Kolbs contract is irrelevant. Your just hate hime pure and simple and anyone who's post son here can clearly say that with the venom you spas his way everyday on this board. Length of contact can be a big deciding factor in a players choice. Especially if he feels he can land another MUCH bigger contract. In 3 years the cap is skyrocketing.
Kolb Had fantastic games against SF and ATL in 2010 and 2 more damn good games in 2009 against NO and KC. HE was highly though of by many more than just the Cards. That was widely known. The Cards were just the only ones that were desperate at the position and willing to give up as much as they did.
... people have been comparing the 2 for months, how is the contract Kolb got suddenly irreverent? The contract has a lot to do with it. And you honestly think the Dolphins were offering something like 6 years... 35 million? Youre reasonable, but that is a dumb argument. Money per year and guaranteed money is what decides these contracts. Who cares about length in the NFL without guaranteed contracts? Yes, I am shocked Miami didnt outbid 26 mil over 3 years. And it is a very strong condemnation on Kolb's idiotic contract.
And yes, I despise Kolb the player, the trade and the contract, but Im sure he is a nice person, I dont blame him at all for fleecing the team. In 1 year when he gets dumped by the Cardinals his 30 million down the tubes will arguably be the biggest waste in this franchises history.
Kolb's career numbers were medicore at best, he had far more bad showings that good ones and he had already had multiple injuries. That you try to toss his game against New Orleans as evidence of his talent is absurd. He sucked in that game.
Also, yes, the Cardinals were desperate, far more desperate than the
ZERO other teams in trade negotiations with the Eagles. Making a trade out of desperation is not a good defense for the move, if anything it reflects very poor judgment.