missing thread


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
What happened to the thread about how the series is 1-1 but may not really be even, started by MP3 whatever, the Mavs fan? I didn't think anything there warranted censorship or deletion.


Heavily Redacted
Jul 30, 2002
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What happened to the stupid trade Nash to Toronto thread?

The rumor was absurd but it started a descent discussion.


Not Always The Best Moderator
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Sep 14, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
elindholm said:
What happened to the thread about how the series is 1-1 but may not really be even, started by MP3 whatever, the Mavs fan? I didn't think anything there warranted censorship or deletion.

It's in the Smack Shack where it belongs.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
So no fans from other teams are permitted anymore? I didn't find anything offensive in MP3's tone (and I know that wasn't his real screen name, I just can't remember what it really was).

I'm all for blocking trolls, but this forum is in danger of becoming very sterile and boring.


Not Always The Best Moderator
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Sep 14, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
elindholm said:
So no fans from other teams are permitted anymore? I didn't find anything offensive in MP3's tone (and I know that wasn't his real screen name, I just can't remember what it really was).

I'm all for blocking trolls, but this forum is in danger of becoming very sterile and boring.

We moved all the Laker threads to the smack shack as well. I don't see a need for a double standard.


Standing Tall And Traded
Sep 22, 2002
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Boise, ID
Chris_Sanders said:
We moved all the Laker threads to the smack shack as well. I don't see a need for a double standard.

There is always a seperate standard for the Lakers:)


Sec. 32: Go Devils!
May 5, 2006
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I don't see why that should have been moved when there was no smack talk involved. It was just good basketball talk like this thread is for...


Heavily Redacted
Jul 30, 2002
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Whenever you start censoring people there is no accounting for subjectivity.


Not Always The Best Moderator
Super Moderator
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Sep 14, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
devilalum said:
Whenever you start censoring people there is no accounting for subjectivity.

Pretty much. If we want to have Dallas fans showing up only after victories and crowing about winning...

Then we need to allow the Lakers fans to do the same thing. Consistency is the key. I WILL do what you guys want on this...just let me know.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Well, Chris, I think you'd agree that there is a fuzzy line between trolling and enthusiasitcally supporting one's team -- but it is a line, and most of us would agree, in most cases, on what lies on which side of it.

To me, there is an obvious difference between what the Laker trolls have were doing and what MP3 (sorry) did in his last post. If you don't agree that they're different, then forget it. But if you do, I think it would be appropriate to handle them differently.

NugzFan, greensborohill (?), and LSM come to mind as fans from other teams that can engage in civil trash talk. Most of the other Laker fans are just bottom-of-the-barrel scum.


May 17, 2006
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to me, the guy seemed overly confident about how the mavs were going to own the suns. there was a slight tone of dementia too. I think he was early onset Over Confident-itis. Its a newer disease that comes from winning 1-2 homes games and listening to TOO many sports "analysis's" who think they know the facts.


Heavily Redacted
Jul 30, 2002
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JAndrews said:
to me, the guy seemed overly confident about how the mavs were going to own the suns. there was a slight tone of dementia too. I think he was early onset Over Confident-itis. Its a newer disease that comes from winning 1-2 homes games and listening to TOO many sports "analysis's" who think they know the facts.

Its "Over Confiditis."

I've never understood why fans of other teams seek out this board to blather about their teams.

I guess as long as they are polite....


May 23, 2006
Reaction score
devilalum said:
Its "Over Confiditis."

I've never understood why fans of other teams seek out this board to blather about their teams.

I guess as long as they are polite....

I'm not over-confident. But I sure don't expect the Suns to hold home court.

I seek you out because you know more about the Suns than I do. I tell you stuff I doubt you know about the Mavs... You tell me where you disagree, and I know what to watch for. I was hoping for some insight into D'Antoni, like what adjustments he might make to counter Diop, etc. Last year, he didn't need to make any changes, so I don't know what to expect.

As a long time Mavs fan, I'm a huge fan of the PHX style, which is in the tradition of the Celtics teams Don Nelson played on ( and won 5 rings) and all the teams he coached, including ours. There are many Mavs fans who believe you can win a championship like that, and think Cuban should never have torn apart the '03 team that could have won, had Dirk not injured his knee in the WCF. That team won game 5 in SA without Dirk! Of course that team included Nash and Raja Bell, so I am deeply curious and respectful of the Suns. Many of us in Dallas are.

Avery changed Nellie's run and gun style some. His philosophy is to push the ball every time down the court, but wait for a very good shot, instead of taking the 1st good shot. PHX seems to think its more important to shoot quick. More possessions= more points. Dallas also decided it needed a true center, to bang with Shaq. Then he went east. God only knows what we'll have to do next year, when Amare comes back.

Unlike the other PHX boards I visited, this one seemed up to mature talk.

I noticed since they moved my thread to Smack talk, the only response I got was "do you like asian girls?"


Formally known as BEERZ
Sep 13, 2002
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I would much rather have the "Mods" try to keep this site good. Rather than letting it go to crap.
So I am gratefull for what you guys do....


