Phoenix WON'T Sign Kobe!


Suns are my Kryptonite!
Jan 3, 2003
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Laveen, AZ
I was watching the amazing play of Kobe in SoCal last week on TV while I was on vacation. Personally I don't like Kobe, but I have a new RESPECT for him after watching him play this last week. I think Barkley is wrong about Kobe not winning a Championship with another team. If he pairs with San Antonio, or a sign and trade is made with a team like the Mavs or Sac Town, whooie! :hulk: Resignedly, we WON'T get Kobe!

1. Collangelo got rid of Kidd for slapping his OWN wife. Why in the name of God would Jerry sign a kid who is accused of rape? Jerry C. has never taken chances like that on a player before (a guy accused of rape).

2. There are too many teams with GOOD players that can sign and trade Kobe from the Lakers. For eaxample, the Mavs have so many guys who can help LA. We would probably have to give Amare, and I don't think the C's will do that.

3. The D'Antoni and Kobe connection is talked about why Kobe will come to Phoenix. After this season, what says Mike will be here at the start of next season?

4. How many times have we seen the Suns switch gears in the last decade? You really think they have a plan? :shrug: I think Bryan C. is still winging it. :hulk:

5. Finally, even IF we get Kobe, teams have been eating our lunch in the middle of the key! That weakness will not be addressed with the Kobe trade. We need defense!! If we made a block buster trade, it better be for Ben Wallace or Jermaine O'Neal!! Among others. That would help the team more than Kobe. ;)

Prepared to get ANGRY :hulk: this summer because we won't get Kobe!! :wave:


The Payphone Man
Sep 30, 2003
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Peoria, AZ
Maybe we trade....

Marion and our pick for Oneal or a good Center
Then we sign Kobe.

Then our team would look like....

SG- Kobe
SF- Zarko
PF- Amare
C- J. O'Neal

Then we'd have a great team. This won't happen, but who said we can't dream! :wave: :thumbup:


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
There's no point dreaming about trades for players who aren't available. Jermaine O'Neal and Ben Wallace aren't going anywhere.

Bryant is slightly more realistic because, as an unrestricted free agent, he can go wherever he wants. He doesn't need the Lakers' cooperation to come to Phoenix, if that is his choice.


Registered User
Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Colangelo has a fascination with Kobe, he would sign him regardless of off court problems.

Colangelo traded Kidd because he wasn't going to be able to resign him, and he knew it. The wife beating was the last straw, but mostly a PR cover up IMO. Anyways, even if he wasn't traded immediately after that, he would have been before his deal ran up.

So far, the Lakers have publically said they will not do a sign and trade with Kobe, no matter what. A lot of this is mind games I think. For example, if the Lakers said they weren't against it, Kobe might push hard for it. The only way Kobe gets a sign and trade is if he publically says he is leaving the Lakers, and joing "x team". At that point, the Lakers may try and convince a sign and trade. At that point though, it is usually to the team he committed to sign with, not another team that wants to jump in (although you never know). A perfect example is Grant Hill and Tmac. Both those players were ready to sign straight out, then their old teams decided on a sign and trade at the last moment.

While it is still unlikely he joins the suns (I am at 80% lakers, 20% phoenix, 0% anyone else), I don't think any of your reasons are why.


Heavily Redacted
Jul 30, 2002
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The Suns don't have to sign and trade for Kobe.

If they get rid of Jahidi they can pay him the MAX. All those other teams you mentioned would have to sign and trade because they don't have any cap room.

Another thing you're forgeting is that teams don't have to give equal value in a sign and trade.

If for example Kobe wanted to play for the Mavs he would simply come to the Suns get a big offer, go back to the Lakers and say, "Do a sign and trade for Michael Finley or I sign with the Suns and you get nothing."

The Lakers may or may not go for something like this.

I have heard often that Kobe wants his own team. In Dallas he would be the last piece not the main cog. I can't see him going to Sac. The Lakers would never let themselves be leveraged by the Kings.

