PA sucked when I was living there
All wine and liquor is sold through state owned shops .... there is an approved list of wine and liquor and that is all that can be sold in the state .... bars/restaurants must buy from the state off their approved list to sell to you
who cares about wine and liquor says you .... i'm a beer drinker
well, you can buy beer a couple of ways .... the most common is running down to the beer distributor and picking up a case or keg .... not a six pack, not a sampler pack of individual bottles, not the local grocery store
beer is sold at beer distributors and it's sold by the case - it's not sold on sundays and like the liquor stores good luck finding a distributor open past 9pm
if you want a 6 pack, a 40oz bottle or what not they can be bought ... you have to go to a bar, licensed deli or some other eating establishment that sells liquor and has the ability to sell six packs
however, be prepared to pay out of your butt for the honor and note you can only buy two six packs at a time
we'd frequently drive to relative beer & liquor nirvana known as delaware and stock up on stuff we just couldn't buy in PA .... thank god yuengling was cheap because although we enjoyed micros buying it by the case on a college budget could hurt
i even drove into camden on a sunday to by beer once .......... once
no sales on Sunday