Armageddon ruled, get off it!
Originally posted by Chandler Mike
Armageddon ruled, get off it!
Originally posted by Chaplin
I liked the intense philosophy in that movie.
Originally posted by cheesebeef
Armageddon was the worst movie in the last five years. That movie made me nauscious.
Originally posted by Chaplin
Let's not get into Armageddon. There's an old history about that movie with some of us--I was just joking around about it in reference to that.
Originally posted by jkf296
Saw MAtrix Deaux last night.
Thought the love scene/dancing/orgy was filler mat'l and seemed irrelevant and contrived.
- When in the beginning Neo (anagram for "One") flies away. He then goes into an apartment and looks around. Did i miss something? Why did he go there, what was he looking for?
- Why do the ships have to go outside of Zion to connect into the Matrix?
Originally posted by jkf296
Saw MAtrix Deaux last night.
Thought the love scene/dancing/orgy was filler mat'l and seemed irrelevant and contrived.
- When in the beginning Neo (anagram for "One") flies away. He then goes into an apartment and looks around. Did i miss something? Why did he go there, what was he looking for?
Originally posted by Chaplin
The apartment was in the first film--it was where he originally went to see the Oracle.
Originally posted by jkf296
No, it was in the beginning of the 2nd one. It is just before the group leaves for Zion.
Neo jumps up and flies away and then he comes flying down after some time and looks around an apartment. Next scene shows the group loading up into the vehicle.
Originally posted by Dan H
Eh, Equilibrium was better than all of them.