I think that yesterday was an embarrassing day for the NFL and what has become of instant replay and the rules' modifications.
First of all, there is NO reason whatsoever for the team of officails to have to spend a minute or two walking...yes, walking, mind you...over to the proverbial hood to review the play in question...
You simply have the lead official (referee) wear an earpiece and have the review officials relate the correct call to the referee...which would SAVE two to three minutes of superfluous waiting around.
Secondly...these rules modifications are absurd. It was clear to God (the supreme reviewer) and anyone else who viewed the play that Calvin Johnson CAUGHT the TD in the end zone...there is NO dispute...he caught the ball, he came down with two feet and he even bent down with the ball, and just because while he placing the ball on the turf it trickeled away, it's an INCOMPLETE PASS? You've got to be kidding everyone.
Thirdly, these...you CANNOT hit the QB penalties are a joke. In our game what was Calais Campbell supposed to do? He was arriving at Bradford a split second after he released the ball, and he tackled right through him. There was nothing dirty or extra about what he did. It was totally FUNDAMENTAL.
This game has been altered for the worse by pencil-necks who have never played a snap of football in their lives. Shame on Goodell. He's a schlock commissioner anyway. Pete Rozelle would have never allowed this great game to be comprimised as egregiously as this.
It's no wonder why we are looking at a lockout under Goodell. He's flat-out awful and one the main reasons why the game is losing its integrity.
Guess it's great his making his millions in the process. it's a joke.