My rain gauge at roughly 64th St and Dynamite, has just a fraction over 3 inches -- and for at least 15 minutes the rain was pretty much sideways. The large wash that divides my property from the neighbors' has overflowed its banks by about 8-10 inches for maybe the second time I can remember since I moved out here in 1978. It has been roaring since around 7 PM (it was raining and blowing too hard to hear it before that, but about then I started wondering "what the hell is that weird roar? Could that be a tornado?") and JUST finally started to slow down and moved within its banks at about 8:40.
The little thready wash on the other side of the house that even after the worst storms always drains dry very quickly started running heavily before 7, and was still a little stream at 8:30.
Only once or twice since 1978 has water been heavy enough draining down the little hill in my back yard that it flooded into my back patio, and not at all since I dug some drain-trenches a few years ago. But it did tonight.
And the neighbors down across the way, who expanded the little house they bought to a HUGE sprawly 'equestrian estate' home -- like something out of Spain or France -- apparently really didn't bother with all the little survey dealies as was the gossip, because they have a gushing lake no less than 100 feet across lapping at the house, as four different washes (2 major) empty into what was their big, smooth, front paddock. I AM NOT GLOATING. (It's bad Karma, they seem pleasant otherwise, and they were not the ONLY people in the immediate vicinity to ignore the natural washes.) I hope this was the 1000 year flood that our little neighborhood was warned about.