straight razor is okay in my book.

Overall I recommend it, though. Definitely worth watching and a what a setup for the finale.


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Jan 2, 2003
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Well, I just saw the film for the second time last night. Let me preface this by saying I was blown away by the first Matrix, basically because I was dragged to the theater and thought I was going to see Johnny Mneumonic 2 - So I had no expectations and the movie kicked my ass. Upon repeated viewing, I saw more and more in the movie that I liked and I still get shivers when Neo stops all the bullets and simply looks at the Sgents and says "No". It was the ultimate realization of one's worth and done so well in an action movie.

So going into Reloaded, my expectations were ridiculously high and then the best possible thing could hapen, I waited a week and half to see it. I heard so much crap about the movie, that I went in with extremely low expectations and was resigned to see a coupl huge fights and a bad ass car chase. And that's what I thought I saw on first viewing. I was thoroughly entertained, even appreciating all the Zion stuff. The Neo-Trinity-Celebration sequence for me was incredible. These people all know that they are entering the moment of truth and what do they do - celebrate - one way or another it's gonna be over soon and as Humans, not machine, they need to soak up every moment of life. I really think the brothers captured this in that scene -I know a lot of others will disagree, but so be it. I also loved the fact that the Brothers turned the entire series on it's head at the end.

What did they do that was so wrong - look at the discussion on this board. They have gotten people to think - to think about hwat they've seen, to think about what they will see, to be passionate about something, one way or the other. No one I know who has seen the movie has a dissapassionate reponse. It's either love it or hate it or be confused by it.

Upon second viewing, I realied that this movie was indeed ingenious. Almost every word Agent Smith and the Merovingian say is absolutely pointed and they were saying **** that was completely going over my head the first time. From Agents Smith's first line with the first copy of him that we see, I realized, this is a completely different movie I'm watching.

There are so many questions I have left and can't wait to be answered in Revolutions: Is Zion another layer of control? Is Zion the real world? Is Agent Smith the true enemy, who wants to rule the world? What role doe that little kid play in the next one (personally - I just got this bad feeling about his adoration of Neo - something's not right with him)? Who is the mother of the Matrix? Will I try to figure all these out in my head? No - for this simple reason - it's not my story and I'm afraid that if I come up with solutions that don't match the filmakers, I will be dissapointed - hell it's been that way with the new Star Wars (although those movies just simply suck major ass for a multitude of reaon I won't get into here). Bring on your vision Brothers - this is one Matrix fan who can't wait to see what's next.


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May 15, 2002
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Eye in the Sky
Originally posted by Chandler Mike

By the way, make sure you stay until the end of the credits for a special treat.

I give it Four of out Five "Ski's"


Okay - just saw this post for the 1st time. Didn't stay afterward - soooooo, whaddidi miss?


Super Moderator
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May 15, 2002
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Eye in the Sky
Originally posted by jkf296
Okay - just saw this post for the 1st time. Didn't stay afterward - soooooo, whaddidi miss?

OKAY - I see that it was previews for 3.


Super Moderator
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May 15, 2002
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Eye in the Sky
Rumor has it that 3 is "Jacob's Ladder"-esque

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