at this point i hope is McCoy the choice..i dont see how this kirby wilson(a running back coach)can rivatilize this anemic offense.a lot of chances horton will stay as a coordinator.. teams looking for offensive head coach
'Course it is jurblechy, so it's probably wrong. 95 percent chance.
Right now, somewhere, Whisenhunt is laughing his butt off!
If he is, it is on his living room couch with Mike Miller, Grimm & Bill Davis.
..... seriously what does Whiz have to laugh about?
Sent from Rugbymuffin's Super Phone
Pittsburgh same ole same ole. Ugh.
I will step back and hope it is just speculation.
Disappointed that it took about five responses before I read the word cheap.
If this is Hortons picks then I don't want him as headcoach. Next
Why? Thats exactly what those choices amount to. They would be cheap replacements. Really cant even be argued.
Agreed, is that the best he can do to inspire players and a shell-shocked fan base?
Pure speculation on my part but I wouldn't be shocked if the Cards leaked that as a way to explain why they haven't offered the job to Horton by now. The offensive staff is incredibly critical given the current state of the offense and an unproven OC with a defensive minded head coach is too big of a risk.
Here's an idea, how about we give these guys a chance if they are the selections?
Why? Thats exactly what those choices amount to. They would be cheap replacements. Really cant even be argued.
Here's an idea, how about we give these guys a chance if they are the selections?
I find it interesting that Jurecki throws these names out there yet no one else, either locally or nationally, jumps on the story.
Makes one wonder.
It couldn't possibly be that Ray Horton knows these guys and feels strongly that they would be great coordinators if given the chance.
Well duh. Still cheap options. Anyway you wanna slice it.