Phoenix Suns History Lesson (Robert Sarver 04-Present)


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Really?? You can not type that with a straight face.. I have been as big of a diehard Suns fan my entire life as anyone.. These days it is a point of sadness and contention in all circles..

Think about this for a second... Blanks signing Childress to one of the most laughable contracts in NBA history alone makes his tenure poor.. The Warrick signing was a head scratcher, especially considering at the time he was declining in almost every statistical category since his peak year in 2006, yet we still gave him 4 million a year, and lets not even talk about the Dragic deal which was ridiculous to hear we traded him for Brooks and then I heard WE were the ones giving up the 1st round pick, outstanding job Blanks!!

The Dudley contract is a very good deal, and the Frye deal is about market value...

And then we come to the draft, last year with Kawii Lenard/Kenneth Faried/Iman Shumpart/Marcus Morris available we took the second best player in one family instead..

Sarver/Blanks/Kerr/ have completely ran this team into the ground, and if we are seriously considering signing nash to a two year deal again I am going to throw up.. This team has ZERO stars, 2 decent role players, and the rest traveling castoffs that would not crack the rotation of ANY legitimate team competing for a championship...

The Suns are THE joke of the NBA these days, when Hollinger/Ford do their ESPN future rankings Phoenix is consistently one of the 2-3 teams witht he worst outlook, citing a lack of young talent, lack of direction, lack of current stars/ and lack lack of ownership that knows what it is doing..

Saying Blanks/Sarver have done a decent job is LAUGHABLE, and the worst part is they see no problem with how they are running this organization, and they expect to be competing for a championship soon which is the very definition of insanity... We need to blow this up, and start from scratch.. This draft would be a nice time to do it..

I agree with you, but I think there are a few inaccuracies in your post. I don't believe Blanks had anything to do with Warrick and Childress--those were Babby all the way. Also, right now out of the two Morris brothers, we definitely have the better one. Maybe in the future Marcus will turn out better, but right now he's wasting away on the Houston bench and his brother is a rotation player.


ASFN Lifer
Jun 24, 2005
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I agree with you, but I think there are a few inaccuracies in your post. I don't believe Blanks had anything to do with Warrick and Childress--those were Babby all the way. Also, right now out of the two Morris brothers, we definitely have the better one. Maybe in the future Marcus will turn out better, but right now he's wasting away on the Houston bench and his brother is a rotation player.

I tend to equate babby and blanks as basically the same guy..

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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It would be great to have Curry but this blown deal seems less and less significant now. Curry isn't the player the Suns envisioned.

he is, he just can't stay healthy with the damn ankle. real shame Curry is a terrific offensive PG and his defense was coming along nicely, but that ankle seems like it's going to be a real problem.

In fact lots of talk they might take Lillard at 7 just out of concerns over Curry's ankle.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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I remember that. It was Stoudemire for Biedrins and Curry, with some other players thrown in. The Suns' front office clearly felt that GS had reneged on a done deal.

That sounds vaguely familiar. kerr didn't name names no doubt thinking it wasn't appropriate since the deal didn't happen.

And yeah he did seem to be clearly unhappy with the Warriors over how it went down.

Weird all around, not taking the promise plus the deal falling through after led to Jrue going several picks later than he apparently otherwise would have.

One got the impression that Kerr was a bit miffed with Jrue and his agent over that and had they had a promise, they probably would have called GSW and said ok either you make that Curry trade firm, or we're picking Jrue and the deal is off.


May 10, 2007
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I was watching a draft show on I think CBS college sports Sunday. Kerr was one of the people on the panel and it came to mistakes or things on draft day that you most remember and when it was his turn he said the following.

They had a deal done in principle with the Warriors, GSW would draft Steph Curry and then trade him to Phoenix, I don't recall him saying exactly for what. The deal wasn't "signed off" but Phoenix thought it was done when GSW in fact picked Curry.

Phoenix really liked Jrue Holiday, but because Kerr thought they had a deal for Curry lined up, he picked the 2nd choice on their board, Earl Clark instead. Then the Curry deal fell through and they got Clark and no Curry or Holiday and as he said obviously both those guys have turned out to be pretty good.

