Mr. Fitzgerald v. Sheldon Brown


7 x 70
Dec 31, 2004
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Alrighty then. Must be a different breed of fan that doesn't accept humble defeat from an opposing fan while maintaining a fair distinction on the ref calls and non-calls.

Yea.. a different breed of fan who is able to see thru feigned humility, by a non-humble fan who rather than admit that the better team won and that his team was abused in ways no other team had done so all post season, says that his defensive coordinator used a bad scheme and the refs blew calls...

Keep that Phily brand of humility where it belongs RG - in the stank of the city streets of Philly!


Jan 14, 2009
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Yea.. a different breed of fan who is able to see thru feigned humility, by a non-humble fan who rather than admit that the better team won and that his team was abused in ways no other team had done so all post season, says that his defensive coordinator used a bad scheme and the refs blew calls...

Keep that Phily brand of humility where it belongs RG - in the stank of the city streets of Philly!

Oh please. Like I'm being some kinda apologistic a-hole for saying that the defensive calls were piss poor last night? If I don't own up to that then I'm a fairweather fan at best and don't know my favorite team at all. Warner plays well in dump-off passes against a blitz. Arizona runs good screens. Fitzgerald can not be single-covered by any DB in the league. I would be as bad as the Eagles not to admit that. But my team called the defense that way regardless.

I know my team can play better and you're entirely correct that "his team was abused in ways no other team had done so all post season." Been saying it since the game was over. Many times. It doesn't change my opinion on the ref calls on third and fourth down last night...or the fact that I'm not sitting here claiming that the refs were the reason why the Eagles lost. Do you need to kick me in the face to feel justified on this one?


Supporting Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Man, I am glad the refs waited until the 3rd and 4th downs to make bad calls to help the Cardinals.


First Belicheck cheated, now this.



Supporting Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Fitzgerald has the most receiving yards in a post-season ever.


Thanks Refs and Eagles coaching staff.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
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You can't stop Fitz, you can't contain Fitz, you can only hope he becomes distracted and dosen't destroy you.


Supporting Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Frankly I didn't even see double coverage called very often on Fitz's catches. And triple coverage probably wouldn't have helped.
Yeah, not much. Fitz in motion is tough to double, I guess. Or you pay A$$ante $amuel to be able to cover someone.


Jan 14, 2009
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Yeah, not much. Fitz in motion is tough to double, I guess. Or you pay A$$ante $amuel to be able to cover someone.

I have hated that guy from day one. He is utterly overrated and terribly soft. He might get his picks but only because he is allowed to gamble with a safely up top.

Samuel drove me insane yesterday. 10-12 yard cushions on every play - even on 3rd and 2. And there was on play where two Eagles defenders held up a Cardinals player to invite Samuels to knock the ball loose. Instead Samuel, with a full head of steam, double-jumps like a rabbit and avoids the play entirely.

Ugh. The guy defines soft coverage and hitting. Trade ya - Samuel for Boldin.


7 x 70
Dec 31, 2004
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Oh please. Like I'm being some kinda apologistic a-hole for saying that the defensive calls were piss poor last night? If I don't own up to that then I'm a fairweather fan at best and don't know my favorite team at all. Warner plays well in dump-off passes against a blitz. Arizona runs good screens. Fitzgerald can not be single-covered by any DB in the league. I would be as bad as the Eagles not to admit that. But my team called the defense that way regardless.

I know my team can play better and you're entirely correct that "his team was abused in ways no other team had done so all post season." Been saying it since the game was over. Many times. It doesn't change my opinion on the ref calls on third and fourth down last night...or the fact that I'm not sitting here claiming that the refs were the reason why the Eagles lost. Do you need to kick me in the face to feel justified on this one?