The only way I could see the Lakers doing a sign and trade would be to an Eastern conference team but I've never heard that Kobe wants to go to the East.

Bottom line is that should he opt out Kobe is unrestricted and holds all the cards.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
There have always been two issues:

1. Is Kobe likely to come to the Suns? (Not likely, but not totally out of the question).

2. Is there a better use of the cap money than signing Kobe? It is unlikely, because no one who is available is a top tier player at any position. Besides Kobe, I don't think that anyone available as a FA who has been an All Star over the past couple of years, let alone in the elite dozen or so players.

To follow up on that:

A. Would the Colangelos refuse to sign Kobe due to his legal problems? Jerry made it clear that he would not hold the charges against Kobe if he is acquitted. The Suns management has done nothing to diminish spectulation about Kobe.

B. Would Kobe fit in? I worry about whether any new player would fit in, but I'm not sure it is a significant problem. He has not had a problem fitting in with the other Lakers lately.

C. Would the Suns be better off with another great big man? Yes. However, there are none available through FA this summer and it does not look much better in 2005. Trades are always a posibility, but all appear really unlikely. (On another board, there is a guy who wants to give whatever it takes to get Dalembert, but cannot explain why the Sixers would trade an up and coming center).

D. Can the Suns get to the finals without adding a big man? A lot depends on whether Lampe turns into a center or a shooting guard. Voskuhl is a decent backup and Dice is a very good situation player, but Lampe is the only big guy who could become an upper level center. But if he doesn't, the Suns will look like the Mavs but with Amare.


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
Yuma said:
1. Collangelo got rid of Kidd for slapping his OWN wife. Why in the name of God would Jerry sign a kid who is accused of rape? Jerry C. has never taken chances like that on a player before (a guy accused of rape).

Colangelo has publicly said that this is not a reason why we would not pursue Kobe Bryant.

2. There are too many teams with GOOD players that can sign and trade Kobe from the Lakers. For eaxample, the Mavs have so many guys who can help LA. We would probably have to give Amare, and I don't think the C's will do that.

The Lakers have gone ON RECORD saying they will not sign-and-trade Kobe Bryant. Not sure why. But that's beside the point. Outside of Orlando offering Tracy McGrady, I'm not sure anything that anybody offers the Lakers would get the ok from Kobe. It's not like Duncan or Garnett will be offered.

3. The D'Antoni and Kobe connection is talked about why Kobe will come to Phoenix. After this season, what says Mike will be here at the start of next season?
It's probably worthless to even speculate on this since there is really no proof one way or another. So this is just a non-issue.

4. How many times have we seen the Suns switch gears in the last decade? You really think they have a plan? :shrug: I think Bryan C. is still winging it. :hulk:

That's just frustration talking.

5. Finally, even IF we get Kobe, teams have been eating our lunch in the middle of the key! That weakness will not be addressed with the Kobe trade. We need defense!! If we made a block buster trade, it better be for Ben Wallace or Jermaine O'Neal!! Among others. That would help the team more than Kobe. ;)

HA! We do need a big man, no question about it. But outside of maybe 4 or 5 big men who would actually help us more than Kobe (and all of those big men aren't available), there is NOBODY in the league (that might be available) that can help us as much as Kobe.

Prepared to get ANGRY :hulk: this summer because we won't get Kobe!! :wave:

Of course, if he doesn't opt out, he'll be a traditional unrestricted FA next summer, so it's not the end of the world--that would mean both Kobe AND McGrady being available. We just happen to have the means (assuming Jahidi or Eisley is gone) THIS summer to go after Kobe instead of next.

Joe Mama

Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
The Dallas Mavericks have but one player who the LA Lakers would take in a sign in trade for Kobe Bryant. That is Dirk Nowitzki. All of their other players are drastically overpaid for old and injury prone.

