Nasser22 said:Everyone saying Ryanwb when I'm the one that started the thread? :-/
AzCards21 said:lol! I was going to put jenna but didn't know if the name was right. Sounded like you have plenty of money. Spread the rewards.
AzCards21 said:lol! I was going to put jenna but didn't know if the name was right. Sounded like you have plenty of money. Spread the rewards.
dreamcastrocks said:I will hook u up, try and bust me outta jail right now, I am in vegas. (DCRocks)
AzCards21 said:I can't find you. I haven't even found the freinds list. lol
dreamcastrocks said:my name is DCRocks and you can do a quick lookup at the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
Nasser22 said:Awesome heist!
You stopped a trolley carrying a group of old maids and as you noticed they had pearls and jewels on, you stopped the train and armed with a Tommy, they easily gave up their jewels. Soon you arrived at a pawn shop and the dealer gave you alot for them. You and your partner split the cash. Leader gains 475000 Money and Driver gains 475000 Money
AzCards21 said:lol! I was going to put jenna but didn't know if the name was right. Sounded like you have plenty of money. Spread the rewards.
Ryanwb said:I'm good for a heist in 45 minutes
Ryanwb said:I'm good for a heist in 45 minutes
D-Dogg said:Knock knock.
dreamcastrocks said:You stopped a truck driven by a swarthy looking fellow in a top hat. ??Help yourself to the cargo?? he said, cheerfully. You went round to the back if the truck, opened the door and out jumped an angry, 28 stone adult female gorilla. As the truck drove away from your mangled form you could just make out the name of the local traveling circus.Leader looses -23 Health and Driver looses -17 Health
Ryanwb said:Can someone hook me up with a family?
Mulli808 said:They haven't sent you an invite? I would if I knew how.
Ryanwb said:No and I looked and all the high ranked guys not in a family have been killed.... I could be next