other than the moves we know about (i.e. signing Padgett, Bell, Burke, etc.), I have this feeling that this is it for the Suns other than the possibility of Hunter coming back which as each day passes and he is not signed by someone else seems like more and more of a reality.
There are guys out there that I thought the Suns would move on and they haven't done any such thing. Incidently, I do believe that eventually the JJ deal with the Hawks will go through.
If my fears are accurate, I will be very disappointed in this off-season. What do you think?
There are guys out there that I thought the Suns would move on and they haven't done any such thing. Incidently, I do believe that eventually the JJ deal with the Hawks will go through.
If my fears are accurate, I will be very disappointed in this off-season. What do you think?