Why does it matter why he dived? What was the goal? Get the first down.
What did he do? Get the first down.
It is easy to say from a television that he could have run and might have been able to get a handful of extra yards (which wouldn't have mattered). Fitzgerald sees defenders in front of him and the first down marker.
I imagine in his mind he doesn't want to get caught from behind (which happens to everyone) and not get it. He doesn't want to get tackled from the side and not get it. He just wants to get the first down.
And he does. Look if he dived and we didn't get the first down I could see a complaint but the dive got him the first down and an extra yard.
Personally I just don't see why he did it and it seemed weird. 4th down and 11 yeah the goal is get the first down period, 3rd and 11 even unless you're in 4 down territory. 2nd and 11, sure you want a first down but the primary goal is get as many yards as you can, and hopefully stay in bounds.
That play was trivial in the whole scheme of things it just seemed extremely odd. I suspect the reason it bugged me at the time was ESPN making a big deal out of it like it was an incredible play, as I said originally it reminded me of the guy who slides into first base when running through is faster, so many times the announcer will applaud the hustle when it's not usually the best play.
That was the only reason I commented on Holian's original post because I thought it was weird at the time too so when he pointed it out, I said me too.