NFC Divisional Playoffs: Packers-20 Cards-26 The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly



Jul 14, 2005
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Bridgeton, NJ
Larry willed this team to win. Without him we lose the game.

How many 3rd downs did the D let GB covert? Too many.

There is no way in the world the D should let AR convert on 4th and 20 from his own endzone. And then the hail mary pass where our defenders were behind the WR so they couldn't knock the ball down.

No pressure on AR all night. He was back there making sandwiches all game.

The way we played defense last night Cam or Wilson will destroy this defense with out any pressure.
The ball hung like a balloon so they certainly would have knocked it down. They were too focused on it to see Janis. You can see it on the replay. Both were looking up. It's understandable because it's an Oh S*** moment.

Crimson Warrior

Dangerous Murray Zealot
Oct 27, 2002
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Home of the Thunder
The ball hung like a balloon so they certainly would have knocked it down. They were too focused on it to see Janis. You can see it on the replay. Both were looking up. It's understandable because it's an Oh S*** moment.

its was a perfect play by GB.. if you want to get mad at the defense, be mad about the 4-20 play.


Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Bridgeton, NJ
its was a perfect play by GB.. if you want to get mad at the defense, be mad about the 4-20 play.

Neither were perfect plays. CC was tackled on the Hail Mary TD and there was hands to the face on the 4th and 20 but you're right, never should have gone that way.

Crimson Warrior

Dangerous Murray Zealot
Oct 27, 2002
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Home of the Thunder
Neither were perfect plays. CC was tackled on the Hail Mary TD and there was hands to the face on the 4th and 20 but you're right, never should have gone that way.

The hail mary throw by Rodgers was just ridiculous. I mean he's absolutely running for his life, and he just heaves like an Olympic javelin thrower to the perfect spot, so that it freezes the DBs, and his WR just kind of drifts unnoticed right freaking under the ball.

Crazy, crazy, crazy s***. :)
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Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Bridgeton, NJ
The hail mary throw by Rodgers was just ridiculous. I mean he's absolutely running for his life, and he just heaves like an Olympic javelin thrower to the perfect spot, so that it freezes the DBs, and his WR just kind of drifts unnoticed right freaking under the ball.

Crazy, crazy, crazy s***. :)

Look on the bright side, at least we can laugh about it today. Wouldn't have been funny had we lost.


Not So Skeptical
Aug 26, 2012
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Look on the bright side, at least we can laugh about it today. Wouldn't have been funny had we lost.
Today? I couldn't help but laugh when that play happened. It was just ridiculous that they pulled that off, but it would have never happened if Bethel didn't give up on his coverage on the 4-20 or Pat attacks that hail marry ball in the end zone (instead of letting it travel all the way to the receiver.

Big Deal

Hall of Famer
Sep 26, 2004
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I'm spent. It's late, I have to get up for work at 4:30am EST, I have bronchitis, and a nasty cold not to mention a blood pressure reading of 235/176 right now. This team better get to church tomorrow because there was a ton of divine intervention in this win because quite frankly for most of the game they didn't play like they wanted to win. In fact, at the end it looked like they were doing their damndest to try to lose.

The Good

A Win-A win is a win and when it's in the playoffs it's even better although it seemed like this team sleepwalked through near 3/4 of it.

Fitz-I told my wife that when the time comes and he's inducted into the Hall of Fame, I will be there one way or the other. Only someone like him could pull off something like this. When this team was seemingly on life support, barely registering a heartbeat, he pulled out his AED(automated external defibrillator) and shocked this team back to life. Big reason why I changed into my Fitz jersey at halftime(I was wearing my Plummer jersey). I vow to only wear this one for the rest of the season.

Luck-And I don't mean Andrew. I can point to several points where we simply got lucky: The Floyd TD that gave us the lead, a big pass play over the outstretched arms of Jake Ryan, Shields dropping a sure pick near the goal line. There are more but those are the big ones and I believe they were on the same drive.

Palmer's First Playoff Win-He can finally put that ghost to rest but it wasn't easy. He was way off his game for most of the game. The team had 76 total yards in the first half and most of those came in one scoring drive.

Overcoming 0-3 When Trailing After 3 Quarters-Saw that graphic and found it interesting. Got that monkey off our backs.

2nd Half Offensive Line-With a few plays aside, they got it together when it counted.

The Bad

1st Half Offensive Line-They seemed like they were asleep as they couldn't keep Palmer clean.

Running Game-Non-existent. Only 40 yards rushing the entire game.

1st Half And First 3rd Of 3rd Quarter- Was it butterflies? I don't know but this wasn't our team during this time.

Defense-They made some big plays which is the reason why this isn't in the ugly category but they were God awful most of tonight. I know it was Aaron Rogers but for God's sake you don't give up big plays like that. How many 3rd and longs? How about 4th and 20 on their own 2 yard line and they convert for 62 yards? And that Hail Mary was ridiculous. They better figure things out because if not both Newton and Wilson will carve them up like a Thanksgiving Day turkey. Damned lucky Fitz pulled the defense's nuts out of the fire but let's not kid ourselves, you can't play like that against anyone and expect to win a championship.

Play Calling-Packers have no timeouts and BA calls a pass play. I get it. It was to Fitz but you don't leave time on the clock for Rogers and look what happened. Instead of giving him maybe a minute tops you give him nearly 2 minutes. You run a running play to run it down to the 2 minute warning. Then run another to take it down to about 1:20 then call timeout and kick the FG. As it stood, all Rogers needed was 4 seconds to tie the game.

The Ugly

Final Drive Defense-I don't think I need to comment any further except to reiterate you simply do not let that happen.

The Officiating-This is becoming a real problem. All game long GB's offensive line was holding to the point where they were getting so brave as to literally start tackling our pass rushers or outright grabbing their jerseys. There were missed calls on both sides but we were getting robbed all game long and to top it all off, they couldn't even flip the damned coin right.

Well, that's it. I'm sick as a dog and just called off sick from work(hate using sick days this early) and really need my rest. G'night all.

You have high blood pressure? :shrug:

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