Try not to get distracted by BS and stay focused on the important stuff.
Not showing at the Combine while "interesting" is only but one of a gazillion things that the scouts must factor in to the evaluation of a player.
When all is said in done, the only thing that matters is: "Does Young (or any other top 10 rated player) represent our best option for building our football team the way we want to build it? Or not?
Don't let any proverbial molehills become mountains. Don't jump to conclusions prematurely. And don't let the so-called pundits cloud your judgment. Keep your eye on the ball. Can the dude help us?
Not showing at the Combine while "interesting" is only but one of a gazillion things that the scouts must factor in to the evaluation of a player.
When all is said in done, the only thing that matters is: "Does Young (or any other top 10 rated player) represent our best option for building our football team the way we want to build it? Or not?
Don't let any proverbial molehills become mountains. Don't jump to conclusions prematurely. And don't let the so-called pundits cloud your judgment. Keep your eye on the ball. Can the dude help us?