Grey haired old Bird
Supporting Member
May 9, 2002
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Sun City, AZ
M3man is a good guy but the mods are right, from my point of view, to move his thread to the smack talk board.

I started this site because ALL Phoenix team sites were polluted by visitors insulting us. So I support Chris' decision. If you don't like it and are a Suns fan, we'll miss you, but feel free to move on.


Registered User
May 2, 2006
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I support what Chris did with the posts he moved to the Smack board.

I just don't get it, if these Mavs fan are so 'mature' and want to have 'intelligent conversation' they better live up to those words. This Mavs fan was all over the board at the start of the series with his insights and stuff but didn't have the decency to give credit to the Suns when we kikd ass in Game 1 at Dallas. Wasn't he interested in knowing anything more about the Suns then?

Dallas wins Game 2 and next thing you know, he's here posting about why he thinks the Mavs are superior and will seize a victory in PHX. Now he wants to know how the Suns would adapt and crap.

I just don't buy this kind of selective amnesia. If you want IN, be gracious in accepting defeat - the first virtue expected of any sports fan. esp. one who wants to be friends with the rivals camp.

In some ways, D-Dogg from the Lakers was better at times, and that's saying something!


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Nash said:
I support what Chris did with the posts he moved to the Smack board.

I just don't get it, if these Mavs fan are so 'mature' and want to have 'intelligent conversation' they better live up to those words. This Mavs fan was all over the board at the start of the series with his insights and stuff but didn't have the decency to give credit to the Suns when we kikd ass in Game 1 at Dallas. Wasn't he interested in knowing anything more about the Suns then?

Dallas wins Game 2 and next thing you know, he's here posting about why he thinks the Mavs are superior and will seize a victory in PHX. Now he wants to know how the Suns would adapt and crap.

I just don't buy this kind of selective amnesia. If you want IN, be gracious in accepting defeat - the first virtue expected of any sports fan. esp. one who wants to be friends with the rivals camp.

In some ways, D-Dogg from the Lakers was better at times, and that's saying something!

this is ridiculous. you want him to come and bow down when they lose? get a grip man. he doesn't post anything in poor taste. a little bragging after a win is actually warranted. and you think it's "crap" that he wants to know how we'll adapt? that's laughable. he wants intelligent discourse. i know many of you just want to drink the kool-aid and be homers, but a lot of the rest of us want to actually discuss the mechanics of a game, the chessplaying of the coaches, and the general intelligence behind the cerebral portions of the game. it makes it better if we can do so with fans of opposing teams that have OPINIONS and INSIGHTS. that's not trolling, that's called you having thin skin. sorry, don't mean to be insulting, i'm just sick of everyone getting all riled up 'cuz we didn't win. don't take it out on an intelligent fan of another team.


Registered User
May 2, 2006
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Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
this is ridiculous. you want him to come and bow down when they lose? get a grip man. he doesn't post anything in poor taste. a little bragging after a win is actually warranted. and you think it's "crap" that he wants to know how we'll adapt? that's laughable. he wants intelligent discourse.

you talk about cerebral discussion and not being 'homers', why don't you hold your buddy from the other side to the same standards? Don't take your arguments to the extreme.....when they lose can't he just say 'Good game guys. We'll get you in the next'. That's being sportive - Not showing up every time you win and burying your head in the sand when you lose.

Heck! Even D-Dogg had the courtesy to accept defeat.
He was a clear Laker apologist and stated that openly but had the decency to show up after every game and say what he wanted to.

Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
i know many of you just want to drink the kool-aid and be homers, but a lot of the rest of us want to actually discuss the mechanics of a game, the chessplaying of the coaches, and the general intelligence behind the cerebral portions of the game. it makes it better if we can do so with fans of opposing teams that have OPINIONS and INSIGHTS.

Cerbral portions? Why weren't they here to discuss how the Suns pulled off that improbable win in Game 1?
These double-standards are what piss me off.

Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
that's not trolling, that's called you having thin skin. sorry, don't mean to be insulting, i'm just sick of everyone getting all riled up 'cuz we didn't win. don't take it out on an intelligent fan of another team.

Who said the reason I made the previous post was because I was riled up after a loss? Say that to people who've made posts after game 2 that showed they were irritated. I've stated openly that was lost because of poor defense , Howard's play and Nash's absent scoring in Half 2.
I'm sorry you're sick of others being riled. don't take it out on me because I was stating something sensible "you want to discuss basketball and be cerebral. be gracious enough to show up after every game." Heck! It's basketball and strategy when we win too, isn't it?


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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Skkorpion said:
M3man is a good guy but the mods are right, from my point of
view, to move his thread to the smack talk board.

I started this site because ALL Phoenix team sites were polluted by visitors insulting us.
So I support Chris' decision. If you don't like it and are a Suns fan, we'll miss you, but
feel free to move on.

This is probably the best sports discussion board I have visited. I like to get my daily sports fix here because of the intelligence of many of the posters. I am also a diehard Suns fan.

