Is there any word on how long this CBA will be good for?
1. Im really glad to hear that they have come to an agreement before we even hear about a hold out or strike.
2. The new formats actually sound like things that all parties (owners, players, and fans) would all want. Preseason is a waste of time for players, and a ripoff for fans. Adding the 17th game to the regular season, along with another playoff spot, while also eliminating a preseason game sounds like something most players could get behind.
The only thing I would have liked to see (and maybe it is in there...haven't seen) is an expansion to active roster size. Why are we limiting teams to 53 guys on a roster, with only 46 active on game days? With the amount of injuries and wear and tear on players, there is no reason it can't be closer to 60, with everyone able to play in a game if a coach wants to put them in. Hell, I could even see only having a roster MINIMUM...saying you must have at least 40 active players on game day, but you can have as many as you want...the salary cap stays the same. If some team wants to have 65 players and rotate 15 D-Lineman throughout the game thats their choice. If another team wants to have fewer, higher priced players....but no depth...let them take that risk?