They had actually offered Holiday a promise prior to the draft but his agent declined because he thought Jrue was going higher than Phoenix.

Kerr also said they picked Clark over Holiday because of NEED instead of higher potential and talent.


ASFN Addict
Oct 16, 2007
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In a van...down by the river.
Also as of right now I am going to say Blanks has done ok and at least we are moving in a good direction with his moves.
I know that its your job to be positive on this board SweetD...but could you try to disguise it a little better? :lol: Being optimistic is one thing,but your statement is a bit delusional. The Suns have failed to replenish the roster consistently since Sarver took the reigns.

As for Sarver's current staff....getting Gortat into a Suns uniform was a nice move. The rest has been just plain dumb and without foresight. Nash and Hill are still here surrounded by scrubs,and there are zero assets going forward.

I'm pretty convinced we have no qualified basketball people in the front office.


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Jan 15, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
I know that its your job to be positive on this board SweetD...but could you try to disguise it a little better? :lol: Being optimistic is one thing,but your statement is a bit delusional. The Suns have failed to replenish the roster consistently since Sarver took the reigns.

As for Sarver's current staff....getting Gortat into a Suns uniform was a nice move. The rest has been just plain dumb and without foresight. Nash and Hill are still here surrounded by scrubs,and there are zero assets going forward.

I'm pretty convinced we have no qualified basketball people in the front office.

Sarver does not make personel desions that is the responability of the GM and player opps.

Our biggest problem was D'Antoni shipping off the Rookies at that time, because he didn't want to develop them. But not many 21st picks make it in the NBA, Rondo was a miss big time for this team, but the pick up of Barbosa (Bryan C) and Dragic (Kerr) were steals.

Babby screwed this team with Childress (Although seemed like an ok deal, but with Hill, Dudley and Richardson/Carter) was a bad move. Warrik was a huge miss and Turk's deal was just BS (Thank goodness for Blanks being able to move that contract!)

When you have a team like the Suns have for years you can't build the team off of rookies since your cap space and playing time will be limited. When Amare left the talent level did drop, but just like JJ you can't over pay for someone, either. The only problem unlike when JJ left the team did not have the talent or cap space to improve.

I am just stating my opinion and the facts of who made what moves. I have been a Suns fan since the 80's and seen many poor and great moves from all GMs/Owners.

*Penny, Nance, Thunder Dan, Joe Berry Carrol, Marberry (To an extent), Kurt Thomas,


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Jan 15, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
Really? We are treading water and the only direction we are moving is backwards, ESPECIALLY if Nash leaves. This could be the most important draft since Amare--heck, maybe even MORE important--and you'll be hard pressed to find anyone who believes Blanks and Babby will be successful with it. Crossing fingers...

I agree this team needs to rebuild, but just like every team. Every team has gone through this. What do you think Boston is going to have to do, once KG, Allen, Pierce go. Bulls after Jordan, Celtics after Bird, Cavs after Nance/James.

Teams go up and down and NO team will be a top team every year. With the CBA, Draft and cap the NBA provides teams like Seattle/Oklahoma, Bulls to rebuild, but you have to take some bad seasons with that.

Boston/Miami did it by making big splashes in Free Agentcy. Which the New CBA is trying to eliminate. And the onesided trades the Lakers got.

The Spurs are the only ones I can say that have been steady, but that was also because they had one bad year. With Robinson being out that year and them able to draft Duncan.


May 10, 2007
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I agree this team needs to rebuild, but just like every team. Every team has gone through this. What do you think Boston is going to have to do, once KG, Allen, Pierce go. Bulls after Jordan, Celtics after Bird, Cavs after Nance/James.

Teams go up and down and NO team will be a top team every year. With the CBA, Draft and cap the NBA provides teams like Seattle/Oklahoma, Bulls to rebuild, but you have to take some bad seasons with that.

Boston/Miami did it by making big splashes in Free Agentcy. Which the New CBA is trying to eliminate. And the onesided trades the Lakers got.

