"..And in this corner.."
Cmon guys, this whole thread is lame itself!!
This is an historic NFL, not only Cards opportunity, and while we did give up the home game, we obtained some financial and preferential future considerations of some type, I heard..Or thought I read..
So is the problem that "Cardinals" isn't in both endzones, or is it that "49ers" IS in both end zones?? This is a
neutral sight, hence both logos like a Bowl game, and no matter what we gave up to be seen on National TV on ESPN, I for one would rather the Cards give up the one game atSDS which many call a neutral field anyway, and have the whole country get a looksee at what the Cards are becoming[the beginning of this year not withstanding], especially defensively..
I know we haven't showed what we're all about yet, and yes
I have been at the front of the Dennis Green-Oline-Clancy bashings, but no eternal offense meant-you all sound like a bunch of old women complaining about how nobody likes us Cards fans "BooHoo"!!
Jstadvl, I'm calling these so-called through and through Cards fans out-- Their descriptions of the Cards organization, dripping with bitter sarcasm[from the Latin "Ripping of the flesh" et al cannot go unchallenged by other loyal and true Cards Fans such as myself.
I will not call our team losers, pathetic, sad jokes, "noone wants to see us wingames" [Who Cares? Bend 'em all over, I always say!!]

Saying the NFL is setting us up to be the "Washington Generals" [to the Harlem Globetrotters I presume,] "A loser, moronic organization", this neutral sight game "a catastrophe", "not convinced the Cards organization wants to win either", "Cards rolling over every way possible..", "timidly giving up a home game..", "Bidwills too lame to protest..",
Red Viper, The last sentence of your post especially surprised me, because I thought the Bidwills sought this game out; they were not coerced in any way were they?
I have not read that spin put on the motives the Cards operated on in seeking out this game, but perhaps I didn't see an article, or interview, etc..
JstaDvl, I am trying hard to look respectfully at each person's motivations and frustrations on this thread about our 0-3 start. I know the vast majority of the posters in this thread bleed Cardinal Red and White even as I do..This season, so far I feel at turns repelled, betrayed, cursed, Hate the Cardinals, hate the Bidwills, Really Hated Dennis Green until his abrupt turnabout that it wasn't bad coaching[or not enough coaching ]ie from assistants and play from HISHishis players, then shouldered the bulk of the blame and responsibility, as a leader should[HAS TO] after Seattle, BUT STILL 2 WEEKS TOO LATE!! So now I've lost alot of respect for the head man.. Uh Oh, dissension within my mind and heart..Not Good!
My point to all fellow Cardinal Fanatical, fantastical "troopers"[no offense meant towards our uniformed men and women all over the world, GOD Bless Them!] is let us all together search for some perspective among the disappointing start, interesting middle, and fantastical finish The Cardinals will provide for us this year!! Circle the wagons, Our Cardinals are bloodied and raring to go at the scratch line! We will not stop, we will not waver-
All of us, current frustrations notwithstanding, will strive to the limitsas will our Cardinals, because Cards fans deserve it, the team deserves it, and ownership deserves it.
Sorry about the soapbox everyone, please throw bricks, they usually chase me off the box!