OT - Adrian Wilson's agent passes away


Draft Junkie
Feb 9, 2009
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Sad news today about Contract Advisor Paul Lawrence, Adrian Wilson's agent.

Cardschatter Darren Urban

Stunning news tonight that agent Paul Lawrence died unexpectedly. Adrian Wilson was one of his clients.

Source: National Football Post

Paul Lawrence, a veteran agent with Maximum Sports Management, has passed.
Liz Mullen of Sports Business Journal, reported that Lawrence, an Everett, Wa., resident, died suddenly today. Lawrence was stricken while he was playing basketball, something he did often.
Lawrence worked for Maximum Sports for the last 10 years. He was well respected and as one contract negotiator for an NFL team said, “Paul would do anything for his players, and he would give you the shirt off his back.”


Aug 14, 2006
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Very sad indeed. My prayers are with him, as are my hopes that he is in a place of far greater comfort and happiness now than he has been. God rest his soul.


May 15, 2002
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York, PA
About 3 years ago, I promised my wife that I would have a full physical since I was going to turn 50. In my eyes, I was in very good shape. I powerlifted & was a bodyuilder for years. I was on the treadmill 3-4 times/wk. I was 49 yrs old, yet felt & looked like I was 35. I walked golf courses routinely & never had any symptoms whatsoever. Part of the physical involved a stress test that involved them injecting dye into my arteries with a series of pictures taken before & after being on the treadmill. When all was done, they called me the next day to inform me that I had a 95% blockage in one of my main arteries. They ordered me off the golf course that I was on & had me report to the hospital at once. I was lucky that only one artery was involved & my other arteries were compensating. They did say that it was just a matter of time before I had a major heart attack.

I consider myself very fortunate. Folks, don't think it can't happen to you. Once in your forties, go & have a high level stress test to determine if your at risk. The Medical profession pushes everyone to have a colonoscopy at 50, yet heart disease is the #1 killer among people in that age group.

Crazy Canuck

May 14, 2002
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About 3 years ago, I promised my wife that I would have a full physical since I was going to turn 50. In my eyes, I was in very good shape. I powerlifted & was a bodyuilder for years. I was on the treadmill 3-4 times/wk. I was 49 yrs old, yet felt & looked like I was 35. I walked golf courses routinely & never had any symptoms whatsoever. Part of the physical involved a stress test that involved them injecting dye into my arteries with a series of pictures taken before & after being on the treadmill. When all was done, they called me the next day to inform me that I had a 95% blockage in one of my main arteries. They ordered me off the golf course that I was on & had me report to the hospital at once. I was lucky that only one artery was involved & my other arteries were compensating. They did say that it was just a matter of time before I had a major heart attack.

I consider myself very fortunate. Folks, don't think it can't happen to you. Once in your forties, go & have a high level stress test to determine if your at risk. The Medical profession pushes everyone to have a colonoscopy at 50, yet heart disease is the #1 killer among people in that age group.

Good on you... and good advice!


Nov 24, 2003
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This was absolutely shocking news to me. I was literally just getting ready to call Paul when I read Marcus Fitzgeralds tweet last night. I had been working with Paul over the past week re: the NFLPA and Fans Q&A Forum on Monday, and he was planning on attending the Seattle Meetup. We had just finalized the location yesterday afternoon.

My heart aches for his family. He was just 44 years old, married, and has three young children.


Registered User
Jul 15, 2002
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section 8 row 10
Sorry to hear about Lawrence. A agree that evey day is your most imortant. Live this day to the fullist. I had my first major heart attack when I was 34. Alos was a gym rat. Now 30 years latter (still on the treadmill) I have gone through 5 stints, Multiple days almost every year at a hospital .

The Dr stopped me from working 12 years ago. I'm uncofdible most days and take some 25 different pills. The listm which I carry everyday, appears remarkable to any new Dr. that exams me. I'm very,very, luckey.

My advise for those who care.
#1 stop smoking
#2 eat wisely
#3 Get a full check up once a year.
#4 smile a lot

Life is to important to let and day go buy without an effort. I once watched a video bya guy that motivates. He said something in his presntration that day that has stuck with me. Use up every day, go out and do something for somebody, USE IT UP! Get your moneys worth.