The Spurs are the only ones I can say that have been steady, but that was also because they had one bad year. With Robinson being out that year and them able to draft Duncan.

luck was on their side when they were able to draft duncan at #1, they beat the odds with pure luck. where would they be without duncan?


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Jan 15, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
I tend to equate babby and blanks as basically the same guy..

That is part of the problem Blanks came in after all the BS shopping spree Babby did. Kerrs "retirement" and Amare's exoduse, kinda put us into a tailspin for that draft/free agency.


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Jan 15, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
luck was on their side when they were able to draft duncan at #1, they beat the odds with pure luck. where would they be without duncan?

So did the Bulls to get Rose. But they still had to be bad the year before. But having picks doesn't always mean success just look at the Kings, from all we can tell they have good draft picks, but still can't put it together. The Suns are not picking in the top 5, so it is really hard to change a team with youth if your not picking in the top 5.


All Star
Oct 14, 2009
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was it going to be at the expense of Amare? If so, it wouldn't have mattered. Nash/Marion/KG wouldn't have won squat. But Nash/KG/Amare would have destroyed worlds.
No it was actually Marion to the Celtics, the #5 and Al Jefferson to the Wolves, and Garnett to Phoenix. The reason it didn't fall through was because Marion didn't want to sign a extension.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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That is part of the problem Blanks came in after all the BS shopping spree Babby did. Kerrs "retirement" and Amare's exoduse, kinda put us into a tailspin for that draft/free agency.

If Babby is the brains of the Suns FO, what has Blanks done so well to be the Suns GM? He must have done something major besides not being able to provide a supporting cast for Lebron. JJ Hickson was not gold. I can't believe the Cavaliers did not trade for Amare on the chance they could have kept Lebron happy. From what I have seen Blanks does not interview well, so there must be something to hang his hat on. I guess he is supposed to be a good talent evaluator but I guess I'm not seeing it... at least not yet.


May 10, 2007
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So did the Bulls to get Rose. But they still had to be bad the year before. But having picks doesn't always mean success just look at the Kings, from all we can tell they have good draft picks, but still can't put it together. The Suns are not picking in the top 5, so it is really hard to change a team with youth if your not picking in the top 5.

but in those two cases of duncan and rose, i know its hindsight but can you say that when you're picking #1 would you really have picked any other player other than duncan or rose?

and for this years draft, i think there are some players that can change your team relatively quick in nba years. we sure could use some luck in the draft as well as another pick this year.


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Jan 15, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
If Babby is the brains of the Suns FO, what has Blanks done so well to be the Suns GM? He must have done something major besides not being able to provide a supporting cast for Lebron. JJ Hickson was not gold. I can't believe the Cavaliers did not trade for Amare on the chance they could have kept Lebron happy. From what I have seen Blanks does not interview well, so there must be something to hang his hat on. I guess he is supposed to be a good talent evaluator but I guess I'm not seeing it... at least not yet.

We was the protegy of Dumars in Detroit and a scout for the Spurs.

I agree not to sold on his public speaking ability.

Blanks traded Hedo's contact that was big for me, I am not saying he has done great, I just think Babby's moves are being put on him. With the lockout, new CBA and only one year, he hasn't had the chance to show if he is good or bad. Many teams didn't make huge moves with the New CBA, most GM's are still trying to figure it out and how it will change personal moves.


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Jan 15, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
but in those two cases of duncan and rose, i know its hindsight but can you say that when you're picking #1 would you really have picked any other player other than duncan or rose?

and for this years draft, i think there are some players that can change your team relatively quick in nba years. we sure could use some luck in the draft as well as another pick this year.

Well look at the Thunder, #2 Durrant, #3 Harden, #4 Westbrook. That was very good luck and sucking for years. Plus they picked up Ibaka with #24 which goes to show there player eval is doing well to get a piece that fits. But when you don't have many wholes, unlike the Suns you can find what will fit.


