Since there seems to be some debate.
Yea or Nay
I say Yea.
Yea or Nay
I say Yea.
RobbleRobble said:The first reaction to almost any logo change is rarely positive. People don't usually respond well to change. Thinking back to recent history and the Bengals, Seahawks, Broncos and even Patirots uni changes were poorly received. The only change that drew initial positive response was the Falcons.
Anyway, seems local response has been positive. That's a great sign. Took something classic and moderized it a bit. Looks great. I think it'll grow on everyone. Especially after seeing the full uniform.
Fiasco said:The Patriots logo is as bad or worse then their old one. The lack of contrast on the Seahawks helmet makes the new logo dissappear. Liked the Bronco's logo change but hate the uniforms, but the Bronco's logo was hideous.
Ryanwb said:I usually hate any kind of change, but I think in this case, change is definately good. Can't wait to see the uniforms and spend money I don't have on a new one