Exactly. they are all boring.If it were an olympic sport, people would j/o to it. It is highly entertaining to watch.
outside of the olympics, who watches beach volleyball? or indoor volleyball? or shooting. or archery. or synchronized diving.
Exactly. they are all boring.If it were an olympic sport, people would j/o to it. It is highly entertaining to watch.
outside of the olympics, who watches beach volleyball? or indoor volleyball? or shooting. or archery. or synchronized diving.
I'm going to say it now. The hardest sport to play in the world is Water Polo.
Anyone want to come up with a more difficult sport?
Only one close might, only might, be the balance beam. Ugh, that looks horrible.
I wish we could watch water polo instead of stupid beach volleyball.
What are your parameters of "the hardest sport to play?"
And what constitutes it being a "sport?" The difference between event/sport is hard to define. Decathletes and the all around gold medal gymnast to me are the most impressive, simply because of the level of excellence they must display in a variety of events.
Are you talking about for the average person? Because I wouldn't say water polo then. It's relatively easy to play, very difficult to excel at. Do you mean play, or play well?
Don't know exactly what I mean by it.
I don't really think that you have to be the best athlete to play water polo. I think the "average person" element has to be on there. It is difficult to tread water period, let alone play a "handball" type sport at the same time.
Well, if it's the not the average person element I have to say gymnastics. Because seriously, that stuff is ridiculous. As mulli mentioned, the balance beam is insane. Flips and crap on a little beam? Yeah, no thanks. Give me treading water and playing handball any day.
So, hardest sport that basically anyone could play?
I think dcr is more referring to physically demanding...whereas gymnastics is more precision.
I think.
I think dcr is more referring to physically demanding...whereas gymnastics is more precision.
I think.
Yeah, but it's physically demanding for 2 - 3 minutes.I dunno if that's it either. I think what you see on the rings or the floor exercise might be more physically demanding.
Hell. I don't even know what I mean anymore....
...and I don't view the rings or floor exercises or any of that as "physically demanding". I put it in the "physically impossible; they're aliens" category.I think the rings exercises are possibly the most physically demanding of the olympics...some make it look easy, but others you can see the pain.
Water polo is good for "hardest team sport that an average joe or jane can play."
What are your parameters of "the hardest sport to play?"
Yeah, and some of them weighed 400 pounds!~Also, was it just me or was there a disproportionate number of judo people (I don't know what they're actually called) carrying the flags in the parade of nations?
Also, was it just me or was there a disproportionate number of judo people (I don't know what they're actually called) carrying the flags in the parade of nations?
Yeah, and some of them weighed 400 pounds!~
So what are people's opinions on the Chinese gymnast age controversy?
I guess I'm not clear why being under 16 is an edge, it's against the rules so I would hope if the Chines are doing it they get caught, but I'm not clear why it's supposed to help them.
Supposedly 2 US newspapers did independent research that purports to prove 3 members of the Chinese team are no older than 14. I guess my question is if its such an advantage why isn't the US team selected to be closer in age to 16, why pick older gymnasts? And if it's about frame and flexibility why are some of our gymnasts(like Sacramone) so powerfully built? and if that's a disadvantage how do we explain Mary Lou Retton?
I guess if they're breaking a rule they shouldn't get away with it, I'm just wondering the point of the rule?
I'm not sure of the point of the rule, but my wife and I commented that some of them didn't look a day over 12. And we didn't even know that there was an age rule. That was just our impression. They are amazing though, on those bars.
The more powerfully built gymnasts are better at the strength exercises like the floor and the vault. You note the more slender, smaller ones are better on apparatus like the bars. Then there's Johnson, who is amazing on everything.
As to age, maybe there is a flexibility advantage at the younger ages? I really don't know, but would be interested to find out.
All I know is that Sacramone won't be right for a long, long time after last night.