May 10, 2007
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So did the Bulls to get Rose. But they still had to be bad the year before. But having picks doesn't always mean success just look at the Kings, from all we can tell they have good draft picks, but still can't put it together. The Suns are not picking in the top 5, so it is really hard to change a team with youth if your not picking in the top 5.

Well look at the Thunder, #2 Durrant, #3 Harden, #4 Westbrook. That was very good luck and sucking for years. Plus they picked up Ibaka with #24 which goes to show there player eval is doing well to get a piece that fits. But when you don't have many wholes, unlike the Suns, you can find what will fit.

which is why we need to stop looking for a NEED in this draft, but get two picks, use them to get the best two players regardless of position. this would be a great draft for that tactic, and with us being in such a lowly position in the NBA.


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Jan 15, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
I did like this saying from Blanks on Monday. When asked about free agents and the draft..

“Right now, we’re overly focused on this draft because we want to hit it right,” Blanks said. “If that means the duplication of a spot, then so be it, because at the end of the day you want to have talented players in this league to contribute to your roster.”


May 10, 2007
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I did like this saying from Blanks on Monday. When asked about free agents and the draft..

“Right now, we’re overly focused on this draft because we want to hit it right,” Blanks said. “If that means the duplication of a spot, then so be it, because at the end of the day you want to have talented players in this league to contribute to your roster.”

that's great to hear


Next Up
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Jan 15, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
which is why we need to stop looking for a NEED in this draft, but get two picks, use them to get the best two players regardless of position. this would be a great draft for that tactic, and with us being in such a lowly position in the NBA.

I would love to see us pick up a pick in the 16-23 range. Houstan, Orlando, Boston, Atlanta maybe all players to get a pick from. The only question is what assest can we even afford to move or would they be willing to take.

I can see Frye as maybe the only piece with value that wouldn't hurt the team. Dudley, Morris and Lopez would all be a set back if we did it for a pick. Plus if we give up a future pick I think we are going be in the lotto, barring any major trades/free agents.


ASFN Addict
May 28, 2002
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Of course $arver is cheap. Being over the cap doesn't mean squat on this account.

When you sell draft picks, you are cheap.

People don't realize that $arver is an idiot when it comes to money (par for the course with him being a banker) and he defaults to 'cutting costs'.

So he sells a pick, trades a way a player to not pay luxury tax. Which shows his cheapness.

Then he realizes his error that he screwed his team, so he goes oh excrement, and overpays for someone else.

Many of the examples are of him trading picks and players to get under a luxury tax, realizing we sucked, then trading more picks, players, signing anyone with a pulse, being over the luxury tax, so trading away more players and picks, realizing we suck, trading more picks, players, and signing anyone with a pulse. This has been what we've done under $arver. Rinse. Repeat. Wait for another year to do the same.

He's wishy washy. He destroyed the team for supposed 'savings', then blew the savings because he realized he made an error. Only to go back to 'savings' mode, only to realize he made another error. So he destroyed the team even more. Each time he went through this idiotic process he left the cupboard less stocked. We lucked into Gortat and Dudley. Made a decent pick of Morris. But that's really it. Nash/Hill aren't long term plans, and both might not be here this year.

I called it the entire way, and also said it was a possibility when he took over as he was a new owner that was going to have to learn how to be an owner. I hoped he wouldn't hurt the Suns that much. My worst fears weren't horrible enough to compare to what he has done. It was unfathomable to me that anyone could be as clueless as $arver has been.

Had he just spent a few million up front to keep his talent and draft the guys that were there, we'd probably of won multiple championships. Even if we didn't. We'd have a ton of talent, had many good runs, and be loaded with talent still.

In the end in his short term quest to save money, he ended up destroying his revenue base and quality of product. He can't even sniff Sterling's jockstrap. He both destroys the team AND can't make money. At least Sterling made money. Colangelo left him the most talent and stockpiled draft picks a team could possibly have and $arver fiddled his way until we're where we are.