In my opinion, the issue was communication not necessarily the deletion of the thread by the moderators. Certainly there is a diversity of opinion of what is appropriate on any discussion board.

I do not question the decision making or the authority of the moderators. I’m sure they have a thankless job and are under appreciated, although not my me. I just wish in the future that the posters could be made aware that a thread was being removed or closed down by the moderators. I’m not really sure how this could be done other than perhaps writing something like “thread closed/ inappropriate” or such after the thread topic. Perhaps this is not realistic with the volume of incoming spam of those who would trash this board.

I really didn’t know what happened to the Trade Nash Thread until this thread so I know the system works. On the surface that thread seemed absurd but I believe there were some redeeming posts there... at least I thought my post was intelligent as were some others. :)

It is really not too far fetched that some day Steve Nash might want to finish his career in the country where he grew up, Canada (although I understand he was born in South Africa).

Anyway, thanks for the site and letting me voice my thoughts.

Go Suns. :thumbup:


Registered User
May 2, 2006
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no no no! please! Steve must finish his career here even if it is at the end of the 2007 season. Nash is the Suns. I root for the Suns because of the glue, the catalyst, the general of the team - Nash. I don't want to have to root for the Raptors.
But then, they have a decent nucleus now with Villaneuva, Bosh, the #1 pick. So maybe it won't be too bad, should it happen.


Supporting Member
Aug 10, 2002
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devilalum said:
Whenever you start censoring people there is no accounting for subjectivity.

This board is censored. Unless you want to have every other thread offering free IPODs or gift cards or other spam or profanity or trolling, there is a reason to have moderators.

There are over 6000 trashed posts from spammers and idiots that the ASFN moderators have deleted since we started keeping track a couple years ago. Moderators are unpaid volunteers who do this with the common interest of having a place to discuss sports without spam or garbage.

Not everyone will ever agree with every decision, but the vast majority of the mods decisions are fair and make this an attractive place to visit.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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Nash said:
no no no! please! Steve must finish his career here even if it is at the end of the 2007 season. Nash is the Suns. I root for the Suns because of the glue, the catalyst, the general of the team - Nash. I don't want to have to root for the Raptors.
But then, they have a decent nucleus now with Villaneuva, Bosh, the #1 pick. So maybe it won't be too bad, should it happen.

The Raptors would not trade their franchise player in Bosh. The only way the Suns would probably ever consider trading Nash is if he asked (in his unique humble way) that he would like to finish his career in the country where he grew up. After Nash has given the Suns two MVP performances, I would never trade him (as we agree he is the Suns "catalyst"), unless this is what he wanted. Because I respect him so much as a person, this is the only reason I would even entertain such a thought.

The best the Suns could hope for in this bizarre scenario would probably be the Raptors #1 pick and Villaneuva. The Suns would also have to probably send a first round draft pick their way. I don't know how this would work with the CAP. Really this discussion about Nash being traded is absurd. I guess in the recesses of my mind, I've often wondered if he might want to return to Canada to live some day.

Not related, what I find more interesting is that the Suns are looking at all these second round prospects and having two first round picks. I wonder if the Suns might be thinking of trading the latter of their first round picks for maybe a couple of second round picks (Minnesota has two). Or the Suns might trade one of their first round picks for a second round pick this year and a first round pick in another year.
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Registered User
May 2, 2006
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if we're looking at a second round draft pick and if a SG is an acceptable pick, I'd pounce on Gerry McNamara. He's been completely forgotten in all this draft talk on almost every mock draft website. He's a super good shorter who runs real well and he would add depth to our lineup. I assume an SG is what we'd look to pick because I don't know of good big men in the 2nd round , leave alone PGs.
Looks like Diaz is at the top of the Suns' list now. Hope he's around till No.21.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2003
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Nash said:
if we're looking at a second round draft pick and if a SG is an acceptable pick, I'd pounce on Gerry McNamara. He's been completely forgotten in all this draft talk on almost every mock draft website. He's a super good shorter who runs real well and he would add depth to our lineup. I assume an SG is what we'd look to pick because I don't know of good big men in the 2nd round , leave alone PGs.
Looks like Diaz is at the top of the Suns' list now. Hope he's around till No.21.

Draftnet presently has McNamara rated as the last pick in the second round and Diaz rated at #45. Apparently both can play PG. This year's different draft sites have many players rated all over the board. Perhaps this is why the Suns may want to move into the second round because this draft is basically a crapshoot with the exception of a few players.

Actually I think this draft has the best depth at the PG position which is the Suns greatest need with the lack of an adequate backup PG for Nash. I don't think SG is the Suns greatest need but McNamara sounds more like a PG anyway. I've never seen him play so I really don't have an opinion but he sounds like a reasonable second round pick. Also I'm not sure about Diaz unless he is seen by the Suns as being able to play PG better than Barbosa.

The Suns, either by draft or trade, desperately need another 4/5 with KT and Amare coming off injuries.
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Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
They also might be bringing these guys in if they think they might not be drafted at all.

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