Call me crazy, but I would rather have Kobe Bryant than Ben Wallace. The only big men I would rather have than Kobe Bryant are not even close to available. Those are guys like Tim Duncan, Kevin Garnett, Jake Tsakalidis :) etc. those are the when the guys who are going to provide the defensive presence this team needs and not totally clog the middle for Amare Stoudemire. Kobe Bryant would help to solidify the perimeter defense which is almost as big problem as the interior defense. Offensively he would make the team much, much better.

If he's available I think it's a no-brainer.

Joe Mama


Suns are my Kryptonite!
Jan 3, 2003
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Laveen, AZ
Joe Mama said:
The Dallas Mavericks have but one player who the LA Lakers would take in a sign in trade for Kobe Bryant. That is Dirk Nowitzki. All of their other players are drastically overpaid for old and injury prone.

Call me crazy, but I would rather have Kobe Bryant than Ben Wallace. The only big men I would rather have than Kobe Bryant are not even close to available. Those are guys like Tim Duncan, Kevin Garnett, Jake Tsakalidis :) etc. those are the when the guys who are going to provide the defensive presence this team needs and not totally clog the middle for Amare Stoudemire. Kobe Bryant would help to solidify the perimeter defense which is almost as big problem as the interior defense. Offensively he would make the team much, much better.

If he's available I think it's a no-brainer.

Joe Mama

Joe, I was watching a Minnesota game the other night and THEIR announcers were talking that Garnette was being shopped by Minnesota. They say his contract is still a big barrier to a trade!! However, he is supposedly AVAILABLE! :)


May 22, 2002
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No brainer can be taken two ways...I doubt that Kobe's legal problems will be resolved by the time the free agency pursuit date arrives. Will the Colangelos take the chance of waiting for a possible rejection.

I am sure the prosecution has lots of little surprises up their sleeves...did anyone read that the defense wanted to bring in a girl who worked at the desk of the hotel that the Lakers stayed at in Portland. At the time I thought it would help the prosecution case more than the defense. Supposedly Kobe asked her to sleep with him and she declined. The defense thought that this would help their case as he took the rejection very well. To me it shows a pattern of repeated bad moral judgements. BTW two days later Kobe cut his hand carrying boxes. Wonder if his wife had anything to do with his hand being cut instead???????How many other hotels has Kobe found a nice looking girl and was forward in those cases. None of this escapes the brains of the C's. I am sure several of our players have done the same thing, and maybe that is why some of them are no longer around.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Joe, I was watching a Minnesota game the other night and THEIR announcers were talking that Garnette was being shopped by Minnesota.

If they flop in the playoffs again this year, they might have to consider that, but it would mean blowing the team up and starting all over.

Starting next season, Garnett's relatively modest extension kicks in. He'll make "only" $16 million in 2004-05. If the Wolves really want to shop him, I think they'll find takers. A typical team could come up with $16 million by including, say, someone on a "regular max" contract, their best young player or two, and a draft pick. Seattle jumps out as one possibility, with Ray Allen as the other big name; Allen's contract is up after next year, so it would be the perfect opportunity for Minnesota to rebuild. For a team under the cap, making a decent offer for Garnett would be even easier.

If the Suns were offered Garnett for Marion and a pick or two, I think they'd accept on the spot. If it were me, I'd probably do Marion and Lampe, or Marion and Johnson, or Marion and whatever young player the Wolves wanted, with the obvious exception of Stoudemire. It's true that Garnett's failures in the playoffs (so far) are worrisome, but I think he's going to keep getting hungrier until he finally breaks through, the way Jordan did.

If the Wolves flop this year, however, I think it's much more likely that they'll try to move some combination of Szczerbiak, Olowokandi, and/or Sprewell, either for an expiring deal (in which case Sprewell would not be part of the package) or to a team with cap space (in which case, hmmm, Sprewell would not be part of the package :rolleyes: ).


May 22, 2002
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I doubt they would get rid of Garnett...the package deal of two or more of the other combination is more of a reality.

One question: Everyone a few years ago fell in love with Marion....all I read about lately is trading him during the off big mistake if they ever did. You young guys are sure fickled!