One way to look at cheapness is total amount spent. Another is the way he went about spending that money. His incompetence shows that he tried to be cheap, didn't save any money, and destroyed the team in the process. The motivating factor for all these decisions, was money. He's cheap AND incompetent and that's why the Suns have spent that much money.
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Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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Well look at the Thunder, #2 Durrant, #3 Harden, #4 Westbrook. That was very good luck and sucking for years. Plus they picked up Ibaka with #24 which goes to show there player eval is doing well to get a piece that fits. But when you don't have many wholes, unlike the Suns you can find what will fit.

To be fair Durant was the only one of the 3 that was obvious who they should pick. They got ripped for taking Westbrook that high and they took flack for taking Harden high too.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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To be fair Durant was the only one of the 3 that was obvious who they should pick. They got ripped for taking Westbrook that high and they took flack for taking Harden high too.

An argument could be made that Portland helped the Thunder out by drafting Oden. :)


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Jan 15, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
Of course $arver is cheap. Being over the cap doesn't mean squat on this account.

When you sell draft picks, you are cheap.

People don't realize that $arver is an idiot when it comes to money (par for the course with him being a banker) and he defaults to 'cutting costs'.

So he sells a pick, trades a way a player to not pay luxury tax. Which shows his cheapness.

Then he realizes his error that he screwed his team, so he goes oh excrement, and overpays for someone else.

Many of the examples are of him trading picks and players to get under a luxury tax, realizing we sucked, then trading more picks, players, signing anyone with a pulse, being over the luxury tax, so trading away more players and picks, realizing we suck, trading more picks, players, and signing anyone with a pulse. This has been what we've done under $arver. Rinse. Repeat. Wait for another year to do the same.

He's wishy washy. He destroyed the team for supposed 'savings', then blew the savings because he realized he made an error. Only to go back to 'savings' mode, only to realize he made another error. So he destroyed the team even more. Each time he went through this idiotic process he left the cupboard less stocked. We lucked into Gortat and Dudley. Made a decent pick of Morris. But that's really it. Nash/Hill aren't long term plans, and both might not be here this year.

I called it the entire way, and also said it was a possibility when he took over as he was a new owner that was going to have to learn how to be an owner. I hoped he wouldn't hurt the Suns that much. My worst fears weren't horrible enough to compare to what he has done. It was unfathomable to me that anyone could be as clueless as $arver has been.

Had he just spent a few million up front to keep his talent and draft the guys that were there, we'd probably of won multiple championships. Even if we didn't. We'd have a ton of talent, had many good runs, and be loaded with talent still.

In the end in his short term quest to save money, he ended up destroying his revenue base and quality of product. He can't even sniff Sterling's jockstrap. He both destroys the team AND can't make money. At least Sterling made money. Colangelo left him the most talent and stockpiled draft picks a team could possibly have and $arver fiddled his way until we're where we are.

One way to look at cheapness is total amount spent. Another is the way he went about spending that money. His incompetence shows that he tried to be cheap, didn't save any money, and destroyed the team in the process. The motivating factor for all these decisions, was money. He's cheap AND incompetent and that's why the Suns have spent that much money.

Ownership GROUP does not make personal moves plan and simple, Saver went along to help get Nash and learned from the JJ deal to stay out of it. It is the GM's role, to deal with picks/players. Name me one team that has not sold off picks that were in the 20's. Heck we got two good players over the years in Dragic and Barbosa for teams "selling their picks" Outside of Rondo (D'Antoni) what other "sold" pick would have been worth keeping?

Deng (Colagelo) was a hand shake deal that went south before the draft and before Sarver, Rudi Fernandez, Nate Robinson??? outside of that we have kept our picks or they are out of the league.

Would you prefer it be like before with backcourt 2000 for three more years?
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Next Up
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Jan 15, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
To be fair Durant was the only one of the 3 that was obvious who they should pick. They got ripped for taking Westbrook that high and they took flack for taking Harden high too.

Yep and thanks to Portland it happened. It only takes one great pick to build a team around. Just those players don't drop or get traded often. Unless your the Lakers with Kobe. :)

There are a few projects like JJ was but with the new CBA, teams are just going to hold on to these players.

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