BEERZ said:You heard it here first. This is my sleeper team, then the Spurs...
scotsman13 said:so you believe that kmart is a superstar that can lead the nuggs to a championship?
i dont think that martin is a better player then marion. i dont believe that melo will end up being more then then a crying little high scoring brat, who will be a poor mans clyde drexler (never able to win a championship by himself). denver can be a 6th to 8th and maybe move into the second round of they get lucky in the first round of the playoffs. but they dont have the depth, defense or solid outside shooting to make it past that. devners believes that the answer to their problems is to take advanage of the mile high city by running other teams into the ground. and while this work during the season it falls in the playoffs when you can take advanage of o2 drinks and other training techs to help set up your team. when your teams main battle plan fails you have to hope that your players are more skilled then the other teams players
amare > kmart
marion=melo (melo is a better scorer but doesnt have marions all round game)
jake< camby
nash > miller
jj > lenard
suns > denver
i'll call this one a wash right now because denvers coach is in danger of loosing his job right now.
BEERZ said:You heard it here first. This is my sleeper team, then the Spurs...
NugzFan said:im so glad that games arent played on paper.
i swear, EVERY team that does this positional matchup with us, always ends up saying that their team is better. wed be at best, the 12-13 seed in the west, if this is how the game worked.
scotsman13 said:dont get me wrong. i like most of denver line up (besides melo, i think he is a little crybaby). i think that denver is in much better shape then houston who is going to fall on their backsides hard and fast with tmac, yoa and lue (i would say that houston is my favorite to shock everyone by falling out of the playoffs).
there are 3 young teams that i think are going to be the big boys in a couple years. the suns (i believe have the most raw talent), denver (if they got a solid 3 pt shooter at the 2 they can move up big time), and utah (they are young, play as a team and have a very good coach, to bad they dont have a real star player, or an eviroment to really pull in the top free agents).
of these 3 team i think that the suns stand the highest for one main reason. amare is a low-post player. and one of the rare players who will work his backside off till he reaches the top. melo is good and so is boozer but they dont stack up to amare.
cheesebeef said:Melo = Marion? Jeez - do I have to get into it with you like I did with Slin on that other horrible thread? Homerism's one thing - but statements like the above are just lunacy IMO.
George O'Brien said:I don't think Melo is better than Marion either. Maybe someday, but not now.
This is simply the same run around. There is some kind of mystique about guys who are great one on one scorers. Other than the fact that he scores more on a team that does not a strong low post offense, what exactly does Carmelo do that is better than Marion?
Is he a better defender? Not that I've noticed. Better rebounder? No close. Better shot blocker? Not even faintly close. Marion's shooting and scoring was down this season, but in 2002-03 he averaged 21.2 ppg, 45.2% shooting, and 38.7% for three.
But it all comes back to the same thing. Marion is not a great one on one player so he is considered inferior to the Nugget's crybaby.
cheesebeef said:Melo is a leader and a champion - he can stroke the J, he can take it to the hole and he post up - He is someone teams have to worry about. Marion is a better rebounder - but as a defender - it's a wash - Marion gets WAYYYYY to much credit here as a defender - as does everyone on this club. I mean if JJ, Marion and Amare are all such defenders, why were we so PISS POOR on defense last year?
Bottom line is Melo is two years out of college, Marion is what 5 - and Melo'
s game is already more polished than Marion's and he's shown the ability to take and make big shots - something Shawn goes runing for cover when it's his opportunity. That right right there catapults Melo over him. I'm not having this discussion - I have better things to do with my time than argue a point that EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the NBA or on any message board other than here would agree with.
George O'Brien said:Which is why Marion is going to Athens and Melo isn't?![]()
George O'Brien said:Which is why Marion is going to Athens and Melo isn't?![]()
thegrahamcrackr said:Personally I think this thread is ********.
The Nuggets will be good, and finish 4th or 5th in west. They will most likely get to the second round.
Personally, I hate Melo, but he will be a good player. Give him more than 2 seasons to lead his team to a ring though.
scotsman13 said:so you believe that kmart is a superstar that can lead the nuggs to a championship?
i dont think that martin is a better player then marion. i dont believe that melo will end up being more then then a crying little high scoring brat, who will be a poor mans clyde drexler (never able to win a championship by himself). denver can be a 6th to 8th and maybe move into the second round of they get lucky in the first round of the playoffs. but they dont have the depth, defense or solid outside shooting to make it past that. devners believes that the answer to their problems is to take advanage of the mile high city by running other teams into the ground. and while this work during the season it falls in the playoffs when you can take advanage of o2 drinks and other training techs to help set up your team. when your teams main battle plan fails you have to hope that your players are more skilled then the other teams players
amare > kmart
marion=melo (melo is a better scorer but doesnt have marions all round game)
jake< camby
nash > miller
jj > lenard
suns > denver
i'll call this one a wash right now because denvers coach is in danger of loosing his job right now.
George O'Brien said:I don't think Melo is better than Marion either. Maybe someday, but not now.
This is simply the same run around. There is some kind of mystique about guys who are great one on one scorers. Other than the fact that he scores more on a team that does not a strong low post offense, what exactly does Carmelo do that is better than Marion?
Is he a better defender? Not that I've noticed. Better rebounder? No close. Better shot blocker? Not even faintly close. Marion's shooting and scoring was down this season, but in 2002-03 he averaged 21.2 ppg, 45.2% shooting, and 38.7% for three.
But it all comes back to the same thing. Marion is not a great one on one player so he is considered inferior to the Nugget's crybaby.
scotsman13 said:yes melo finally cry enought that they invited him there.
cheese what is more likely that everyone else is wrong about marions defense or you are? you know the people thatget paid for scouting the players who think that he is a very good defender or you who have played some high school, play ground, and maybe even a little college ball? personally i think i will go with the pros.