One positive..I suppose...


ASFN Addict
Aug 22, 2003
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The 215
No thanks. He was abysmal! We found out why he was only a STer in Philly and couldnt crack the line-up as a CB.

No that's what I'm saying Shane. I'm not calling for more of him! He was atrocious here. His height is his only advantage.


My time of year!
Super Moderator
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
So you watch the game and call out a random player when something goes wrong.

The CBs are responsible for playing with too much cushion, it has nothing to do the the safety support or DC, because it's the CB giving too much cushion.

The OTs are responsible for giving up a sack, when the QB holds on to the ball for 6 seconds and never moves in the pocket, because it's the OT giving up the sack.


Never said that. I will call out a player. But you guys very much overstate the QB holding the ball to long excuse. While it does happen. Our OL just consistently get beat. To many times our QB's or RB's are getting tackled or sacked within 2 or 3 seconds of the ball being snapped.

Whats really brilliant is that you actually try and make a feable attempt to stick up for these guys. If you are such a scheme guy? Tell me whats the problem then? DO you feel that our OL is talented enough? Or are they just plain stupid? Which is it? Because they are the only team in football that I have seen that cant even pick up the most basic blitz packages sent their way.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
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You almost need two managers for major league baseball. One to manage the 162 game season and another for the short series playoffs.

Imagine if the NFL playoff games were only 20 minutes long instead of 60.

A lot of guys, Whitey Hertzog for one, were great long season skippers but stuggled managing short series.

It's amazing you said that I've always said that about Hertzog, he basically ran a gimick offense if you will.

It worked pretty well, he'd clean up on weaker teams until you ran smack dab into a quality team with quality defense and quality pitching and then........ pow you lose.

The one thing that absolutely drives me up a tree about Tony L is his pitching changes and building that stupid slugger line up that once it gets behind against quality pitching is like taking a musket to a machine gun fight.

Postseason baseball is another animal, you need to sprinkle in some contact hitters and you need to absolutely tell all your hitters to drive up the stupid pitch count of the quallity starters if that's what you're facing, when you get Clemens on the mound or Randy Johnson if you don't get to them early you've got to battle the heck out of them and wear them out, you don't swing at the stupid first pitch trying to hit it out of the park, when I see all the Cardinals except Pojuls, who will just try to make contact when the situation calls for that, do this I just want to scream!
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Superbowl, Homeboy!
May 14, 2002
Reaction score
Expat in Kuala Lumpur
Never said that. I will call out a player. But you guys very much overstate the QB holding the ball to long excuse. While it does happen. Our OL just consistently get beat. To many times our QB's or RB's are getting tackled or sacked within 2 or 3 seconds of the ball being snapped.

Whats really brilliant is that you actually try and make a feable attempt to stick up for these guys. If you are such a scheme guy? Tell me whats the problem then? DO you feel that our OL is talented enough? Or are they just plain stupid? Which is it? Because they are the only team in football that I have seen that cant even pick up the most basic blitz packages sent their way.
The only problem is that I never said the OL was good, and yet I get called out for sticking up for them no matter what. I have tried to go into detail with what the OL did wrong AND where I felt they got unfair criticism.

The problems in my opinion:
The OL is very bad right now, and Leinart starting doesn't help the problem. The Chiefs brought the house and forced the rookie to beat them. That makes it even harder for the OL to succeed, because that puts even more pressure on a bad OL. When Leinarts settles and starts to repeatedly beat the blitz, then the pressure on the OL will decrease. That will help the situation, but that's only part of the problem.

Neither Big nor Ross are suited to be the blindside tackle. Both are too massive and slow-footed to be the blindside and need a TE next to them to slow the pass-rushers down just for half a second. With Leinart being a lefty, Big is now the frontside tackle and I believe he'll do very well there once Leinart settles. Playing on the frontside helps Big with the pure speed rushers, which is a major weakness(Getting an early jump is part of that). He is playing very well in all other aspects of his game. Ross needs to be replaced as the blindside OT.

Step is not only playing bad, but he's also blowing linecalls left and right. He's the C and he has to make the adjustment, but they are never made. He needs to be replaced, so there can be some stability in the middle. OL is all about consistency and teamwork. When the C is bad the Gs suffer, because are never comfortable in their blocking if they have to adjust to a C being blown off the LOS on every single play.