Registered User
Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Any little tricks the proecution has up their sleeve will be demolished by the defense. Whether or not he Kobe did it, he is getting aquitted (if it even goes to trial). The defense team just overpowers anything the prosecution does, they dont have a chance. Im not saying he is totally innocent, I am just being realistic.

With that said, the Cs will most likely look the other way. They have always valued character, but not above winning. That is why Barkley was brought in. Like I have said earlier, the JK trade was made more on future implication of his conract than on his personal life. It just gave a reason to trade the best pg in the NBA, with a little fan backlash.

If Kobe opts out, the suns will make a run at him. Even if they dont clear Eisley or White, I think they will still try. Colangelo made a mention earlier this year about how Kobe might accept les to come to a situation he likes, since he will have his endorsement money and such. (Of course I dont hink we have a chance with less than a max contract, but they will still try)


Registered User
Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
minercon said:
One question: Everyone a few years ago fell in love with Marion....all I read about lately is trading him during the off big mistake if they ever did. You young guys are sure fickled!

People have cooled off on the trade Marion front (I personally was never on it). However, when looking to improve the team, he is the most valuable asset the team is willing to give up. If you want a good player in a trade, you have to give something up.

A lot of Marion's detractors have been upset by his shot selection and decerased percentages earlier this year. He has steadily improved them in the last few months, and hopefully instead of taking a summer away from bball (and doing extensive weight lifting) he will casually practice to keep in form, but not tire himself out.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
thegrahamcrackr said:
People have cooled off on the trade Marion front (I personally was never on it). However, when looking to improve the team, he is the most valuable asset the team is willing to give up. If you want a good player in a trade, you have to give something up.

A lot of Marion's detractors have been upset by his shot selection and decerased percentages earlier this year. He has steadily improved them in the last few months, and hopefully instead of taking a summer away from bball (and doing extensive weight lifting) he will casually practice to keep in form, but not tire himself out.

I agree. At this point Marion is second tier player who may be slightly overpaid. He is very valuable, but not the kind of guy who can carry a team on his own. I just don't see anyone giving up an elite player or an underpaid big man (Dalembert for example) to get Marion.

None of the real world deals are going to be attractive. They will be ones for old, overpaid veterans on the down side of their career or else for a top player whose contract is about to expire and will too expensive to re-sign.

At this point the Suns are not likely to do anything on the trade front until they decide on Kobe. After that, they can looke for a cap balancing deal like the one that got the Spurs Turkoglu.

Joe Mama

Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
Yuma said:
Joe, I was watching a Minnesota game the other night and THEIR announcers were talking that Garnette was being shopped by Minnesota. They say his contract is still a big barrier to a trade!! However, he is supposedly AVAILABLE! :)

If those announcers seriously believe there is any, I repeat any, chance of Kevin Garnett being traded they should be fired immediately. When his contract was around $25 million per season it was a slight chance he could be traded. Of course it would have taken superstar players coming back to Minnesota to get it done. Kevin Garnett will not be traded any time soon. I'd bet one of my testicles on it. :)

On top of being one of the two best players in the NBA Kevin Garnett is also one of the most popular players, if not THE most popular player in the NBA.

Joe Mama

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Sun City
Joe Mama said:
If those announcers seriously believe there is any, I repeat any, chance of Kevin Garnett being traded they should be fired immediately. When his contract was around $25 million per season it was a slight chance he could be traded. Of course it would have taken superstar players coming back to Minnesota to get it done. Kevin Garnett will not be traded any time soon. I'd bet one of my testicles on it. :)

On top of being one of the two best players in the NBA Kevin Garnett is also one of the most popular players, if not THE most popular player in the NBA.

Joe Mama

This kind of stuff is too weird. I can't think of anyone not named Duncan I would trade Garnett for (that includes Kobe and Yao). He is a realitively young, healthy, and dominating big man. As it is now, he is cheaper than Webber.