Every team that losses in the post season walks away feeling like "we are capable of playing better". In the end, the debate always centers on "Why..." Why then didn't they "play better". Inevitably, in the heat and passion of the moment, the first thoughts go to all areas except where the conversation eventually lands - THE OPPOSITION...
So, I guess I'm not surprised to see you looking at the refs or Jimmy Johnson (who prior to this game was being hoisted up as the most creative, most ingenius, greatest ever Defensive Coordinator in the history of the game).
But - it's not imporant that you know it... Rather, I know that in the weeks and months ahead, you'll come to understand that regardless of the refs or JJ's schemes, the Cardinals beat the Eagles. And when the game was on the line, the Cards chewed up over 7 mins in the 4th quarter and marched 80 yards for a game winning score. The Cards put up 32 points on the Eagles after they had only let up 14 to the Vikes and 11 to the Giants...
It's ok dude... do what you must at this moment to enable yourself to sleep at night.
And then, when time has wiped away the in-the-moment emotion and associated blurred vision, you will eventually see things more clearly....



Jan 14, 2009
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It's ok dude... do what you must at this moment to enable yourself to sleep at night.
And then, when time has wiped away the in-the-moment emotion and associated blurred vision, you will eventually see things more clearly....


Yes. Clearly your team won 110% of every battle in that game. I must have not seen it. You are the real champ - not the Cardinals or the Eagles.

If things happen to not go your way in two weeks, may you forever recall how you handled these moments of relished victory.

It's a football game. Good plays and bad on both sides. Any given sunday. But please miss no opportunity to rub it in when the dice roll your way. Especially when others are here already giving your team real props.



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Jun 5, 2003
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But please miss no opportunity to rub it in when the dice roll your way. Especially when others are here already giving your team real props.


RandomGuy, you seem like a cool guy. But for the love, this is a CARDINALS MESSAGE BOARD. Of course it's gonna seem like we're "rubbing it in." We're Cardinals fans posting in a CARDINALS forum. Your response might be better suited towards a Cardinals fan posting on an Eagles board.


7 x 70
Dec 31, 2004
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Yes. Clearly your team won 110% of every battle in that game. I must have not seen it. You are the real champ - not the Cardinals or the Eagles.

If things happen to not go your way in two weeks, may you forever recall how you handled these moments of relished victory.

It's a football game. Good plays and bad on both sides. Any given sunday. But please miss no opportunity to rub it in when the dice roll your way. Especially when others are here already giving your team real props.


"Rubbing it in"??? Please tell me you're joking! Or are you really a true whinning slob???
You consistently enter into the discussion the topic of multiple "missed calls" that hurt your chances of winning! I don't care what other things you have said here - bottom line is you are offering excuses into this discussion.
As I said, I understand you are still emotional about the loss. Come back in 3-6 months from now and I'm sure you'll see things more clearly...

And... should things not go our way in two weeks, I will be quite prepared to offer a candid and objective view of the game. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of posters here who have mastered the art of blaming the refs for losses. I never once have taken part in that mis-guided form of fandom...
As a Cards fan, I have honed the skill of seeing losses for what they are... the opposing team playing better and therefore, being more deserving of the victory.
As a fan of a team that has won more than lose, I can see why taking this sort of loss is difficult for you, and disables you from being able to accept it for what it is. The Cards beat you Sunday because we played better than you - period...

"Rubbing it in"?????? Good Lord... I thought Philly was where all the tough guys were from??

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Jan 14, 2009
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RandomGuy, you seem like a cool guy. But for the love, this is a CARDINALS MESSAGE BOARD. Of course it's gonna seem like we're "rubbing it in." We're Cardinals fans posting in a CARDINALS forum. Your response might be better suited towards a Cardinals fan posting on an Eagles board.

If this was an Eagles board and the Eagles just won, we'd have one "what went wrong, where were they beaten on certain plays, what should they improves" thread for every victory thread. And you'd be welcome to comment in all of em. And I'd back you if someone was needlessly giving you crap.

Hey, just trying to talk about things. Calling a spade a spade when a thread is talking about that no-call on Hood on 4th down somehows makes me less of a football fan to some people. I would have called it a penalty for either team. I don't need people countering my comments with how the D co-ord is not the greatest ever (who said that? Wasn't me) or how I need to wait 3 months or sleep better at night. That's petty BS. Especially when I'm sitting here saying how great Fitz played, how my own team failed in its D calls, how solid Warner was against the blitz, how great those screen plays were for AZ, etc.
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